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Active Landslides In Armenia - Specialist Explains Causes, Pointing

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  • Active Landslides In Armenia - Specialist Explains Causes, Pointing


    10:46 * 05.06.14

    Zones prone to landslides are not few in number on the territory of
    Armenia, whose estimated total area is 29,743 sq. meters.

    The Ministry of Emergency Situations has conducted joint studies of
    2,505 zones (with total area of over 2 hectares), of which 233 pose a
    threat to residential areas. The estimates have revealed the highest
    disaster risks in the regions of Syinik, Tavush and Lori, as well as
    in several communities of Kotayk, Aratagatsotn, Vazashen, Getahovit,
    Haghartsin, Dilijan and Kapan, says Arthur Muradyan, the head of the
    Emergency Ministry's Natural Disasters' Department.

    "Landslides have become active since the beginning of the year,"
    he told, enumerating different cases.

    He said most of the landslides - especially those observed in the
    recent period - were caused by ground waters, abundant overground
    flows and disorders of the water drainage system.

    As for the exploitation of mines, the official noted that they can
    only speed up the process. "Studies are being conducted from concrete
    mines, with the impact assessment focusing only on the accelerating
    [factors]. Mine explosions may speed up all that," he explained.

    Asked what preventive measures the Ministry takes, Muradyan said though
    they regularly carry out risk assessment, money shortage often makes
    them decide on other activities, such as increasing the safety level
    of seismically sensitive buildings.

    He added that the Government has approved a new landslide management
    concept which vests the Ministry with the authority of a coordinator.

    Muradyan said further that the ministry has created an interagency
    commission of officials from different ministries and other government
    bodies to promote joint activities in the disaster management efforts.

    "It is important for us to mention in the management bloc that the
    Ministry of Emergency Situations will implement a joint three-year
    project with the Japan International Cooperation Agency. Specific
    anti-landslide measures, such as horizontal borings, are intended to
    be carried out to help unload the landslide-prone slopes and restrain
    their further activeness," he said, adding that they have plans to
    install electronic sensors on the sensitive slopes to be able to
    transfer the information to the Ministry's Crisis Management Center
    upon necessity.

    Muradyan said all the plans are pilot projects, adding that they
    expect to get a horizontal boring machine from Japanese colleagues
    to facilitate further activities. A retraining of specialists is also
    an integral part of the planned events, the official added.
