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Military Specialists From Almost 100 Countries to Attend Russia's Av

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  • Military Specialists From Almost 100 Countries to Attend Russia's Av

    Military Specialists From Almost 100 Countries to Attend Russia's Aviadarts


    (c) RIA Novosti. Lesya Polyakova
    13:16 23/07/2014
    Tags: aircraft, Aviadarts, Viktor Bondarev, Lipetsk, Voronezh,
    Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, China,Belarus, Russia

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    MOSCOW, July 23 (RIA Novosti) - More than 90 countries are sending
    their military attaches to Russia's international air force crew
    competitionAviadarts, Lt. Gen. Viktor Bondarev, Russian Air Force
    commander-in-chief said Wednesday.

    "The costs [of organizing the competition] are comparable to those of
    the military training," Bondarev said, without providing the exact

    Aviadarts is a contest held since 2013 for professional military
    aircraft pilots to show off their skills in piloting, navigation and
    ground target engagement. This year the competition between more than
    80 Air Force crews from Russia, Belarus and China are held on the
    airfields of Voronezh, Lipetsk and on the military testing site
    Pogonovo in Voronezhskaya Region.

    Due to the growing popularity of Aviadarts, new military sites both in
    Russia and in participating countries may be engaged for the future

    As for 2015, the list of participants already includes Kazakhstan.
    Armenia and Kyrgyzstan are expected to take part as well.

    From: A. Papazian