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Tragic 40th Anniversary of Turkish Invasion of Cyprus Marked

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  • Tragic 40th Anniversary of Turkish Invasion of Cyprus Marked

    The Jewish Voice
    July 24 2014

    Tragic 40th Anniversary of Turkish Invasion of Cyprus Marked

    Thursday, 24 July 2014 13:54 By: Daniel Pipes

    July 20, 2014 marked the gloomy 40th anniversary of the day that
    Turkish troops overpowered the tiny, almost undefended island of
    Cyprus in a brutal exercise of military might whose immorality only
    intensifies with the passing decades. Some thoughts in honor of the

    The invasion did not take place under Islamist rule: Although an
    Islamist (Necmettin Erbakan) served as deputy prime minister in a
    coalition government for almost all of 1974, he was not the key
    decision maker in Turkey. Rather, Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit, a
    leftist, enjoyed that privilege.

    The Ecevit-Erbakan cooperation in 1974 symbolizes a support among
    Turks of all political persuasions for the invasion of Cyprus that
    still persists. This near-unanimity is a basic fact of Turkish
    political life.

    That consensus will presumably remain in place until the Turkish
    occupation begins to take its toll - economic, diplomatic, or even
    military - on the Republic of Turkey. After 40 years, this has not
    even started, making one wonder if it ever will.

    But two recent developments could potentially change the dynamic by
    turning Turkish Cypriots against the status quo: (1) their frustration
    at being excluded from the incipient gas and oil bonanza on the island
    and (2) their growing resentment toward the ever-more autocratic
    Islamist overlords in Ankara. As the occupation is ostensibly for
    their benefit, if Turkish Cypriots want it ended, they just might make
    it happen.

    Also to note: the Republic of Cyprus (the southern, official part of
    the island) has, as I put it in recent article titles, both stepped on
    the world stage and joined the Middle East. It held the presidency of
    the European Union, prompted a world-shaking economic crisis, is
    becoming a significant energy exporter, and has newly-close links to
    Israel, the military powerhouse of its region. The "Cyprus Problem"
    now matters more to the outside world, which could be constructive.

    The occupation that began on July 20, 1974, still brings much
    suffering to what could be an idyllic Mediterranean island. It must be
    but a memory by the time the fiftieth rolls around.

    Occupation and even wholesale slaughter was not a new concept for the
    Turkish government. During World War I, the government of the Ottoman
    Empire killed approximately 1.5 million Armenians through mass
    shootings, forced marches, exposure, and starvation. It could not have
    taken place without WWI, which radicalized Turkish public opinion and
    freed the "Young Turks" from the constraints of international law. But
    the stage for genocide was set on February 8, 1914, when Europe's
    Great Powers forced the Turks to accept reforms they viewed as an
    existential threat.

    An ancient ethnic group attested as far back as the sixth century BCE,
    the Armenians weathered the rise and fall of empires for millennia
    before the Ottoman Turks finally conquered the multiethnic Caucasus
    region in the 16th century CE. During the heyday of the Ottoman
    Empire, the Christian Armenians enjoyed considerable religious freedom
    and legal autonomy under the Ottoman "millet" system, which allowed
    religious minority groups to live by their own traditional laws. tragic-40th-anniversary-of-turkish-invasion-of-cyprus-marked&catid=106:international&Itemid=289

    From: A. Papazian