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Former Glendale resident looks to revive Armenian winery tradition

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  • Former Glendale resident looks to revive Armenian winery tradition

    Glendale News Press, CA
    July 24 2014

    Former Glendale resident looks to revive Armenian winery tradition

    By Brittany Levine, [email protected]

    July 24, 2014 | 5:51 p.m.

    Not far from Varuzhan Mouradian's Armenian vineyard, volcanic stones
    from thousands of years ago dot the landscape of an ancient winery.

    Armenia is home to one of the oldest-known winemaking facilities,
    which researchers found in a cave a few years ago, but it's by no
    means a wine mecca.

    That didn't stop Mouradian, a former Glendale resident and wine
    enthusiast, from buying open land in a valley there and planting grape

    He dreams of turning his rows of Areni and Kakhet grapes, varietals
    indigenous to Armenia, into a boutique winery fit with a Chateau
    façade and tasting room -- a rarity in the country. He fell in love
    with boutique wineries in Napa and the Santa Ynez valleys when he
    lived in California and he wants to bring that same kind of ambience
    to his homeland, no matter the risks.

    "One day, I went with my wife to an Italian restaurant, and I looked
    at all these nice bottles of wine, and I said, 'Look, one day, I will
    be marrying wine. I will marry to the vine,'" he said from his home in
    Yerevan, which is about 15 miles from his vineyard in the Ashtarak
    Valley. "I am married to the vine and the wine is born from that

    There are about 20 winemaking enterprises in Armenia, according to a
    2012 report written by an Armenian think tank analyzing the potential
    growth for the country's wine sector. Comparatively, there are more
    than 3,700 bonded wineries in California, according to the Wine
    Institute, an advocacy group. Armenia and California are home to
    roughly 3 million and 38 million people, respectively.

    Most Armenian winemakers buy their grapes from small farms rather than
    growing their own, according to EV Consulting's report. Between 1976
    and 1980, Armenian wineries produced 88.4 million liters of wine,
    dropping to 6.8 million in 2011.

    EV Consulting attributed the slide to Soviet rule. Some winemakers
    still use outdated Soviet equipment and value quantity over quality,
    the report states.

    But Mouradian believes Armenia can improve its wine reputation and
    export fine wines. The government is slowly creating tax incentives to
    encourage the sector's growth, he said, and a handful of vintners like
    him want to create a tourist draw.

    "We don't have Armenia as a wine country on the map," Mouradian, 48,
    said. "I'm positive after five, six years, yes, Armenia will become
    one of the wine countries known by the world."

    Mouradian was born in Armenia, but moved to Glendale when he was 24 in
    search of job and life opportunities. He met his wife and they later
    had four children. He had a successful career and invested some of his
    money in Armenian land and property, with hopes of one day selling it
    and making a profit once the Armenian economy improved.

    But he became ill and could no longer take the stress of his job. He
    always admired his clients in the creative sector and yearned for a
    change of pace.

    "I was missing something," he said. "I thought I needed to do
    something creative."

    He and his family picked up and moved to Yerevan, but his eldest
    daughter, a student at UCLA, stayed behind. Soon after moving,
    Varuzhan reached out to his Armenian cousins to help him convert the
    open land he bought into a vineyard.

    Mouradian has the land, the grapes and has made a few test batches of
    blended wines, but he doesn't have a name for his winery and he hasn't
    put any bottles on the market.

    "We did a couple barrels just for testing purposes, that's all," he
    said. "I think they are good. They are perfect. Next year, I think
    we'll go a little further.",0,1641660.story
