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Luys World Premiere of Living Jewelry in Gyumri

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  • Luys World Premiere of Living Jewelry in Gyumri

    Luys World Premiere of Living Jewelry in Gyumri

    Friday, July 25th, 2014

    A work of 'living jewelry' created by artists in Gyumri, called
    'Breath of Stone'

    Building a strong arts and technology economy in Armenia through Livings Arts

    The Luys Foundation has taken the first steps in transforming the
    deep-rooted artistic culture and tradition of Gyumri into a modern-day
    economy through new technologies programmed by artificial
    intelligence. This cutting-edge field is called Living Art, and it is
    sometimes also referred to as Living Design or Responsive Environment.
    Using embedded algorithms, Living Art allows the environment to
    interact with the individual. The interactions are regulated and
    triggered by each of the observer's movements, facial expressions, and
    point of observation. Living Jewelry, an offshoot of Living Art, is a
    new field of decorative applied arts that brings together various
    high-level skills, including jewelry making and design, as well as the
    fields of microelectronics and high technologies.

    Luys Living Jewelry comes to life in Gyumri
    Artists, jewelers, programmers, technologists, and modelers in Gyumri
    came together to produce the following five Living Jewelry prototypes:
    Weight of Lightness, a dancing ballerina constructed as an earring;
    Breath of the Stone, a necklace made of ordinary stones with a pendant
    in the center; Harmony, a large, square pendant consisting of silver,
    glass and a TFT screen; Meeting of Souls, a bracelet in the form of a
    labyrinth inscribed with a landscape representing routes through a
    city; and Taking Flight, a large, asymmetric necklace made with brass.
    Each prototype reacts in different ways, producing movement, sound and
    light, in accordance with the external environment. See the Living
    Design prototypes in action in the video below.

    Supporting a mapping of resources to forge collaboration
    Luys has carried out a thorough assessment to identify local resources
    and bring together necessary outside resources, ensuring that the
    project takes off and continues to grow and thrive. In realizing its
    vision to transform Gyumri into a Living Art hub, Luys is currently
    developing a platform for artists, craftsmen, IT specialists, and
    project managers to collaborate in designing communication tools that
    both reach the masses and are customized to the individual. It will be
    the first platform of its kind in Armenia to connect artists and
    specialists from various sectors with the purpose of establishing a
    Living Art movement.

    Recruiting artists and technologists to take part in a new movement &
    securing valuable collaborations
    The Luys Foundation is working in collaboration with Florent
    Aziosmanoff, author, researcher and producer of Living-Art and of
    Living-Art-Labs, whose seminal work drives the field of Living Art.
    Mr. Aziosmanoff and Luys' Executive Director Jacqueline Karaaslanian
    have collaborated on cutting edge technologies while working together
    at MIT Media Lab. Luys invited Mr. Aziosmanoff to spearhead this
    project in Gyumri and help kick start this new industry in this
    artistic and historically rich city. The Luys team and Mr. Aziosmanoff
    met with representatives in Gyumri in June to spearhead this new
    industry in the tech savvy city. During this time, they met with a
    number of artists and creative technologists who specialized in
    jewelry making, clothing design, carpet making, painting, ceramics,
    illustration, graphic art, web development, programming, engineering,
    and robotics. The team visited studios of artists and technologists to
    view their work, engage with them on a personal level, and recruit
    talented individuals for an upcoming master class on Living Art. In
    addition to meeting talented individuals, the Luys team also met with
    important stakeholders in the fields of arts and technology.

    A model presents a piece titled 'Harmony,' a large, square pendant
    consisting of silver, glass and a TFT screen

    Organizing Living Art master classes to take place regularly in Gyumri
    The team selected seventeen of the brightest minds, five artists, five
    jewelers, five technologists, and two 3D modelers to take part in the
    first master class at the Gyumri Art Academy from July 11th-20st. To
    kick off the first in a series of master classes, Mr. Aziosmanoff
    teamed up with renowned scenographer, set designer, and visual artist
    Paul Olory to introduce the concept of Living Jewelry to the
    participants. Artists and technologists paired up over the course of
    ten days to create prototypes of Living Jewelry. Within the framework
    of the Develop Armenia Together program, Luys scholars, using their
    skills in photography, videography, and translation, supported the
    master class initiative.

    Luys presents the Living Jewelry prototypes in Gyumri
    On July 20th artists and technologists gathered at the Technopark in
    Gyumri to present five Living Jewelry prototypes to the US Ambassador
    to Armenia H.E. John A. Heffern, the representatives of other
    diplomatic missions, and the local community. The audience was amazed
    at the innovative pieces of Living Jewelry, and the event was a great
    success. You can read more about Luys Living Design, the master class
    participants, and the prototypes here.

    'Meeting of Souls,' a bracelet in the form of a labyrinth

    Next steps to ensure the sustainability of Living Art in Gyumri
    Over the course of one year, Luys envisions conducting continual
    master classes and training individuals, who will create products to
    drive the industry. Former master class participants will be trained
    to lead future sessions using a training of trainers format, thus
    ensuring the sustainability of the project. In the long-term, Luys
    would like to establish a branch of the Living Art/Design School in
    Gyumri affiliated with France. Prototypes that are selected during the
    master classes have been introduced to a select jury consisting of
    representatives from government, embassies, and the business world, as
    well as artists. Ultimately, the team will seek partnerships to market
    and promote products for the regional as well as the global market.

    The Living Art movement has the potential to drive the economic
    development of Gyumri
    The Living Art digital industry has taken the world by storm, and
    there is a great demand worldwide to experience knowledge and
    information in a new, responsive way. Gyumri, the arts capital of
    Armenia, already has the necessary human resources to embrace the
    Living Art industry. It has a number of artists, IT specialists, and
    creators capable of developing this innovative economy and willing to
    establish collaborations with one another. Through Luys Living Art,
    Gyumri has the potential to be transformed into a vibrant center for
    creating and manufacturing products for the world market. In utilizing
    the co-creative capacity of the community, Gyumri can put itself on
    the map and greatly contribute to its economic development, ultimately
    reinventing itself as the new economy capital of the Caucasus region.

    A press conference in Gyumri presented Luys Foundation's Living Jewelry project

    Luys Foundation is a non-profit educational organization supported by
    individual and corporate donations. Its mission is to create and unite
    a generation of critical, creative thinkers in Armenia by increasing
    the number of Armenian students attending the world's leading
    universities, as well as building an infrastructure that harvests the
    knowledge, experience, and connections of Luys students to support the
    transition from academic to real-world achievement for Armenia's
    benefit. To contribute to the Luys Foundation, fill out the secure
    form at the following link:
