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FM: Armenia willing to coop with EU in all fields of common interest

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  • FM: Armenia willing to coop with EU in all fields of common interest

    Armenia willing to cooperate with EU in all fields of common interest:
    Edward Nalbandian

    17:20 23.07.2014

    On July 22 Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian participated in
    the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the EU member states and
    Eastern Partnership countries held in Brussels, attended by the High
    Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
    Catherine Ashton, European Commissioner for Enlargement and European
    Neighbourhood Policy Åtefan Füle.

    Delivering a speech at the meeting, Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward
    Nalbandian mentioned that Armenia desires to develop its cooperation
    with EU, based on the results and progress achieved over the last

    `At the Vilnius summit, Armenia and the EU have reconfirmed their
    commitment to further develop and strengthen cooperation in all areas
    of mutual interest within the Eastern Partnership, stressing the
    importance updating the existing basis of our relations. We look
    forward to taking further steps in order to prepare a new legal basis
    of cooperation with the EU, which, on the one hand, can reflect what
    has been achieved in the course of Armenia's negotiations, and, on the
    other hand, will take into account the new realities', said the
    Foreign Minister of RA.

    Edward Nalbandian highlighted that the EU's consistent assistance and
    support play significant role in the realization of reforms in
    Armenia, the strengthening of democracy and institutional capacities.

    The Foreign Minister of Armenia stressed that numerous areas, starting
    from the political dialogue to judiciary and mobility partnership,
    from migration issues to institutional reforms and the increase of
    resources are on the agenda of Armenia-EU cooperation, he also
    mentioned Armenia's willingness to continue working in all the fields
    of common interest.

    The Minister noted that expanding mobility between our societies is a
    common goal and Armenia wishes to launch a dialogue on the exemption
    of visa regime based on the successful experience of EU-Armenia visa
    facilitation and readmission agreements.

    The Foreign Minister stressed the significance of the Protocol to the
    Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (which entered into force this
    March) on the basic principles for the participation of the Republic
    of Armenia in various EU programs, that allow Armenia to take part in
    different EU programs and expand bilateral sectoral cooperation.

    As per regional cooperation, Minister Nalbandian stated that Turkey
    continues blockading the border with Armenia and thus hinders the
    normalization of bilateral relations and the exploitation of transport
    and communication routes between Armenia and the EU.

    It is paradoxical that Turkey as a country which expresses willingness
    to join the EU has closed its border with a neighbouring country
    whereas free mobility is a fundamental principle throughout the
    territory of the EU.

    In his speech Edward Nalbandian welcomed the appointment of Herbert
    Salber as EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and wished
    him success in his mission.

    Touching upon the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict resolution process the
    Foreign Minister of Armenia emphasized that in response to numerous
    calls of the Presidents of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair states,
    unlike Azerbaijan, Armenia consistently reaffirmed its commitment to
    the principles of the international law, in particular the non-use of
    force or threat of force, equal rights and self-determination of
    peoples and territorial integrity. He also expressed regret for the
    absence of political will in Azerbaijan which is expressed through the
    continuous rejection of all proposals by the Minsk Group Co-Chairs.

    `We absolutely agree that peoples should be prepared for peace, not
    war. Unfortunately, Azerbaijan is doing just the opposite by
    continuing its bellicose and provocative rhetoric, propaganda of
    xenophobia, intolerance and hatred, which along with its provocations
    on the line of contact with Nagorno-Karabakh and on the border with
    Armenia leads to raising tension and escalation of the situation in
    the region.

    We also appreciate that the European Union, on various occasions, has
    expressed its unequivocal support to the efforts of the Minsk Group
    co-chairs aimed at exclusively peaceful resolution to the conflict,'
    added Nalbandian.
