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Ceasefire 20: Information war rages on despite two decades of truce

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  • Ceasefire 20: Information war rages on despite two decades of truce

    Ceasefire 20: Information war rages on despite two decades of truce

    CEASEFIRE 20 | 17.05.14 | 07:53

    Angela Elibegova

    ArmeniaNow reporter

    During the Karabakh war and the following 20 years of ceasefire
    information war has been a constant 'companion' of the conflict.

    Angela Elibegova, a specialist in Azerbaijani studies based in
    Yerevan, says as the winning side in the war Armenia didn't pay much
    attention to the informational confrontation for a long time, however
    when Azerbaijan started intensively distorting various facts about the
    conflict and the war and spreading them Armenia began developing a
    wide range of response mechanisms on an official level.
    Enlarge Photo
    Karen Vrtanesyan

    Since 2009 a big group of multi-profile specialists started working in
    Armenia. They managed to coordinate the information about the conflict
    and Karabakh and present them through books, websites and scientific

    "For instance, the project collected all the photographs
    that the Azerbaijani side was using in various brochures, posters and
    found out that they have no relation to the Khojalu events. Thus,
    Azerbaijan started not using photographs in their brochures and
    posters at all. Besides, the portal was launched.
    It contains comprehensive information about the 1987-1992 events in
    Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh and some other programs as well," the
    expert says.

    Expert in information affairs Karen Vrtanesyan says there has been
    informational persistence from the very first days of the conflict and
    even before that, during the Soviet years mainly expressed through
    scientific articles. During the recent years internet hacking attacks
    have become a major part of informational confrontation, which takes
    place on some significant days in the history of the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict.

    "After the war the Armenian side started dealing with its internal
    problems and the Azerbaijani side started getting active. The more
    they recovered the more active they acted in the informational sphere.
    Thus, the farther we departed from the war the more intensive
    Azerbaijani campaigning grew. If we follow the rhetoric there is an
    impression that the active war hasn't ended yet," Vrtanesyan notices.

    Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in his public speeches often uses
    military rhetoric - he usually says that sooner or later Karabakh is
    going to be returned to Azerbaijan, he also likes to mention the
    indexes of emigration of Armenia emphasizing that Azerbaijan is
    superior to Armenia both by population and by natural resources, thus
    they can easily win Armenia. Co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group dealing
    with the peaceful resolution of the Karabakh conflict in all their
    announcements encourage not to use war rhetoric, emphasizing that it
    creates additional tensions. Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan is
    normally more reserved in his statements and more often from
    international stages he points at the fact that Aliyev uses bellicose
    rhetoric, saying that the Azeri leader openly preaches hatred and

    In February at the meeting of the Yerkrapah Volunteers' Union
    President Sargsyan turned to Azerbaijan with a detailed speech. He
    spoke about borderline incidents, about civilian and military victims
    as a result of ceasefire violations, saying that "this is murder and
    Azerbaijani campaign introduces this to their nation as a fight for

    "These murders follow another purpose as well - to regularly intensify
    the situation and preserve the fire of hatred bright towards all
    Armenians. Anti-Armenianism is the key idea around which they want to
    gather the new Azerbaijani nation and around which they want to form
    the so-called 'national ideology'. Hatred towards Armenians is turned
    into a synonym of patriotism," Sargsyan said.

    Armenian experts think that Aliyev's military rhetoric is very
    effective especially for the internal audience.

    "I normally call it a war-time campaigning. First of all, one of the
    purposes of their campaign is to hold their nation mobilized, directed
    towards Armenians and Armenia. Every problem in Azerbaijan is
    explained by Armenians, even in internal struggles when they want to
    get rid of somebody they say that the person's mother or father is an
    Armenian. The other purpose is to shift the attention from national
    problems to exterior enemy - Armenians," says Karen Vrtanesyan.

    Elibegova also stresses that Aliyev's military rhetoric is very
    effective for the internal audience. "They have taught their
    electorate to believe in everything, whatever comes from above, from
    the TV and never to analyze it. For 20 years they have been saying
    that soon they will liberate Karabakh, and all these 20 years they've
    believed in it. But, for instance, the younger generation who have
    never met an Armenian or know anything about Karabakh are quite
    indifferent to the question," says the specialist who closely follows
    the Azerbaijani media.

    Experts consider that a serious problem in the informational war
    between Armenia and Azerbaijan is the fact that Armenian media often
    reproduce Azerbaijani false information without checking the facts,
    without trying to receive more valid information from a third source.
    However, both Elibegova and Vrtanesyan say that this trend was more
    widespread a few years ago, nowadays Armenian media are more careful.

    "Our informational field is very diverse, there are media of various
    political directions, there are media that for promotional purposes
    bring more harm to Armenia than Azerbaijan itself. Azerbaijani media
    very often use Armenian politicians' statements which are supposedly
    directed towards the internal audience but come very handy for the
    Azerbaijani side. Particularly, Azerbaijan works very hard on the
    thesis of devaluating Armenia's victory in the war. One of such thesis
    is that Russia fought for us, but for Russia, Azerbaijan would have
    won, and this thesis was recently heard in Armenian media as well,"
    says Vrtanesyan.

    Vrtanesyan also notices that unlike Armenian media there is tense
    vertical supervision over Azerbaijani media. "The whole informational
    field is meticulously controlled, and all of it is done in a very
    coordinated manner, there is an impression that in the morning they
    receive a paper that has all they need to say and with a slight change
    the same campaigning thesis is being circulated."

    "In Azerbaijan you can clearly see the hierarchy, how orders come from
    above, how they get spread, what happens to journalists who don't
    agree with the rules of the game, like Rauf Mirkadirov (he was
    arrested on charges of spying for Armenia), Khadija Ismayilova (she
    was repeatedly blackmailed, spied on and a video on her personal life
    was found in the net). The rules of the game are very clear - either
    you are with the system or you are destroyed," Elibegova says.

    According to Freedom House's latest report, both Armenia and
    Azerbaijan remain among countries with 'not free press'. According to
    the 2014 report, Azerbaijani indexes appear very negative as the
    country is said to be going in a wrong direction. It is mostly about
    silencing independent opinions, among which the voices that are heard
    in the internet. Armenia is in a little better situation."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress