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Erdogan's odious anti-Semitic slander

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  • Erdogan's odious anti-Semitic slander

    New York Daily News
    July 28 2014

    Erdogan's odious anti-Semitic slander

    Turkey denies its own genocide and accuses Israel


    Recep Tayyip Erdogan's anti-Semitism is getting the better of him.
    Once again, the Turkish prime minister has trotted out the Hitler
    analogy in relation to Israel and what it has done in Gaza. "They
    curse Hitler morning and night," he said of the Israelis. "However,
    now their barbarism has surpassed even Hitler's."

    Erdogan's Hitler fetish is both revolting and inaccurate. Hitler
    murdered an estimated 6 million Jews, not to mention millions of
    Poles, Russians, Gypsies and, as a group, homosexuals; the Israelis
    have killed in the current Gaza operation more than 1,000
    Palestinians. The difference between murdered and killed -- the former
    on purpose, the latter mostly what's called "collateral damage" --
    ought to be clear to anyone whose mind is not addled by anti-Semitism.

    Israel has gone out of its way to try to avoid civilian deaths. It has
    often -- maybe too often -- not succeeded. But it has warned civilians
    with telephone calls and text messages and even dummy bombs hitting
    the roof. This, I point out, is far more than President Obama has done
    when American drones kill terrorists in Pakistan or wherever. Hamas
    militants are also terrorists and they hide, as every guerrilla army
    has ever done, among the people.

    The loss of civilian life is awful, but it is no Holocaust. It is,
    though, an opportunity for anti-Semites, latent or otherwise, to
    express their bigotry. Their implied statement is that the Jews had it
    coming -- see how they act now! Their bigotry overpowers their logic
    and they deliriously lose all sense of proportion -- 6 million versus
    1,000 or so in Gaza -- and they conflate the killer with the killed. It
    is repugnant.

    For Erdogan, the handier and closer to home reference would have been
    what the Turks did to the Armenians. This genocide -- the very word was
    coined by Raphael Lemkin to encompass what happened to 1.5 million
    Armenians during and after World War I -- has been roundly denied by
    the Turkish government. In a dizzying feat of irrationality, the head
    of that government brushes past the crimes of his own nation to point
    an accusatory finger at the victims of another nation.

    Erdogan's remarks are merely the reductio ad absurdum of the
    anti-Israel argument. Some accuse Israel of a hideous lack of
    proportionality without pausing to say what the proper proportion of
    death and destruction should be. Would Hamas have ceased firing
    rockets into Israel if Israel had bombed less? Somehow, I think not.
    Would Hamas have blown up its own tunnels if Israel had ceased its
    attack after, say, a week? Again, no.

    After the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, did the U.S. go into Afghanistan
    to kill exactly 2,977 Al Qaeda and Taliban, an eye for every eye
    extinguished on that infamous day? Israel is a small nation of only
    about 8 million people, more than a fifth of them Arabs.
    Proportionality is a luxury beyond its reach.

    It is clear that much of the world has grown weary of Israel. Its
    persistent settlement of the West Bank is surely cause for
    indignation. Yet there is an edge to the outrage that is elsewhere
    lacking. When did thousands gather in Europe to protest the Syrian
    slaughter -- not just the government's abhorrent bombing, use of gas
    and repression, but the torture and murder of about 10,000 activists
    and dissidents? It was a mass murder that the Syrian government
    studiously archived -- photos and such -- which surely deserves the Nazi
    analogy that comes so easily to the tongue of Erdogan and others. No
    matter. Silence.

    I take psychiatric theories with a grain of salt, but the effort of
    Erdogan to make the victim worse than the victimizer is not only false
    and tasteless, it is psychologically intriguing. It does more than
    blame the victim. It tends to exonerate the criminal. History is
    repeating itself -- not, as Marx said, as either tragedy or farce, but
    in Erdogan's telling as pornography.
