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Turkey: Erdogan accuses Israel of blocking Gaza humanitarian aid

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  • Turkey: Erdogan accuses Israel of blocking Gaza humanitarian aid

    Turkey: Erdogan accuses Israel of blocking Gaza humanitarian aid

    11:50 ¢ 26.07.14

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused Israel of
    preventing the transfer of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, in his
    latest verbal salvo against Tel Aviv, Hurriyet Daily News reports.

    `The barbaric massacre that Israel has launched in Gaza is going on at
    full speed. The United Nations is silent about the massacre;
    furthermore, it is encouraging Israel,' ErdoÄ?an said on July 25,
    delivering a speech in the Central Anatolian province of EskiÅ?ehir
    during the inauguration of the Ankara-Istanbul high-speed railway

    `You see those mothers, don't you? There are almost 800 martyrs in
    Gaza. At the moment, we are having difficulty in sending even
    humanitarian aid. We shall send medicine and food, but it [Israel] is
    trying to prevent even that. But we will reach out to there sooner or
    later,' he added.

    In Cairo on the same day, after holding several meetings with US
    Secretary of State John Kerry and Egyptian officials aimed at ending
    the conflict, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for an immediate
    `humanitarian pause' in the fighting in Gaza, lasting through the
    Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr.

    Erdogan, meanwhile, also suggested that an `immoral' smear campaign
    had been launched against him both inside the country and abroad,
    attempting to portray of him as an anti-Semite.

    `They are conducting an immoral campaign by distorting our remarks
    both inside and abroad and trying to show us as anti-Semitic. But I am
    perhaps the first prime minister in the world to say that
    anti-Semitism is a crime against humanity,' he said.

    He also added, however, that European officials had so far been
    reluctant to label Islamophobia as a crime against humanity in the
    same way as anti-Semitisim.

    The remarks came only a day after a Jewish American group asked
    Erdogan to return an award it gave him in 2004, accusing the Turkish
    leader of `dangerous rhetoric' and `inciting violence against the
    Jewish people.'

    In an open letter to ErdoÄ?an on July 24, Jack Rosen, the president of
    the American Jewish Congress, said the Turkish prime minister had
    become `arguably the most virulent anti-Israel leader in the world.'

    Erdogan, who is campaigning to be elected president next month, has
    spoken out strongly against the ongoing military operations in Gaza,
    accusing Israel of committing `genocide' and `barbarism surpassing

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    From: A. Papazian