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Erdogan To Israel, For The Win!

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  • Erdogan To Israel, For The Win!


    War on the Rocks
    June 5 2014

    Joshua Walker
    June 5, 2014 ยท in Commentary

    >From an ugly brawl between the Islamic scholar Fetullah Gulen's
    movement and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the Soma mining
    disaster, 2014 has not been Turkey's year. Last weekend marked the
    dual anniversaries of the Gezi Park protests that took place last year
    and the Mavi Marmara flotilla raid four years ago; both are powerful
    reminders of the continuing challenges and extreme polarization in
    Turkey today. Yet amidst Turkey's most consequential elections in
    decades, the longer marathon of Turkish politics is just getting
    started. Unfortunately, like many other democracies, elections seem
    to bring out the worst in Turkey.

    With recent elections providing a strong domestic mandate for
    Erdogan's Justice and Development Party, any damage done to Turkey's
    international reputation may receive little attention from Erdogan
    in the short run. However, he should start paying attention. With
    an economy and foreign policy that relies on critical alliances,
    Turkey's future will be written over the course of the next year and
    the United States should be a friendly co-author.

    American foreign policy towards Turkey has become stale and does not
    reflect the tectonic shifts of the last four years in Turkey and the
    broader region. If the United States re-engages with Erdogan and the
    larger Turkish polity the right way, Erdogan would have the necessary
    incentives to take a few steps back from the anti-Western rhetoric
    he has been leaning on with greater regularity.

    Interestingly, as Turkey looks forward to leading the G-20 summit next
    year and its centennial - now only eight years away - previously taboo
    areas offer the greatest hope for successful breakthroughs. These
    include Armenia, Cyprus, the "Eastern" question (read: Kurdish),
    and - as I wrote prior to the elections - Israel.

    It may seem counterintuitive given the ongoing tenor of Turkish
    politics, which has seen anti-Semitism on full display from discussions
    about the Soma mine owner's Jewish son-in-law to unfortunate new
    insults (that shall not be repeated on WOTR, which is a family
    site). Through it all, however, Turkey and Israel have maintained
    important economic and military ties. Government officials point to
    the 520 years of shared Jewish-Turkish history and the quadrupling of
    trade, despite the Mavi Marmaraincidents and insults from both sides.

    Despite the headlines over the recent Mavi Marmara protests and
    Turkish court's arrest orders for the Israeli commanders "responsible"
    for the incident, Ankara and Jerusalem are tantalizingly close
    to a comprehensive settlement that would open the door to greater
    strategic cooperation. Despite internal push back, Prime Minister
    Benjamin Netanyahu has satisfied almost all of Erdogan's demands,
    having already apologized to Erdogan on Obama's phone, agreed on
    compensation for the Mavi Marmara victims' families, and even offered
    supplies to Gaza to build a Turkish hospital. This should be welcomed
    news to both sides, which are facing new regional realities, making
    cooperation timelier than ever before.

    Today, Israel and Turkey are strategically aligned in ways that
    few would have predicted at the beginning of the Arab Spring. Both
    states have problems the other side could help with. For instance,
    as the Syrian civil war drags on and Assad regains the momentum,
    both Jerusalem and Ankara have a shared interest in a weaker Assad.

    Additionally, each state could support each other in their shared
    regional rivalries with Iran and Saudi Arabia, not to mention through
    greater attention from Washington when they work together regionally.

    The rise of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi's military and collapse
    of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has also left Turkey further
    isolated in the Middle East. Therefore, Israel may hold the key to
    Turkey's energy future in the Eastern Mediterranean if it remains less
    interested in domestic Turkish politics than pragmatic areas of mutual
    cooperation. Further, with the collapse of the Israeli-Palestinian
    peace talks and the recent deal that has reunited Hamas and Fatah,
    the two main Palestinian factions, the possibility of a third intifada
    is in no one's long-term interest. Ankara still may be one of the
    few capitals that can credibly negotiate with a Hamas-incorporated
    Palestinian unity government.

    With the new momentum created by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden's
    visit to Cyprus and Secretary of State John Kerry's continuing
    focus on the region, Ankara has the chance, albeit limited, to lead
    constructively in the region if it can work with its most valuable
    partner. Today that should be Israel, which has a stable government
    and popular leader. Clearly, this has to be delicately balanced given
    the conspiratorial nature of Turkish politics and the level to which
    the AKP and Erdogan have been vilified in Israel, but the conditions
    and incentives are there.

    Turkey's first direct presidential election set for the summer, and
    national parliamentary elections scheduled soon after, cast a long
    shadow over any potential foreign policy prerogatives. Therefore,
    depending on who and how the opposition challenges Erdogan in both of
    these elections, the fate of any international breakthrough remains
    on the back burner. However, given that the government is insisting on
    "business as usual" despite the domestic tension, foreign relations may
    be the most pragmatic area for quick victories, starting in Jerusalem.

    Dr. Joshua W. Walker is a Transatlantic Fellow at the German Marshall
    Fund of the United States and a Fellow at the Truman National Security
    Project, and previously served as a Senior Advisor to the U.S.

    Department of State. He is a contributor to War on the Rocks and the
    views expressed are his own.
