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Another "Armenian Scandal" Boils Up In Azerbaijan; This Time Bullyin

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  • Another "Armenian Scandal" Boils Up In Azerbaijan; This Time Bullyin


    16:46 06/06/2014 >> SOCIETY

    People's Artist of Azerbaijan Brilliant Dadashova has become an object
    of severe criticism after the media spread information according to
    which the singer was honored with Big Apple Music Awards. According to
    the Azerbaijani news portal "", it turned out that the award
    was organized by the Armenian company acting in the United States.

    It is noted that in addition to the award, the singer was awarded
    with 30 thousand dollars and also received a Mercedes car.

    "No one in Azerbaijan would say a word if the gift to the singer was
    made by an Azerbaijani sponsor. But the thing is that this time the
    gift was received from the Armenian side," revolt the author.

    It is noted that the founder of the award is the American TV channel
    "TV Eriduni." "Yes, technically it is an American channel. But even
    the title of it makes it clear that this is an Armenian project. One
    just needs to rack one's brain a little before running to get awards,"
    writes ""

    According to the publication, Dadashova stated that she did not know
    the nationality of the organizers of the event, and that there are
    "Armenians everywhere." "So why wouldn't you go there (to Armenia
    - Eds.)? Go there, and then come back and state: "Look, Armenians
    appreciate our music," the author states.

    According to him, the singer should apologize. "On the contrary,
    they try to convince us that she did the right thing, that we should
    be proud of her; her, the Madame, who receives a car and a big cash
    prize from the American-Armenians! Dadashova, surely, does not know
    that the American-Armenians do everything for passing anti-Turkish
    and anti-Azerbaijani resolutions in the Senate and the U.S. Congress,"
    he says.

    The author expresses his surprise saying that "the singer, who has
    happily flown to receive prizes and gifts from a company, which
    publically endows Armenians and which is conducted by the Armenians,
    still has the title of the People's Artist of Azerbaijan."

    "It will be interesting to see the reaction of the MNS. The journalist
    Rauf Mirkadirov is kept in captivity; serious charges are brought
    against him. Human rights defenders and journalists that have been
    in Armenia are called to the Prosecutor General's office one by
    one. So why not to get interested in Brilliant Dadashova's person! She
    doesn't hide the fact that she receives money and expensive cars from
    a structure, headed by the Armenians. So, maybe it makes sense to
    "check" our singer in MNS?" the author stresses.

    The site also quoted the representative of the Ministry of Culture of
    Azerbaijan Zohra Aliyeva, who stated that Brilliant Dadashova has left
    for the U.S. to receive an award not by the support of the ministry,
    and no one knows there who and why had organized the trip.

    "Thus, it turns out that any Azerbaijani singer, actor, cultural
    activist can participate in Armenian projects that are naturally held,
    not by the native Ministry of culture, can receive cash prizes and
    expensive gifts from the Armenian organizations. As a result we have
    a cycle of lies and absurd," the author concludes.

    From: A. Papazian