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Extreme Tourism in Azerbaijani

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  • Extreme Tourism in Azerbaijani

    Saturday, 19 July 2014 20:10

    Escalation of tension on the Line of Contact between the armed forces
    of Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan is increasingly becoming a topic of
    discussion for the international mediators in the Azerbaijani-Karabakh
    conflict settlement process, experts and the mass media. Recently,
    this issue has actualized even more in connection with the last week
    penetration into the territory of the NKR Karvachar region by an
    Azerbaijani sabotage and intelligence group, which was neutralized as
    a result of the operational activities of the Karabakh side.

    The incident caused a wide resonance, however, it should be noted
    that it didn't become something extraordinary. In the sense that the
    regular armed provocation of Azerbaijan fully fits into the Baku
    authorities' policy aimed at creating and maintaining an explosive
    situation at the contact-line. We have repeatedly noted that the
    Azerbaijani leadership usually destabilizes the situation ahead of a
    visit of high-ranking international mediators to the region or in
    anticipation of an important meeting under the auspices of the OSCE
    Minsk Group, which it considers as a means of pressure on the
    participants of the conflict settlement process - whether it's the
    co-chairs or Armenia. And it is really so, which makes it more likely
    to link the invasion of the Azerbaijani subversive group into the NKR
    territory with the upcoming round of talks between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan in Paris. However, I would like to emphasize that the
    shelling of the positions of both Armenian states, the intensity of
    the sniper war, the subversive raids of the Azerbaijani side lately
    show the steady upward trend, gaining a permanent and systematic

    The actions of official Baku convincingly prove its unwillingness to
    settle the conflict on the principles proposed by the OSCE Minsk Group
    co-chairmen. Moreover, the top political and military leadership of
    Azerbaijan is doing everything to frustrate the negotiation process.
    Just a couple of days before the current Azerbaijani armed
    provocation, in response to the request of the Public Television of
    Armenia, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a corresponding
    statement, expressing the common position of the OSCE Minsk Group
    co-chair states. It unequivocally reads: "We are reminding that the
    Joint Statement by the Presidents of Russia, the USA, and France,
    issued the last year in Lough Erne, calls for the heads of the parties
    to prepare their people for peace and not for war and to refrain from
    actions or statements that could increase the tension in the region
    and lead to the escalation of the conflict. We hope that this approach
    will prevail".

    As we can see, prevailing is not the common sense, but the desire of
    Baku to aggravate maximally the situation, bringing it to an extremely
    dangerous line. The Azerbaijani authorities seem to have decided not
    to limit just with standard bellicose rhetoric and to pass to concrete
    actions, ignoring the real risk of escalating the tension, with its
    possible transformation into full-scale hostilities.

    However, in this regard, I would like to draw the attention to the
    following fact. While representatives of international organizations,
    experts and political analysts speak about the inadmissibility of
    steps that could undermine the peace process and the fragile peace
    itself, the Azerbaijani side is trying to maximally simplify and even
    vulgarize the situation of the failure of its subversive-terrorist
    act. In their comments, both official and unofficial representatives
    of the Azerbaijani armed sabotage trying to present as a mere tourist
    walk ... a group of people yearned for many years on the "native"
    places. In their comments, both official and unofficial
    representatives of Azerbaijan try to present the armed sabotage merely
    as a... tourist walk by a group of people yearned for their "native"
    places for many years, as if speaking not about a conflict zone, but,
    at least, about the London Hyde Park. It is a kind of extreme tourism
    in Azerbaijani. Surely, this version can cause nothing but an ironic
    smile. Because why should the nostalgic Azerbaijanis, risking their
    lives, with full subversive ammunition, cross the Line of Contact?
    But, as it turned out, they did it not to slake for the beauties of
    the Artsakh nature, but for specific intelligence and terrorist

    But, to admit, it is not up to smiles, because we are dealing with a
    terrorist state, with which it is impossible to agree on anything,
    because such "diversionary tours" as the current lead to irreversible
    human losses on both sides. But apparently, the lives of people,
    including of its own citizens, are nothing for the top leadership of
    Azerbaijan, otherwise it would not so thoughtlessly and easily make
    them victims of its adventurous policy. It is testified by the
    statement of the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry, related to the
    incident, that Azerbaijanis can visit Karabakh whenever they want. In
    other words, we should wait for sending another group of "extreme
    tourists", i.e. Azerbaijani subversives to the NKR territory, which
    are likely to face the same fate. And such destructive and extremely
    dangerous actions by official Baku will continue as long as the
    authorities of Azerbaijan remain unpunished and do not get the harsh
    assessment and condemnation by the international community.

    Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper
