Ombudsman is informed about the violation of rights of the Georgian
Armenian community
On May 28, 2014 the Public Defender (Ombudsman) of Georgia has
presented the Parliamentary Report on the Protection of Human Rights
and Freedoms in Georgia 2013 to the international organizations,
diplomatic corps accredited in Georgia and representatives of civil
The Public Defender has highlighted tendencies and priorities in the
field of human rights for the reporting period, talked about the
report and the recommendations made to different branches of the
At the meeting Levon Isakhanyan, the Head of the Legal Department of
the Armenian Diocese in Georgia highlighted the discrimination in the
field of restitution of property confiscated from religious minorities
during the Soviet era and mentioned that numerous Armenian, Catholic
and other minorities' churches have been appropriated and are being
used by the Georgian Orthodox Church. Attention has been paid to the
problem of destruction of the Armenian churches on the Georgian
territory, including the 14th century Mughnetsots Surb Gevorg church,
and a part of the 18th century Surb Nshan church in the historical
center of Tbilisi.
In the meantime attention has been paid to the problem of
consideration of national minorities as potential source of
Moreover, special attention has been paid to the case of interference
of the Azerbaijani officials in Georgia's internal affairs, which
caused violation of cultural rights of the Georgian Armenian
community. Regret has been expressed in regard with the fact that the
Georgian authorities' did not condemn interference in their internal
affairs by the third country.
In response the Ombudsman of Georgia mentioned that a part of these
problems have been mentioned in his report, however, with regard to
the case of interference of Azerbaijani authorities in Georgia's
internal affairs he asked to provide with additional information.
Detailed information will soon be provided for the Ombudsman's
From: Baghdasarian
Armenian community
On May 28, 2014 the Public Defender (Ombudsman) of Georgia has
presented the Parliamentary Report on the Protection of Human Rights
and Freedoms in Georgia 2013 to the international organizations,
diplomatic corps accredited in Georgia and representatives of civil
The Public Defender has highlighted tendencies and priorities in the
field of human rights for the reporting period, talked about the
report and the recommendations made to different branches of the
At the meeting Levon Isakhanyan, the Head of the Legal Department of
the Armenian Diocese in Georgia highlighted the discrimination in the
field of restitution of property confiscated from religious minorities
during the Soviet era and mentioned that numerous Armenian, Catholic
and other minorities' churches have been appropriated and are being
used by the Georgian Orthodox Church. Attention has been paid to the
problem of destruction of the Armenian churches on the Georgian
territory, including the 14th century Mughnetsots Surb Gevorg church,
and a part of the 18th century Surb Nshan church in the historical
center of Tbilisi.
In the meantime attention has been paid to the problem of
consideration of national minorities as potential source of
Moreover, special attention has been paid to the case of interference
of the Azerbaijani officials in Georgia's internal affairs, which
caused violation of cultural rights of the Georgian Armenian
community. Regret has been expressed in regard with the fact that the
Georgian authorities' did not condemn interference in their internal
affairs by the third country.
In response the Ombudsman of Georgia mentioned that a part of these
problems have been mentioned in his report, however, with regard to
the case of interference of Azerbaijani authorities in Georgia's
internal affairs he asked to provide with additional information.
Detailed information will soon be provided for the Ombudsman's
From: Baghdasarian