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Political expert: OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs want to lobby the meeti

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  • Political expert: OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs want to lobby the meeti

    Political expert: OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs want to lobby the meeting
    between Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan

    Thursday, July 24, 15:24

    To all appearances, the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs want to lobby a
    meeting between the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan, Deputy
    Director of the Caucasus Institute, political expert Sergey Minasyan
    has told ArmInfo.

    According to Minasyan, the statement of the Co-Chairs says nothing
    new. "The Co-Chairs' problem is to find creative formulations every
    time. When the tension on the Line of Contact escalated, the Co-Chairs
    urged the sides to reduce the tension. After the Azeris' sabotage
    attack on Karvachar and the murder of 17-year-old Smbat Tsakanyan,
    they expressed serious concern about the increase in tensions and
    violence, including the targeted killings of civilians", says
    Minasyan. He adds that the OSCE Minsk Group can make diplomatic
    formulations only.

    Minasyan stresses that the Co-Chairs are trying to continue the
    Karabakh peace process. In this context, the consensus stance of the
    U.S., Russian, and French Co-Chairs is very important amid the global

    When asked how realistic the high-level meeting is on the margins of
    the UN General Assembly in New York, Minasyan points out that
    everything depends on whether the mediators will be able to exert
    pressure on Azerbaijan and to lobby that meeting. The expert says that
    the Co-Chairs are doing their best to continue the peace process but
    one should expect no breakthrough in the foreseeable future.

    To remind, on July 23 the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group
    (Ambassadors Igor Popov of the Russian Federation, James Warlick of
    the United States of America, and Pierre Andrieu of France) released a
    statement. "The Co-Chairs expressed their serious concern about the
    increase in tensions and violence, including the targeted killings of
    civilians, along the Line of Contact and the Armenian-Azerbaijani
    border. They urged the parties to commit themselves to avoiding
    casualties and rejected the deliberate targeting of villages and the
    civilian population. They called on the Foreign Ministers to defuse
    tensions and adhere to the terms of the ceasefire. The Co-Chairs and
    Foreign Ministers also discussed possible agenda items for a
    presidential summit, underscoring the importance of a meeting between
    the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan for achieving progress in
    peace negotiations. They also discussed meetings which could take
    place in New York on the margins of the UN General Assembly", says the

    To note, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic has brought criminal charges against the Azeri raiders
    detained near Karvachar in early July. The press service of the Office
    reports that two Azeris were detained while attempting to cross the
    border last week: Gulin Shahbaz Jalaloglu, who had a silenced
    Kalashnikov assault rifle, a Makarov pistol and two frag grenades, and
    Dilham Gardashhan, a Kalashnikov assault rifle and a Makarov pistol.
    The third Azeri showed resistance and was killed. Both Jalaloglu and
    Gardashhan have been arrested and are facing the charge of illegal
    crossing of state border. A special investigation group is inquiring
    into the case. The Armenian side also suffered losses: Major Sargis
    Abrahamyan (born in 1972) was killed, a woman, Karina Davtyan (born in
    1977) was wounded, and 17-year-old Smbat Tsakanyan was kidnapped and
