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ISTANBUL: Shining crescent

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  • ISTANBUL: Shining crescent

    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    July 24 2014

    Shining crescent

    by Yusuf Kanli

    Turkey is a country in the first league of international diplomacy.
    Foreign Minister Ahmet DavutoÄ?lu was exuberantly boasting in comments
    to the media that `Turkey had become such an important and big player
    that even a fly could not fly in its region without Turkey being
    informed in the first place.'

    Opposition deputies since then have been ridiculing that statement as
    the shortest surviving joke of all ages. Can anyone imagine what great
    successes the Turkish foreign policy team has achieved over the past
    few years? The Armenia rapprochement was imposed by a hilarious lady
    who must have been aware in the first place that it would not work.
    However, protocols were signed. It could have been a great achievement
    but the Turkish team, like the Armenians, had accepted it under
    duress. Not only did neither of the two countries endorse it through
    their parliaments, they did whatever was possible to kill it. Thus,
    the Armenia front is heading to 2015 with prospects gloomier than

    There were red lines in the Iraq policies. No, Turkey would never,
    ever accept the Kurds carving out an independent state from Iraq. Now,
    Iraqi Kurds are inching towards transforming their de facto state into
    de jure, about to go to referendum for independence. Surprisingly, the
    principled and foresighted Turkish foreign policy team apparently
    still believes they are faced with a bluff in northern Iraq. In the
    meantime, a deputy chairman of the ruling party, also a Kurd, was
    rather happy, saying Turkey might be enhanced by embracing an
    independent Kurdistan.

    The Arab Spring was to bring democracy to the entire region. Through
    zigzagging yet apparently unforeseen policy undertakings, the region's
    `great country' became, in less than two years, a country advising its
    nationals to move out of two neighboring countries because being a
    Turk has become an added security risk in both Syria and Libya¦ Are
    things better in Iraq? No, the foreign minister aspiring to become the
    successor of Recep Tayyip ErdoÄ?an as premier and ruling Justice and
    Development Party's (AKP) leader could not prevent the Islamic State
    of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) from taking the Turkish consul, its
    entire staff and security, as well as some of their family members

    The prime minister is crying that he was no longer a telephone pal of
    American President Barrack Obama. They last talked in February. Still,
    if you believe it, Turkey is a shining star ` if not a crescent `
    thanks to its successful handling of foreign policy.

    A bad joke, is it not!?

