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ANCA Presses Administration About Turkey's Role In Kessab Attack

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  • ANCA Presses Administration About Turkey's Role In Kessab Attack


    [ Part 2.2: "Attached Text" ]

    Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014 | Posted by Contributor

    Smoke over the Kessab after the invasion by Al Qada-linked terrorists
    in March

    Seeks Transparency and Accountability for Depopulation for Armenian
    Town by Terrorist Group

    WASHINGTON-The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)
    continued to press the Obama Administration for straight answers about
    Turkey’s role in a March 21st cross-border attack by extremists
    that depopulated the historically Armenian town of Kessab, Syria.

    In an exchange of letters with the Department of State, ANCA Chairman
    Ken Hachikian has stressed that Armenian Americans remain “very
    troubled by the Administration’s continued reluctance to
    provide a simple answer to a straightforward question: ‘Is it
    the considered judgment of the U.S. government that the Republic of
    Turkey aided, abetted, facilitated, or otherwise played a role in
    the March 21st attack on Kessab?’”

    The ANCA’s May 15th letter, addressed to Assistant Secretary of
    State Victoria Nuland, noted that: “As Americans, citizens of
    a nation bound to Turkey by our NATO treaty obligations, we deserve
    to know if this U.S. ally has conspired with extremists - officially
    designated by our government as terrorists - in a cross-border attack
    against a peaceful population. If our government’s investigation
    has found that Turkey played no role in this attack, the Administration
    should make this view known, challenging widespread media accounts
    of Ankara’s complicity. If, however, our government’s
    investigation has confirmed a Turkish role, the Administration should
    forcefully and publicly confront Turkey for conspiring with an al
    Qaeda-linked group to drive thousands of civilians from their homes. In
    either case, we ask the Administration to cooperate with all relevant
    Congressional investigations.” Congressman Brad Sherman has
    played a pivotal role in ensuring that Members of Congress have been
    briefed by Administration officials concerning the attack on Kessab.

    In a May 2nd State Department letter to the ANCA, which came in
    response to an ANCA meeting with Administration officials following
    the March attack, Assistant Secretary Nuland commented indirectly
    about Turkey, noting that: “We have reminded Turkey of its
    responsibilities for protecting civilian populations along the border
    and for ensuring that armed groups are not able to use Turkish
    territory for actions against civilians.” Despite extensive
    evidence of Ankara’s facilitation of this assault, Assistant
    Secretary Nuland passed along the Turkish government’s denial,
    without any critical commentary: “Turkish authorities have stated
    that they had no involvement in the displacement of the population
    of Kessab and did not allow armed groups to cross the border into
    Syria.” In this letter, Assistant Secretary Nuland underscored
    the U.S. government’s position regarding “the importance
    of ensuring that Armenian Christians can continue to live and flourish
    in the land of their ancestors, and we understand that the situation
    in Kessab is particularly fraught.”

    Read ANCA’sletter to Assistant Secretary Nuland.
