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Eurasian Union Starts Off On The Wrong Foot

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  • Eurasian Union Starts Off On The Wrong Foot


    EDITORIAL | JUNE 5, 2014 2:36 PM

    By Edmond Y. Azadian

    Once again, Armenia is trapped in the web of world political intrigues,
    primarily as a result of its isolation and dangerous depopulation. This
    trend does not augur well for the country.

    After years of negotiations with the European Union, last September
    Yerevan made a U-turn, to join the Russian-led Customs Union, which
    today has grown to become the Eurasian Union.

    Time and again, Russian President Vladimir Putin has denied that
    his intention is to recreate the former Soviet Union, but all the
    developments indicate otherwise.

    In the face of an intensifying new cold war, major powers are
    repositioning themselves in the so-called new world order. The west
    always denies that NATO is a threat to Russia, all the while encircling
    Russia to contain its growing power.

    Moscow is trying to break the stranglehold in its own way. Ukraine
    was the last link in that encirclement process, which Russia lost
    but not without drawing blood, thus not enabling the west to claim
    victory in that tug-of-war, yet.

    The annexation of Crimea by Moscow and its "misbehavior" in Eastern
    Ukraine has in turn created excuses for the west to strike Russia
    with economic sanctions.

    As a reaction to those threats, Russia was able to achieve two major
    projects of global significance. One was the $400-billion energy deal
    with China and the other was the creation of the Eurasian Union,
    which, according to President Putin, is "a treaty of epoch-making
    historic importance."

    Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev similarly crowed, "A new
    geopolitical reality of the 21st century is born."

    The west certainly does not perceive these developments in that
    perspective, in view of the member states' divergent interests. For
    example, in 1995, 47 percent of Kazakhstan's trade activity was with
    Russia, but by 2011, 40 percent of its exports went to Europe and
    only 9 percent to Russia.

    An article in the New York Times on May 30 presents all these
    activities in their political context: "Like the huge gas agreement
    Russia signed with China this month, the Eurasian Economic Union is
    a way for Moscow to show that it is pivoting to Asia and that it can
    withstand western sanctions and other pressures as it pursues its
    national interests, as in its annexation of Crimea from Ukraine."

    While Russia is well within its rights to pursue its national
    interests, Armenia has to struggle for its survival. And it seems
    that Armenia's plight is one of the lower prerogatives of the Russian
    regional politics.

    While Moscow continually arms Azerbaijan, its claims that it intends
    to solve the Karabagh impasse peacefully sounds very disingenuous. The
    action makes clear that it is not in Moscow's interest to resolve
    the issue in order to be able to keep both Baku and Yerevan on a
    short leash.

    To undermine those Russian intentions, the US made an extraordinary
    proposal about Karabagh through its ambassador to the Organization for
    Security and Cooperation in Europe Minsk Group, James Warlick. The
    ambassador ordinarily would act in unison with the other co-chairs
    of the Minsk Group, but at a speech at the Carnegie Foundation, he
    took the extraordinary step of enunciating the US position on the
    Karabagh problem.

    All the above developments constitute the background of what happened
    in Astana as the leaders of the Eurasian Union gathered to sign the
    charter of that organization.

    While President George Bush was putting together "A coalition of
    the willing" during the first Gulf War, the Eurasian Union seems to
    present a coalition of the unwilling. In fact, Russia had to bribe
    Belarus with a $2-billion loan to bring it to submission. Armenia's
    share was $300 million to repair the Metsamor nuclear power plant.

    Incidentally, after the initial fanfare to build a new nuclear power
    plant in Armenia, Russia has opted for the same to be built in Turkey.

    Another aspect of the Eurasian Union is political discord among its
    participants. While Belarusian President Lukashenko was predicting that
    the union would eventually lead to a political union, Kazakhstan's
    government begged to differ, limiting the agreement only to economic
    activities among the partners. If the Eurasian Union is to imitate
    the European Union, its political dimension will be missing, since
    all the new members of the EU are gradually being integrated within
    the NATO structure.

    It looks like Nazarbayev calls the shots in this new union, under
    President Putin's tolerant gaze. Indeed, as he hosted the summit
    in Astana last week, Nazarbayev threw a bombshell while Armenia and
    Kyrgyzstan were waiting at the door for the founding members of the
    union, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, to sign the charter of the
    union. That bombshell was a letter by Azerbaijani President Ilham
    Aliyev, who demanded that Armenia be admitted to the Eurasian Union
    only within its borders recognized by the United Nations, meaning
    without Nagorno Karabagh.

    That was a clear message to Yerevan that no open border is possible
    between Armenia and Karabagh after Armenia joins the Eurasian Union.

    Armenia's reaction was confused and confusing; before the agreement
    was signed, Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan had stated that
    Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh Republic are a single economic zone and
    that there can be no customs or other borders between them.

    After Nazarbayev's unpleasant letter, President Serge Sargisian of
    Armenia contradicted his prime minister's earlier statement: "As for
    what was voiced by Nazarbayev, first, from the outset, it is wrong
    to talk about borders. What borders are we talking about? Karabagh
    problem is not being solved in the Customs Union." He added, "And
    who said that we are joinging the Customs Union together with Nagorno
    Karabagh? There has been no such thing and could not be, because at
    least, under our laws, and in accordance with our ideas, Karabagh
    today is not part of Armenia. And the fact that the membership in the
    Customs Union will contribute to the solution of the Nagorno Karabagh
    problem is unequivocal. Of course, what Nazarbayev said was unpleasant,
    but it cannot harm us."

    Nazarbayev's intervention was not only "unpleasant," but it was even
    disgusting as he also commented that "we should not hurt the feelings
    of our friend, Aliyev."

    In addition to doing a favor for his friend, Mr. Nazarbayev entertains
    the idea of inviting Turkey to join the Eurasian Union, down the road,
    in total disregard of the thorny issues still extent between Armenia
    and Turkey.

    Russia has remained silent on the incident. Mr. Putin's silence seems
    ominous. Adding insult to injury, one of the Russian commentators
    blamed Armenia for that "unpleasant" letter. Indeed, a senior advisor
    to the Russian Federation and the editor of the news agency, Rex,
    Modest Kolerov, commented that Aliyev's letter was a response to the
    comments made by the Armenian prime minister.

    Azerbaijan is not even a member of the Eurasian Union, nor does it
    intend to join that entity, but it is still blackmailing Armenia by
    flexing its petro muscles.

    Nazarbayev, through his insensitivity toward one of the members of the
    union, on behalf of an outsider, demonstrates that he is fulfilling
    the wishes of his pan-Turanist friends. Many in Armenia blame him
    to be the pillar of Pan-Turanist dreams of Azerbaijan and Turkey in
    Central Asia. Although pan-Turanism and Ottomanism have been Russia's
    perennial enemies, at this time, Mr. Putin does not consider them as
    posing existential threats to Russia, as he has other fish to fry,
    potentially threatening to singe Armenia.

    With all the grandiose rhetoric, the Eurasian Union seems to have
    started off on the wrong foot, at least, from Armenia's perspective.

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