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Detained Azerbaijani saboteur has mysteriously avoided punishment fo

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  • Detained Azerbaijani saboteur has mysteriously avoided punishment fo

    Detained Azerbaijani saboteur has mysteriously avoided punishment for
    drug trafficking in his home country

    16:56 24/07/2014 >> REGION

    Dilham Askerov, the member of an armed group of Azerbaijanis detained
    at the beginning of July in Karvachar, had earlier been under
    investigation in Azerbaijan on the charges of drug trafficking.
    Askerov was without any clear reasons released shortly after being
    arrested, informs.

    The Shamkhor police was informed that resident of Chinarli village
    54-year-old Dilham Askerov was cultivating narcotic plants. As a
    result of investigations conducted in Askerov's house and yard one and
    a half kilogram of dried marihuana was confiscated, reported Magerram
    Mamedov the head of the crime detection unit of Shamkhor region police

    Dilham Askerov's co-villagers, 54-year-old Mubariz Mehdikhanov and
    30-year-old Elbrus Ismayilov, were assisting him in implementation of
    drug trafficking . As a result of the investigation a criminal case
    was brought against the three suspects.

    The resident of Chinarli village, who wished to remain anonymous, told
    the website that Askerov often used to leave for Russia for earning
    money and seldom appeared in the village. He had moved to the village
    from Karvachar (former Kelbajar) and each out of the seven thousand
    village residents knew him.

    Earlier a video showing how Askerov was detained for drug trafficking
    was disseminated by the Azerbaijani mass media . When asked by the
    website to comment on the situation the Shamkhor police department
    stated that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan had gave
    them precise orders not to provide any information on this issue.

    In its turn website wonders how a man who had been detained
    in April on drug trafficking charges could appear in Karvachar just
    two months later and why the official bodies of Azerbaijan refuse to
    comment on the situation.

    According to the data provided by the NKR police, Azerbaijani citizens
    Shahbaz Guliyev (1968), Dilham Askerov (1960) as well as the person
    whose identity is not known on 29 June 2014 had illegally crossed the
    NKR state border, carrying weapons and ammunition, and penetrated into
    the territory of Shahumyan region of the republic with the purpose of
    gathering intelligence. These individuals were collecting intelligence
    and doing espionage by special order. Moreover, on July 4, with the
    use of arms they kidnapped an underage citizen of NKR Smbat
    Mekhakovich Tsakanyan whose body, was found with gunshot wounds on 15
    July in the forest belt between Karvachar and Manashid of Shahumyan
    region. Besides, the person whose identity is not known, on July 11,
    in the evening , on the 32nd kilometre of Vardenis-Karvachar road out
    of national hatred shot a citizen of Yerevan Sargis Samvelovich
    Abramyan (1971) and inflicted gunshot wounds to the resident of
    Dzoraghbyur village in Kotayk region of the Republic of Armenia. This
    unidentified man showed armed resistance during his detention
    operation and was neutralized. Shahbas Guliyev and Dilham Askerov are
    detained and arrested.
