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Russian Influence On South Caucasus Will Decline Considerably

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  • Russian Influence On South Caucasus Will Decline Considerably

    Russian Influence On South Caucasus Will Decline Considerably

    Siranuysh Papyan, Interviewer
    Interview - 26 July 2014, 10:49

    Mr. Hairapetyan, in 2004-2012 Belarus sold 153 T72 tanks to
    Azerbaijan. In fact, another member state of the Eurasian Union
    besides Russia sells weapons to Azerbaijan. Should Armenia wish to be
    a member of this union? How should Armenia react in general?

    First, since the post-Yeltzin period Russia has been the suzerain, not
    the strategic ally (in the political sense of the world) of Armenia.
    Second, Armenia wants to be a member of the Eurasian Union to the
    extent it allegedly wanted to associate with Europe. Third, our
    response to the behavior of Russians and Belarusians should not be
    imagined in the form of tough statements or dangerous demarches but in
    the form of agreements with our neighbors without proceeding from the
    Russian interests, which currently Russia is not able to punish with
    its typical wildness.

    Will the ongoing developments relating to the downed Boeing lead to a
    geopolitical change?

    If by saying "geopolitical change" you mean establishment of an
    anti-western global center of force, no, absolutely not. And if you
    mean tangible weakening of Russian influence in different corners of
    the world, including the South Caucasus, yes. This is where it is

    Serzh Sargsyan's statement in Argentina that the Armenian people are
    worried about Moscow's supply of arms to Azerbaijan, was it a message
    to Russia? Or is Armenia looking for other guarantors of security?

    Neither one, nor the other. It was a different opera.

    A hot autumn is expected. Is it realistic, and which political parties
    will be in the front rows, the four parliamentary parties, the civil
    movements or a new pole may emerge?

    God forbid domestic developments in Armenia in these stormy times. If
    they happen, however, the civil movements will give birth to new
    political trends.

    Do you think fast developments, including a coup or revolution induced
    from outside are possible?

    Unfortunately, the possibility of an ordered revolution or a coup is
    not ruled out, and its prevention depends on our nation's potential.

    The minister of defense said locally produced devices are tried out at
    the borders. In your opinion can this work as a straightjacket for
    Russia selling weapons to Azerbaijan?

    It would be funny to think that the Russian impostor parties of
    Armenia dare hint something to Russia, let alone putting on Russia a
    straightjacket. Unfortunately, we are about to repeat the spring of
    1918 and today we can avoid repeating that painful page of history.

    Mr. Hairapetyan, a petition for Levon Hairapetyan starts, the
    parliamentary groups of the NKR National Assembly issued a statement?
    Did his arrest have an economic or political context?

    I do not know about the statement of the NKR legislators so I cannot
    tell anything. Generally, everything is politicized in this world. And
    if the provincial wily Armenians think that they will save themselves
    by ostrich policy, bribe, flattery, it is their problem. Stupid calls
    to refrain from political contexts are repeated by different creepy
    social groups and personalities, so the farther we keep from such
    people, the better.

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