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BAKU: News efforts needed to settle Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

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  • BAKU: News efforts needed to settle Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

    AzerNews, Azerbaijan
    July 25 2014

    News efforts needed to settle Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

    25 July 2014, 16:47 (GMT+05:00)
    By Sara Rajabova

    The U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan said the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    needs renewed efforts to be resolved once and for all.

    "Peace would bring substantial benefits to people across the region
    and ensure Azerbaijan's prosperity into the future," Richard
    Morningstar said at a farewell event on July, 24.

    Morningstarsaid the United States would continue to work to resolve
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which emerged in 1988 over Armenia's
    territorial claims against Azerbaijan.

    "Obviously we and Azerbaijan sometimes look at these issues
    differently. But as with any partner, continued dialogue is important.
    We can have disagreements, but we need to keep talking," Morningstar,
    who completes his diplomatic mission by the end of summer 2014, said.

    He added that the U.S. needs to stand by Azerbaijan as it strives to
    maintain its sovereignty and independence.

    Morningstar further expressed regret about any kind of hostilities,
    casualties and tragedies on the Armenia-Azerbaijan contact line.

    He made the remark commenting on the recent incident that resulted in
    taking hostage of three Azerbaijanis by Armenian armed forces in
    occupied Kalbajar region.

    Earlier, Armenian media reported that the Armenian forces, during an
    operation in the occupied Kalbajar region's Shaplar village, killed an
    Azerbaijani, Hasan Hasanov and detained two other Azerbaijanis -
    Shahbaz Guliyev and Dilgam Asgarov. Armenia violated the international
    legal norms by taking hostage the Azerbaijani civilians as they didn't
    violate any border law between Armenia and Azerbaijan. They were on
    their own native Kalbajar region.

    The families of the Azerbaijanis have officially appealed to the
    International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Currently, the ICRC
    is in talks with the parties on this matter.

    "I know that co-chairs are very concerned about the conflict along the
    line of contact and that just again goes to show how this terrible
    conflict must be resolved," Morningstar said.

    Since a lengthy war in the early 1990s that displaced over one million
    Azerbaijanis, Armenian armed forces have occupied over 20 percent of
    Azerbaijan's internationally recognized territory, including
    Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjacent regions. The UN Security Council's
    four resolutions on Armenian withdrawal have not been enforced to this

    Long-standing efforts by U.S, Russian and French mediators have been
    largely fruitless so far.

    New envoy

    While commenting on the date of arrival of a new U.S. ambassador to
    Azerbaijan, Morningstar expressed hope about the rapid appointment of
    the new ambassador.

    "You know the Congress has been very slow on all kinds of
    conformations," he added. "But it has nothing whatsoever to do with
    Robert Cekuta or with Azerbaijan."

    Recently, U.S. President Barack Obama has nominated Robert F. Cekuta
    as the candidate to the post of a new ambassador to Azerbaijan.

    "I will suggest the new ambassador to stick to the principles that we
    have had for the last few years and recognize how important our
    relationship is. There are many parts of that relationship all of
    which have to pay attention to," Morningstar said.

    He further said Azerbaijan has proved its sovereignty and independence
    in many aspects.

    Morningstar went on to note that Azerbaijan remained faithful to
    laying Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, despite pressure from the

    "This pipeline has become the cornerstone of Azerbaijan's economy. The
    United States supported the pipeline, because this project has helped
    to maintain the sovereignty and independence of Azerbaijan and
    neighboring Georgia," he said.

    Morningstar said Azerbaijan's loyalty to the Southern Gas Corridor
    project is a courageous step.

    "I hope that our bilateral economic cooperation will develop not only
    in the energy sector but also in other spheres. I hope that bilateral
    trade and investment will increase even more," Morningstar said.

    From: A. Papazian