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Armenians Worried By US Diplomat's Karabakh Comments

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  • Armenians Worried By US Diplomat's Karabakh Comments


    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    IWPR Caucasus Reporting #738
    June 6 2014

    Territories around Karabakh not "occupied", but a consequence of war,
    Armenian legislator insists.

    By Yekaterina Poghosyan - Caucasus

    A speech last month by James Warlick, a United States diplomat who
    is part of the international group seeking a solution to the Nagorny
    Karabakh conflict, may have been officially welcomed in Yerevan,
    but many Armenians detected a shift of position that was not in
    their favour.

    In Nagorny Karabakh, the local Armenian leadership rejected the
    ambassador's comments outright.

    Ambassador Warlick is the US member of the OSCE's Minsk Group, which
    also includes Russian and French co-chairs and which has for year been
    trying to nudge Azerbaijanis and Armenians towards a workable solution
    to a conflict that stopped in 1994 and has remained effectively frozen
    since then.

    In a speech at the Carnegie Centre in Washington on May 7 to mark
    the 20th anniversary of the ceasefire, he focused on six principles
    for a settlement which have been on the table since 2007, with some
    modification since then.

    The "Madrid Principles", as they are known, would grant Nagorny
    Karabakh an interim status pending a legally-binding referendum,
    while restoring to Azerbaijan the adjacent territories that are also
    under Armenian control. Refugees and internally displaced persons
    would be able to return home, a land corridor between Karabakh and
    Armenia would be maintained, and the international community would
    provide a peacekeeping force.

    "There can be no settlement without respect for Azerbaijan's
    sovereignty, and the recognition that its sovereignty over these
    [surrounding] territories must be restored," Warlick said. "The time
    has come for the sides to commit themselves to peace negotiations,
    building on the foundation of work done so far."

    Although the return of territories outside Karabakh is a principle
    that US officials have expressed before, many Armenian politicians
    and analysts saw a tilt in emphasis in favour of Azerbaijan.

    Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandyan chose instead to focus on other
    elements of the ambassador's speech, and he criticised Baku for
    refusing to grant OSCE monitors access to the "Line of Contact"
    that separates Karabakh and Azerbaijan forces around Karabakh.

    "Azerbaijan, unlike Armenia, has rejected and continues to reject
    repeated suggestions from the co-mediating countries to strengthen
    ceasefire arrangements, to withdraw snipers from the front line,
    and create a mechanism for investigating incidents," Nalbandyan said.

    His positive spin on the speech was unusual in Yerevan, as most other
    politicians saw nothing to like about it.

    Artak Zakaryan, a member of parliament's foreign affairs committee
    from the ruling Republican Party, was highly critical of Ambassador
    Warlick's comments.

    "They are largely unacceptable, particularly the fact that the security
    belt around Karabakh is termed the 'occupied territories'," Zakaryan
    said in an interview with Russia's Regnum news agency.

    "Everyone is very well aware that this is not an occupation, but
    the result of the war that Azerbaijan brought to Karabakh. These
    territories are a significant factor in providing security not just
    for Karabakh, but for the whole region."

    In Karabakh, which has declared itself an independent state but is not
    recognised as such by any member of the United Nations, the government
    rejected the speech, saying the international community needed to
    treat Karabakh and Azerbaijan as equal players. In the talks process,
    Azerbaijan has refused to deal with Karabakh, talking only to Armenia.

    "The Nagorny Karabakh conflict is the only one in the world where
    for two decades, the parties to a conflict have themselves managed to
    preserve peace and stability. I think that this very important and it
    shows, among other things, that Azerbaijan and Nagorny Karabakh can
    co-exist as two neighbouring sovereign states," Karabakh president
    Bako Sahakyan, said in an interview with "It is impossible
    to achieve a solution to the conflict that will be acceptable to
    everyone. This is clear to anyone who can see Baku's destructive
    policy. A full talks format has still not been created, but I am sure
    this is just a question of time."

    One of the points made by Ambassador Warlick was that the Lachin area,
    which lies between Armenia and Nagorny Karabakh, could not remain
    wholly under Armenian control.

    "There should be a corridor linking Armenia to Nagorny Karabakh. It
    must be wide enough to provide secure passage, but it cannot encompass
    the whole of Lachin district," he said.

    When a mission from the OSCE later travelled through Lachin, they
    were blocked by a group of protesters.

    Masis Mailyan, head of the Public Council on Foreign Policy and
    Security in Karabakh, said the co-chairs needed to scrap the Madrid
    Principles and start again.

    "Armenian diplomats should have long ago rejected any discussion
    of a document that not only contains many points that run counter
    to Armenian interests, but also has great destructive potential,"
    he told IWPR. "It's time to relieve the international mediators of
    their false ideas. This would allow them to create new regulatory
    mechanisms that reflect current realities."

    Stepan Grigoryan of the Analytical Centre on Globalisation and
    Regional Cooperation suspects that broader geopolitics are playing
    a role in subtle shifts in the Western position on Karabakh. Last
    year, Armenia abandoned plans to sign an Association Agreement with
    the European Union and announced it wanted to enter the Moscow-led
    Customs Union instead.

    "In my opinion, this is a consequence of Armenia's desire to join
    the Customs Union. It's clear that the United States and EU are
    expressing their dissatisfaction with this decision, and they cannot
    be pro-Armenia in their comments," he told IWPR.

    In response to the discussion his remarks engendered, Ambassador
    Warlick used his Twitter page to say, "Thanks for comments, even
    critical ones, on my @CarnegieEndow speech. Important to have honest
    discussion about how to achieve #NKpeace."

    Yekaterina Poghosyan is a report for the Mediamax news agency in
