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Church and intellectuals have to create pan-Armenian resistance plat

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  • Church and intellectuals have to create pan-Armenian resistance plat

    Church and intellectuals have to create pan-Armenian resistance
    platform - opinion

    12:49 * 25.07.14

    An Armenian theologist affiliated with the opposition Heritage party
    says he doesn't see a bright vision for Armenia in the current state
    of affairs.

    Vardan Khachatryan proposes consolidating the efforts of the church
    and the intelligentsia to mobilize the nation's potentials.

    "We have never experienced a period of such rapid changes; never
    before have we seen such an upsurge of hazards and threats. The speed
    of such tectonic changes demonstrates that we are close to the rupture
    point that lowers the likelihood of a bloodless outcome, with the
    bordering regions where we have neighbors (Turks, Persians,
    Azerbaijanis and even Georgians) being flooded with blood. An
    overtension dominates the world in all possible ways, with solutions
    being hinted by the international media. But that's not the right way;
    it isn't clear yet what the outcome of all this will be," he told

    Khachatryan said he sees only one way out in the country. "We must,
    conventionally speaking, re-establish Hayk [historical Armenia] and
    recall that the country's defense has noting to do with either troop
    size or the quantity of weapons, nor even with the defense
    borderlines," he explained.

    Khachatryan said he finds love for the country the only best
    protection at moments of ordeal. He also stressed the role of
    consolidating the diaspora efforts for creating a pan-national
    platform of resistance.

    Asked whether the society has to rely on the opposition or the ruling
    authorities in organizing the mobilization, the theologist-politician
    said he thinks that the church and intellectuals have a more important
    role to play.

    "The church is a more acceptable option, as the degree of its static
    character is, to my mind, considerably higher in the society. The
    opposition and the authorities are the bearers of in-depth interests,
    with one wishing to seize power and the other not willing to cede it,"
    he replied.

    The theologist called for launching a forum debate to address more
    practical steps.

    "Otherwise, I do not see a vision of a bright future. From this point
    of view, we have to invited representatives of both the authorities
    and the opposition to propose plans and a big forum which needs to be
    fairly organized to influence the society's conscience," he added.
