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Western Prelacy News - 06/06/2014

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  • Western Prelacy News - 06/06/2014

    June 6, 2014
    Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    6252 Honolulu Avenue
    La Crescenta, CA 91214
    Tel: (818) 248-7737
    Fax: (818) 248-7745
    E-mail: [email protected]


    On Tuesday, June 3, 2014, His Holiness Aram I arrived in the Vatican
    to begin his official visit to His Holiness Pope Francis.
    Last week, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, traveled
    to the Vatican to join the delegation of His Holiness Aram I, which was
    comprised of ten Prelates and eighty community leaders and sponsors from
    various Prelacies worldwide.
    The Western Prelacy delegation was comprised of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie
    and Talin Amroyan, Mr. and Mrs. Vahan and Nora Bezdikian, Mr. and Mrs.
    Alfred and Rima Boghossian, Mr. and Mrs. Sarkis and Nune Sepetjian, and Mr.
    and Mrs. Alex and Arda Yemenidjian.
    On Wednesday, June 4, His Holiness Aram I addressed the staff of the
    Vatican's Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, emphasizing the
    growing importance of bilateral theological dialogues as "the credible and
    efficient way of leading the churches towards the visible unity".
    His Holiness begun his talk by reminding the pivotal importance of
    the ecumenical movement for "being church", because "it reminds the churches
    of their ecclesial interrelatedness, emphasizes the urgency of healing the
    brokenness of the church, calls for a deeper interaction between unity and
    mission, and enhances the interconnection between the local and global".
    Hence, in his view, "the ecumenical movement is not an option but an
    imperative for staying together and being church".
    Against the background of these introductory remarks, His Holiness
    Aram I said that the present ecumenical landscape is marked by a shift "from
    institutional to people-centered ecumenism, multilateral to bilateral,
    Christ-centric to ecclesio-centric, fellowship-centered to non-committal,
    multi-confessional to confessional, and global to local ecumenism". Hence,
    according to the Armenian Catholicos, "the ecumenical movement has become
    restless, in search of a new self-understanding, new self-articulation and a
    new vision". The ecumenical agenda, too, steadily is shifting "from visible
    unity to issues pertaining to church and society, from church-centered
    ecumenism to inter-religious dialogue". These developments said Aram I are
    the result of globalization and radical changes taking place in the life of
    churches and societies at large.
    His Holiness Aram I then identified some of the implications of
    these emerging ecumenical realities for the life and witness of the World
    Council of Churches (WCC). As a person who knows the WCC well having served
    for fifteen years as the Moderator of its Central and Executive Committees,
    the Catholicos pointed out that "visible unity has almost lost its
    centrality, and reception-oriented processes, such as BEM, Apostolic Faith,
    nature of the church etc. remain in the shelves of the Council". He said
    that although the 10th Assembly called for "moving together", "pilgrimage of
    justice and peace stressed by the Busan Assembly, may eventually push
    visible unity to the periphery of the ecumenical moment". In his view the
    inter-religious dialogue, a major ecumenical challenge of present times, has
    become "an area of marginal importance; it needs serious attention". His
    Holiness expressed his concern about the Orthodox participation and
    contribution, "which have been signific antly reduced". As to WCC-Catholic
    collaboration, His Holiness Aram I considered it a vital dimension of the
    Council's work and called for "the broadening of its agenda and revising of
    its methodology".
    In the evening, His Holiness Aram I and delegation attended a
    special prayer service organized by the St Egidio community at the St. John
    the Lateran Church in Rome.
    In his sermon, the Catholicos spoke of the theological and spiritual
    meaning of martyrdom (martyria) and linked it to the Armenian Genocide in
    1915, when one-and-a-half-million Armenians were massacred by Turkey. He
    then spoke of the historical importance of St. John the Lateran Church and
    the St. Egidio community, which began as a movement in 1968 following the
    Vatican II Council. He then added, "In appreciation of the commitment of its
    members to justice and peace, during my last visit to the community I
    offered relics of Armenian martyrs from the Chapel of the Martyrs of
    Genocide in Antelias."
    At the end of the service, the leadership of St. Egidio held a
    special reception to honor His Holiness Aram I and his delegation.
    On Thursday morning, in a private meeting with His Holiness Pope
    Francis, His Holiness Aram I briefly discussed the following issues: The
    Christian presence in the Middle East, challenges and concerns facing the
    churches in the region, the Syrian conflict and the problems facing the
    Armenian community in Aleppo and Kessab, the centennial of the Armenian
    Genocide, the bio lateral dialogue between the Catholic Church and the
    Oriental Orthodox Churches, the presidential election in Lebanon.
    Following the private meeting between the two Pontiffs, Pope Francis
    I met with Catholicos Aram I and the delegation accompanying him. In his
    speech the Catholicos noted that since 1997 he has had the opportunity to
    meet Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and currently, His Holiness Francis
    Catholicos Aram I then spoke of the special relations between the
    Roman Catholic Church and the Catholicosate of Cilicia both during the time
    of the Kingdom of Cilicia and after the Genocide when it settled in
    Antelias, Lebanon.
    The Catholicos then expressed his appreciation of the Pope's effort
