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We Will Do Our Best To Maintain Relative Peace On Nakichevan Border

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  • We Will Do Our Best To Maintain Relative Peace On Nakichevan Border


    We will do our best to maintain relative peace
    on Nakichevan border - Armenian DM17:28 *
    06.06.14Commenting on the Thursday incident on the Line of
    Contact, Armenian Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanyan told
    that the Azerbaijani side fires on the Armenian troops' positions in
    that section of the Line of Contact several times a year. However,
    the Armenian side retaliates.Mr Ohanyan, has any shooting
    been reported in the Nakhijevan section since the Armenian-Azerbaijani
    ceasefire agreement was reached? What is your opinion of yesterday's
    incident?The Nakhijevan section has always been relatively
    calm. But during the recent years, throughout the ceasefire period,
    several violations have been reported every year. I think in military
    service, especially in many cases of battle duty in a tense situation,
    the commanders and servicemen are often extremely nervous and
    violations take place. Unfortunately, the enemy has committed numerous
    violations during the recent period, and we are concerned over that.

    We will do our best to maintain relative peace in the Nakhijevan
    section.I have had a meeting with Ambassador Andrzej
    Kasprzyk, Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office,
    today and urged him to do his best for the enemy to realize that
    the ceasefire must be respected and that reaching a peaceful
    settlement of the conflict requires an atmosphere of confidence
    rather than provocations. We cannot succeed without an atmosphere of
    confidence.The threat of war and the relative peace were
    repeatedly addressed in the past, however, hasn't the likelihood of
    war increased after yesterday's events?The threat of war
    always exists; the shoot-outs from Nakichevan allow us to demonstrate
    to the rival that we are present there too [our troops are stationed
    on the Azerbaijani border - ed.] and can deliver a rebuff to them. All
    that is undoubtedly controlled by our armed forces; we have always
    implemented both preventive and counteractive measures.Are
    you aware of any mercenaries' presence in the Nakichevan section,
    apart from Azerbaijanis?The Nakichevan section is of unique importance
    for the Azerbaijani armed forces, as it has a separate combined
    army. And while it was being formed, we repeatedly had reports on
    the Turkish assistance, and the presence of mercenaries and small
    subdivisions there.In their speeches, the co-chairs of
    the OSCE Minsk Group, as well as [Personal Representative of the OSCE
    Chairperson in Office] Andrzey Kaspzyk always point out to violations
    of ceasefire. Don't the same organizations have, after all, the chance
    to figure out which side commits the violations?The
    conduct of an independent international investigation is among the
    confidence-building measures adopted in the recent years. We agree to
    all the elements of confidence building and also say that we support
    an international investigation. The problem here has to do with the
    lack of corresponding maintenance specialists and logisticians. But
    if the powerful co-chairing countries cannot secure that, what
    then can be the issue? We do certainly support an independent
    international investigation to find out which side violates the

    From: Baghdasarian