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Armavia Pays Overdue Wages Only to Those Employees Who Didn't Sue Co

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  • Armavia Pays Overdue Wages Only to Those Employees Who Didn't Sue Co

    Armavia Pays Overdue Wages Only to Those Employees Who Didn't Sue
    Company: Zhoghovurd

    07.23.2014 13:33

    The now defunct Armavia Armenian airline carrier owned by businessman
    Mikhail Baghdasarov has begun the process of paying the overdue wages
    of its former employees; however, receiving their wages are only those
    employees who didn't sue the company. This news was conveyed to local
    dailyZhoghovurd by former employees of the company.

    "Not everyone has received their wages. There are people whose final
    payment [owing] has not been calculated. None of the pilots have
    received [their overdue wages] -- only the flight attendants and
    engineers," said the paper's source.

    The newspaper attempted to find out from the company's financial
    director, Hrayr Sahakyan, at whose expense former employees' salaries
    were paid. "Those wages were paid through the company's owner's funds.
    As for the others, I don't know when and how much they'll get paid,"
    he said.
