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President speaks against Public Council's proposal to arm residents

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  • President speaks against Public Council's proposal to arm residents

    President speaks against Public Council's proposal to arm residents of
    border villages

    Karabakh | 25.07.14 | 14:38

    ArmeniaNow reporter

    The recent sabotage attempts in Karabakh have given rise to various
    opinions suggesting that border village residents should be provided
    with weapons. The President, however, does not agree with this.

    On Thursday President Serzh Sargsyan met Public Council members and
    discussed issues regarding stabilization and safety of border
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    Public Council President Vazgen Manukyan, after visiting border
    villages recently, mentioned that the local residents should be
    provided with weapons.

    "We should create subgroups of local residents, people should be
    armed, there should be regular trainings," Manukyan said.
    But according to President Sargsyan, there is no point is arming
    civilians, because the Armenian Army is capable of providing
    protection in provinces, and those who can carry weapons must be in
    the army.

    "I see no point in handing weapons to village residents, those who can
    handle weapons are invited to serve in the Armenian Army, where all
    conditions are created, 150,000 AMD (about $370) salary, also some
    bonuses - and they serve only half of the month," the President said.

    Armenian Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanyan on July 17 said that the
    question of allowing contract servicemen in Karvatchar to take the
    weapons home is under discussion. The Minister said that these steps
    are taken in order to enable contract servicemen to react properly in
    situations like recent cases of sabotage.

    Karvachar-based political analyst Alexander Kananyan on July 16
    reflected on the recent events in Karvachar also mentioning that the
    border village residents need to be armed.

    "Border village residents, especially contract servicemen living
    there, must be handed mild weapons - permission to keep the weapons at
    home and an unlimited right to carry it in need," Kananyan said.

    Many residents of border villages of Tavush Province also expressed
    desire to keep weapons at home, because if need be they will turn to
    self-defense, however some think that weapons might become a problem
    and cause shooting incidents.

    Heads of rural communities in Tavush Province do not see the need in
    keeping weapons, either, on the one hand trusting the Army, and on the
    other having concerns about weapons bringing undesirable results. esident_sargsyan_public_council