    to take the church to the people, which he said is also at the heart of the
    Armenian Orthodox Church and to which it is fully committed. He then invited
    all churches to leave confessional differences aside and face together the
    urgent challenges confronting humanity.
    Speaking of the Middle East Aram I said that despite the current
    violence in the region, Christians would continue to witness for their
    faith, fulfill their duties and demand their rights as citizens of their
    Addressing the 2015 Centenary of the Armenian Genocide, the
    Catholicos thanked the Pope for his past positions towards the Armenian
    cause and spoke of the one-and-a-half-million Armenians that had lost their
    lives and of the churches, homes, sources of livelihood, spiritual and
    cultural heritage that had been lost in the Genocide that had been
    perpetrated upon the Armenians by the Ottoman Turks. The Catholicos paid
    tribute to Pope Benedict XV who denounced the Armenian Genocide in a letter
    to Sultan Mehmet V in 1915. In his conclusion Catholicos Aram I asked Pope
    Francis I to continue advocating for the rights of the Armenian People.
    In his response, Pope Francis said that "Commitment to the cause of
    Christian unity is known to all. You have been especially active in the
    World Council of Churches and you continue to be most supportive of the
    Middle East Council Churches, which plays such an important role in
    assisting the Christian communities of that region as the face numerous
    difficulties. Nor can I fail to mention the significant contribution which
    Your Holiness and the representatives of the Catholicosate of Cilicia have
    made to the Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic
    Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches. I am convinced that on our
    journey towards full communion we share the same hopes and a similar sense
    of responsibility as we strive to be faithful to the will of the Lord Jesus
    Referring to the Armenian Genocide, the Pope said that "the Armenian
    people represent a part of the Christian world that is irrevocably marked by
    a history of trials and sufferings courageously accepted for the love of
    God. The Armenian Apostolic Church has had to become a pilgrim people; it
    has experienced in a singular way what it means to journey towards the
    Kingdom of God. The history of emigration, persecutions and martyrdom
    experienced by so many of the faithful has inflicted deeps wounds on the
    hearts of all Armenians. We must see and venerate these as wounds inflicted
    on the very body of Christ, and for this very reason a cause for unfailing
    hope and trust in the provident mercy of the father".
    At the end of formal speeches, the two Pontiffs and the delegation
    accompanying Catholicos Aram I, coming from Europe, the Middle East, North
    and South Americas, attended a special service. Following the prayers, the
    delegates were formally introduced to the Pope.
    At the end of the meeting, Catholicos Aram I and the accompanying
    Armenian clergy were the guests of Pope Francis I for lunch.
    Later in the day His Holiness met with the Ambassadors of Armenia
    and Lebanon. Lebanese ambassador General George Khoury stressed the
    particular importance of His Holiness' visit to the Vatican, for the Middle
    East in general and Lebanon in particular. He reminded that Pope Francis has
    always showed his support for the Christians in the Middle East. His
    Holiness in his turn emphasized the importance of unity and peace in Lebanon
    as well as electing a president for the Lebanese republic as soon as
    During his meeting with the Armenian ambassador Michael Minassian,
    His Holiness mentioned that being in the Armenian embassy it feels like
    being on an Armenian land. The Catholicos highlighted the important role of
    the Armenian ambassadors around the word, in relaying the recognition and
    reparation of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
    His Holiness also met with the Vatican's Secretary of State Cardinal
    Parolini. They discussed issue related to the Middle East as well as major
    concerns and challenges facing the Christian communities. The Armenian
    Genocide was also discussed and His Holiness appreciated the support of the
    On the other hand, Cardinal Parolini expressed his concerns
    regarding the actual situation of Christians in the Middle East. He also
    reminded that the Vatican continues its support of the Armenian cause.
    Afterwards, His Holiness met with the President of the Eastern
    Catholic Churches Department Cardinal Sandrini. The issue of Middle East was
    brought up and they stressed on the importance of collaboration between the
    The visit of His Holiness concluded on Friday, June 6.



    Organized by the Friends of UCLA Armenian Language and Cultural
    Studies, on Sunday, June 1st, a banquet was held celebrating the 45th
    anniversary of the Narekatsi Chair at UCLA and the 30th anniversary of Prof.
    Peter Cowe's scholarly career in Armenian Studies.
    In response to an appeal by the organizing committee, the Prelate
    had requested a Pontifical Letter of Blessing from His Holiness Aram I,
    which was read at the banquet by Rev. Fr. Boghos Tinkjian.
    In the letter, His Holiness highly commended Prof. Cowe for his
    three decades of meritorious service, noting that he has an important place
    in the field of Armenian studies and has brought significant advancements in
    the arena, and wished that he will continue his valuable work as a
    researcher and educator with renewed dedication.



    On Wednesday, June 4, the official opening of the Hrant Dink Lecture
    Hall was held at the Organization of Istanbul Armenian center in Winnetka,
    with the presence of Rakel Dink. A lecture on the endeavors of the Hrant
    Dink Foundation followed.
    On behalf of the Prelate, Rev. Fr. Razmig Khatchadourian attended
    and participated in the ceremony.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress