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"Mikoyan's Statue Will Not Be Erected, I Am More Than Confident." Ha

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  • "Mikoyan's Statue Will Not Be Erected, I Am More Than Confident." Ha


    June 4 2014

    According to Hayk Demoyan, it does not worth erecting the statue,
    which even at the time of erecting and removing people should die.

    Despite of contradictory opinions about Anastas Mikoyan's armenophile
    or anti-Armenian activities, the Yerevan City Council has already made
    a decision to erect the statue. The Director of Genocide Museum, RPA
    member for the Yerevan City Council, Hayk Demoyan, voted against this
    decision, addressing a question to the Council members, "Do you know
    that this person has been involved in many and various crimes, and
    it will have its consequences." Deputy Mayor of Yerevan Kamo Areyan,
    being in favor of placing the statue, in the conversation with the
    journalists, told that Hayk Demoyan's opinion is just his personal
    views. In the conversation with Hayk Demoyan gave such an
    assessment, "I was just terrified at the bases of the evidence-base.

    The people who are in favor of or at least take a neutral position,
    by the principle of "either-or", "and-and", what arguments and
    counter-argument they bring. It terrifies me as an Armenian individual
    man and as a genocide museum director. What are we talking about
    when it comes to undeniable facts in the archive? The historians,
    and I don't know who else has, there is an irrefutable evidence,
    which means that it was not said by someone, or heard, but based on
    archival documents. But, with all of these, the principle of "and-and"
    is adopted, or the principle of good-and-bad is opposed. It terrifies
    me, because numerous and various crimes are committed with such
    approach, or forgiven, or serve as a basis for subsequent crimes. In
    the second episode, I am terrified at this evidence-base and approach,
    which no more and less is the same model of Turkish denial. You may
    introduce thousands of documents, hundreds of thousands of documents,
    they will say, "Anyway, they are not evidence-based, they need to pass
    an investigation, a commission of historians should be established,
    hence, we cannot say that this is a true argument, based on which we
    can recognize or condemn the Genocide". These two reasons terrify me,
    and I do not find any other word to qualify the phenomenon". Kamo
    Areyan had also said that the Council had not received any document
    that gives evidence about Mikoyan's anti-Armenian activities. To our
    question of why you have not submitted the arguments available with
    you to the Council, Hayk Demoyan responded, "Until the next session,
    I am getting ready to submit and justify what we are talking about in
    a form of a speech. It is my right, and I will be using my right. I
    cannot make a step back, because it is not only the statue to Mikoyan
    here, it is not the issue of erecting the state or not. Many people
    do not want to understand. This is one of manifestations of distorted
    and segmented, tormented perceptions of perceiving the memory of
    history and the whole value system." When "Barev Yerevan" faction of
    the Yerevan City Hall had suggested announcing the Council's decision
    on installation of the statue revoked over the "Liberty" r/s, Taron
    Margaryan closed the subject by claiming, "There are no grounds to
    revoke this decision, and the subject is closed." To our question of
    whether, in fact, he is going to reopen the subject at the next council
    session, Hayk Demoyan responded, "No, the subject is not closed,
    at least, for me. I am not going to stay in the passive position of
    expressing an opinion. I as a citizen and as a professional and as
    a person with a family history, which cannot but respect his family
    history and experience, I'll try to take this fight to a logical
    culmination. It is at least visible to me. It is the point that
    such statue should not be erected in Yerevan. I have no problems
    with the Mikoyan family. We cannot bring a symbol back to Armenia,
    which symbolizes evil, symbolizes mass murders, and symbolizes an
    atmosphere of fear. God forbid, we are not talking here about editing
    or denying the Soviet past. We all came from there. We also have a
    positive memory. We are not conducting an ant-Soviet campaign but we
    deny the worst from our memory, which we are trying to bring back." To
    our question of whether there is a fear that the statue will be broke
    if however it is erected, Hayk Demoyan responded, "The matter that the
    statue will not be erected, I'm more than confident. But let's remember
    that during dismantling of the statues of this era that were placed in
    the time, even people are dying during their removal. Let's remembering
    dismantling of Stalin's statue. At that time the soldiers dismantled,
    4 soldiers were killed. Then, it does not worth erecting the statue,
    which even at the time of installing and removing people should die."

    Hripsime JEBEJYAN

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