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ANCA-WR Announces Collaboration with Near East Foundation

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  • ANCA-WR Announces Collaboration with Near East Foundation

    ANCA-WR Announces Collaboration with Near East Foundation

    Friday, June 6th, 2014

    ANCA-WR board and 'America We Thank You' committe members with Near
    East Foundation's Shant Mardirossian (center, seated)

    GLENDALE--The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region and
    the Near East Foundation, the descendent of Near East Relief,
    announced that they will collaborate closely on a broad range of
    activities to mark the centennial of US efforts to aid over one
    million Genocide survivors in the immediate aftermath of the Armenian

    ANCA-WR Board representatives and members of "America We Thank You: An
    Armenian Tribute to Near East Relief" recently met with Shant
    Mardirossian, the chairman of the Near East Foundation, to discuss
    mutual efforts and identify areas where both organizations can

    Mardirossian commended the ANCA-WR for kicking off the "America We
    Thank You" initiative and for emphasizing the critical role Near East
    Relief played in the lives of countless survivors, refugees and
    orphans of the Armenian Genocide.

    Mardirossian also noted that "While the collaboration will focus on
    the 15 formative years of Near East Relief (1915-1930), which provided
    relief to Armenian Genocide survivors, the efforts had a far-reaching
    impact by serving as a model for philanthropy around the world. Its
    successor organization, the Near East Foundation, continues to provide
    development and relief support to vulnerable people in need in Armenia
    as well as the Middle East and North Africa." Mardirossian went on to
    further say "We are pleased to be working with the ANCA-WR to make
    sure that this important chapter in American history is proudly
    remembered and that we continue to honor its legacy through the work
    we do today."

    The Near East Foundation will commemorate the centennial of the
    organization next year while collaborating on various events and
    activities with ANCA-WR's "America We Thank You" initiative - as well
    as with Armenian partner organizations on the East Coast - to pay
    tribute to Near East Relief.

    "We would like to thank Mr. Mardirossian and Near East Foundation for
    an enlightening meeting about the scope of their activities for the
    centennial," said Nora Hovsepian, Esq., chairwoman of the Armenian
    National Committee of America-Western Region. "We are looking forward
    to our collaborative efforts to ensure that this massive effort to
    assist refugees and orphans receives a tribute worthy of its

    "While this is just the beginning of our journey at 'America We Thank
    You,' our meeting with Mr. Mardirossian brought to light some critical
    elements of the monumental role Near East Relief played in galvanizing
    the American people specifically to aid in the plight of Armenians,"
    said Vanna Kitsinian, Esq., co-chairwoman of the "America We Thank
    You" initiative.

    "We are looking forward to working with the Near East Foundation. The
    key to the success of this collaboration will be how well we can share
    resources and engage the Armenian and non-Armenian communities for
    this fitting tribute," added Hermineh Pakhanians, co-chairwoman of
    "America We Thank You."

    Mardirossian was accompanied by Dr. Charlie Benjamin, President of the
    Near East Foundation and Stacia Van Dyne, Director of External Affairs
    each of whom briefed the ANCA-WR representatives on specific
    initiatives being undertaken currently or planned for the future by
    Near East Foundation.

    The ANCA-WR launched the campaign in March, timed for the centennial
    of the Armenian Genocide, to honor Near East Relief, an organization
    that mobilized Americans and rescued more than 132,000 orphans and
    nearly 1 million survivors of the Genocide.

    The campaign, called "America We Thank You: An Armenian Tribute to
    Near East Relief," is a movement to recognize the outpouring of
    generosity by the American people in the immediate aftermath of the
    Armenian Genocide (1915-1930) and to highlight the efforts of Near
    East Relief in reining more than $117 million (over $2 billion in
    present day value) to feed, clothe, house, train, educate and provide
    medical care to hundreds of thousands of survivors of the Genocide.

    ANCA-WR officials said that the campaign is committed to promoting the
    role Near East Relief played in providing assistance to those less
    fortunate and for its groundbreaking ability to bring the American
    people together under one cause--the aid to refugees of the Armenian
    Genocide for an unprecedented period of 15 years from 1915 to 1930.

    In April, the California State Assembly unanimously approved AJR 41, a
    resolution honoring and commemorating the extraordinary service of
    Near East Relief and the American people for salvaging the Armenian
    and Assyrian people from annihilation. A similar measure unanimously
    passed the California State Senate on June 5.

    Through various events and programs, such as the ones in Sacramento
    and Los Angeles, "America We Thank You: An Armenian Tribute to Near
    East Relief," will mark the centennial of the Near East Relief efforts
    and express its gratitude to the American people for establishing and
    continuing the tradition of being the most generous nation. Countless
    Armenian-Americans are direct descendants of those rescued by Near
    East Relief.
