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Courthouse Park tells the history of Fresno

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  • Courthouse Park tells the history of Fresno

    Fresno Bee, CA
    June 8 2014

    Courthouse Park tells the history of Fresno

    By Sevag Tateosian

    I was young when I heard about him. Community members would talk as
    though he was a legend, a strong fighter who had a bigger sword and a
    faster horse than his enemies. He was always outnumbered in battle but
    crushed those who invaded. I am referring to David of Sassoon, the
    Armenian folk hero whose stories have been told for centuries. We in
    Fresno have a piece of him in Courthouse Park. Actually, if you look,
    our Courthouse Park is full of monuments that are special to many
    folks. But, until taking lunchtime walks, I didn't know how many
    diverse monuments we have.

    One day I decided to walk around looking at the monuments and spent
    some time thinking about them. My quest started at David of Sassoon
    and I headed east along Tulare Street. My journey stopped near the
    friendly operator of the catering truck, where a lunchtime crowd was
    waiting for their orders. It was there I discovered a tall sculpture
    similar to the one I had read about back in high school. In reviewing
    the description, I learned that the sculpture was actually a gift from
    the Mexican state of Hidalgo replicating the 900 A.D. sculpture of the
    Toltec god Tula. Impressive -- this was a gift from a state in another
    country and placed in our very own Courthouse Park.

    As I glanced northeast, I found a domed monument with pillars. As I
    got closer, I was impressed with its design. It reminded me of
    something that would appear in an ancient European or Mediterranean
    city. A quick search and I found out that it was built by a husband as
    a memorial for his wife and was designed by their granddaughter.

    >From there I walked over to the Fresno County Peace Officers' Memorial
    and was touched by the names on the wall. Although I didn't recognize
    any of them, I knew that these were people who gave their lives
    protecting families like mine. Like many people, I imagine, I had
    walked past it numerous times. Although I knew what it signified, I
    never felt it until I took the time to think about it.

    As I looked west, another large monument caught my eye. It was of a
    nicely dressed gentleman on a large concrete base -- Dr. Chester
    Rowell. I had seen his name on a street sign and heard of the
    elementary school named after him, but I had no idea that he was a
    humanitarian and the editor-publisher of The Fresno Republican
    newspaper, as well as our city's fourth mayor. It was interesting to
    find out that at his death, the community rallied and collected funds
    to build the monument.

    I was also fascinated to learn that many of the contributors for this
    memorial and his urn were from Fresno's Armenian-American community.
    The story goes that when they arrived in Fresno Dr. Rowell treated
    them when they were ill without expecting payment in return. He also
    supported the community's effort to start its own newspaper and
    directed his publishing staff to assist in any way possible.

    My journey that day ended in front of the monument dedicated to
    William Saroyan. Although there were at least 16 more monuments I
    could have visited, my lunch break was coming to an end. Saroyan
    always fascinated me because of his lack of desire to be the center of
    attention. His writing was read all around the world. People liked his
    style, which led to him becoming a worldwide icon, yet friends of his
    claim he didn't even like his picture taken. Upon doing some research,
    I found that the monument was on granite imported from India and faced
    one of the streets where he sold newspapers as a young boy. As I
    turned around to look across the street I could imagine him with a
    stack of newspapers selling to people walking around downtown.

    After being more observant on my lunchtime walks at Courthouse Park, I
    can say I am more educated on the history of Fresno and encourage you
    to spend time there as well.

    From: A. Papazian