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Weaving A Fascinating Tale Of Penang

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  • Weaving A Fascinating Tale Of Penang


    The Star, Malaysia
    June 5 2014

    by sharmilla ganesan

    History and personal stories are woven together to tell a tale of
    the streets of Penang.

    Ask Datuk Seri Wong Chun Wai about Penang, and his face immediately
    lights up. A dyed-in-the-wool Penangite, he can't hide the fondness
    in his eyes or the pep in his voice when he talks about his hometown.

    For Wong, Star Publications (M) Bhd group managing director and
    chief executive officer, stories of the island and his own story
    are practically inseparable. Thus, taking on the task of penning a
    weekly column on the subject, called Penang's History, My Story, in
    StarMetro was a natural progression of his passion for and interest
    in Penang's places, people and history.

    The column made its debut on Jan 5, 2013, to great reception, and
    went on for a year - the last article was published on Jan 4 this year.

    Compiling them together is the Penang's History, My Story book,
    which will be launched tomorrow.

    The book zeroes in on street names in George Town as a means of
    exploring the stories of a particular area, diving into the island's
    rich cultural and historical heritage along the way. In fact, it
    was his passion for history, and disappointment over the way it is
    usually imparted, that prompted the author to embark on the project.

    "I love history, and I've always wondered how people can find it
    boring," says Wong, a political science and history graduate from
    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

    "I blame it on our teachers, because they are bad storytellers. Even
    the word itself is 'his story', you're supposed to tell a story, but
    we end up memorising facts, figures and dates. History as it is taught
    now is all about leaders and politicians, but why should it be so?

    What about people like us? Why are there no stories about the people,
    about social history, popular history?"

    Wanting to approach and write about history differently, Wong decided
    to tell Penang's story in ways that the average person could relate
    to: through everyday experiences and memories that would strike a
    chord with the reader.

    "Penang is known for its heritage (George Town is a Unesco World
    Heritage Site), and people take great pride in it, and yet, many
    aren't aware that they are living right in the midst of history. I
    also feel that, over the years, the names of roads, not just in Penang
    but all over Malaysia, are disappearing, and being replaced by names
    that don't have significance. And yet, these street names are living
    examples of history!" he explains.

    He points to Cantonment Road in Penang, which was named after the
    military cantonment (or camp) established there during the colonial
    era, as an example.

    "Not far from Cantonment Road is Sepoy Lines Road, which is named
    after the Indian soldier barracks that used to be there, and next to
    that is Barrack Road. Obviously, there is a connection between these
    names, and they tell a story about the past," he says.

    (In the 1800s, that entire area - from Macalister Road to Dato Keramat
    Road - was part of the British military precinct, which included the
    present Penang Prison and the polo ground; the land now occupied by
    Penang General Hospital.)

    Penang's History, My Story is the result of five years of research,
    and Wong is quick to point out that the book wouldn't have been
    possible if not for the books and articles written by others, including
    writer, social historian and heritage advocate Khoo Salma Nasution,
    and history blogger Timothy Tye.

    "Using the street names gave my articles structure, allowing me to
    talk about both the location and the personality the street was named
    after. But I also wanted to give life to it. What was missing from
    existing research was the fun parts, the storytelling element. That
    is where my book comes in," says Wong.

    When talking about Armenian Street and the Armenian businessmen who
    made Penang their home, for instance, he first refers to reality
    TV celebrity Kim Kardashian (who is fourth-generation Armenian)
    before going on to talk about the community's hand in shaping George
    Town's history - the Sarkies brothers who set up the grand Eastern &
    Oriental Hotel, and trader/planter Arathoon Anthony (hence, Aratoon
    Road), who founded stockbroking firm A.A. Anthony and Co.

    This storytelling element is most pronounced when Wong revisits his own
    story that played out on those Penang streets, a Penang that was very
    different from the one we know today. For Wong, who is 53 this year,
    spent his entire childhood and even the early years of his working
    life there, and every nook and cranny of the island holds memories
    that he treasures still.

    Take the cover of the book, which features Wong astride a Vespa in
    Love Lane. "Nowhere in Malaysia is there a place called that, it's
    beautiful!" he says, explaining that while the exact origins of the
    name is unknown, theories abound that sailors who came to port went
    there looking for love once - or more salaciously, that it was where
    the rich men living in adjacent Muntri Street kept their mistresses.

    The lane, however, also holds a more personal significance for Wong.

    As a St Xavier's Institution boy, he passed Love Lane every day on
    the way to school, and his father owned a hardware stall in Cheapside,
    off nearby Chulia Street.

    Stories of the Gurney Drive (named after Sir Henry Gurney, High
    Commissioner of Malaya from 1950-1951) of his youth, meanwhile, strike
    one as completely idyllic, as he reminisces about the pristine sandy
    beach, dragon boat races and digging for bucketfuls of siput remis
    on Sundays.

    Not to mention Wong's food-related anecdotes, which present a very
    different "food scene" from the one that exists today.

    "Food is very much what Penang is famous for, and I wanted to tell
    my readers that it was served quite differently then. The famous
    Penang char kway teow, for example, was served with sprinkles of
    crabmeat on top, and besides the essential prawns, they also gave
    you bamboo mussels. And wantan mee, used to be called tok tok mee,
    because the seller used to go around tapping bamboo sticks loudly to
    attract customers," he describes.

    Even his early days with The Star began in Penang, with Wong joining
    the newspaper in 1980 after Form Six, at the Pitt Street office. (Pitt
    Street, now known as Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling, was named after
    William Pitt the Younger, who was British Prime Minister when Penang
    was founded.)

    Even here, there was no shortage of history, as he learnt that the
    office building used to be the Opium and Spirits Farm Office, where
    government tenders were given out for such "sinful" enterprises,
    with the British controlling and privatising the trades to establish
    a monopoly.

    Undeniably a labour of love for Wong (whose previous book was a
    compilation of his Sunday Star column, On The Beat), Penang's History,
    My Story also includes different perspectives on Penang by some of
    his colleagues at The Star.

    "A lot of people at The Star also started their careers in Penang,
    and I felt that this book didn't just belong to me, but to them too.

    They've each given very interesting insights into Penang, such as
    Lim Cheng Hoe (senior manager, group editorial business development),
    who wrote about clubbing in Penang in the 1980s, or Ivy Soon (Star2's
    Women and Family editor), who wrote about living in a neighbourhood
    with multiracial neighbours," he says.

    Heartened by the response to his column - Wong shares that of all
    the columns and commentaries he has written, this one has been the
    most popular - he is planning a series on Penang's iconic buildings.

    "When you write something political, there will always be disputes
    and people who don't share your beliefs or sentiments. But when I
    wrote this, everybody loved it, because they were of the same view."

    > Proceeds from the sales of Penang's History, My Story will go to
    the Penang Heritage Trust and Kenosis Home, a drug rehabilitation
    centre. The book will be available at all major bookstores nationwide
    from tomorrow. It is also available from Star Publications (M) Bhd
    by calling the Circulation Department at 03-7967 1388 ext 1026 (ask
    for Ankal Letchumanan or Andrew Lim).
