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Turkey finally designates al-Nusra a terrorist group

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  • Turkey finally designates al-Nusra a terrorist group

    June 7 2014

    Turkey finally designates al-Nusra a terrorist group

    Author: Tulin DalogluPosted June 6, 2014

    The timing was interesting. Turkey's Council of Ministers decided on
    June 3 -- the day war-torn Syria held a dubious election in
    regime-controlled areas -- to designate Jabhat al-Nusra, an al-Qaeda
    affiliate fighting the Bashar al-Assad regime, a terrorist

    Since the May 2013 Reyhanli bombing -- the worst terrorist attack in
    Turkey, which killed 52 and wounded more than a hundred -- the ruling
    Justice and Development Party (AKP) has held the Syrian regime
    responsible. Yet, the country's main opposition Republican People's
    Party (CHP) has submitted multiple requests to the Turkish parliament
    for a thorough investigation into the matter. The CHP has frequently
    demanded the formation of a parliamentary investigation commission in
    an attempt to come clean on Turkey's alleged support for al-Qaeda's
    franchise groups in Syria. Their proposals have not produced any

    However, in March 2014, Tacan Ildem, Turkey's ambassador to the
    Permanent Council of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in
    Europe (OSCE), became the first high-level Turkish official to claim
    that Reyhanli was actually an al-Qaeda attack. Ildem's statement only
    came after Turkey shot down a Syrian fighter jet on March 23, claiming
    it violated Turkish airspace. This was just a day before Armenians
    marked the anniversary of their fallen ancestors in 1915.

    Ildem could have been acting on his own personal initiative to save
    Turkey's image from a fierce Armenian attack, which held Turkey
    responsible for atrocities committed in Syria at the hands of radical
    Islamists. On March 25, the Armenian Bar Association complained to US
    President Barack Obama in a letter that Turkey's shooting down of the
    Syrian jet only helped the radicals take over the majority Armenian
    city of Kassab in Syria, close to the Turkish border. Although Turkey
    has been under the spotlight since the early stages of the uprising in
    Syria for its alleged support of these radical groups, Turkish Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has constantly fired back, questioning
    whether those raising such criticisms are vying for the survival of
    the Assad regime.

    The Council of Ministers stated that its decision to brand Jabhat
    al-Nusra a terrorist organization is based on UN decisions. This same
    Erdogan government, however, never adopted US or UN decisions
    regarding Yasin al-Qadi, the Saudi businessman who was listed in 2001
    as a "specially designated global terrorist" for his role as
    al-Qaeda's financier. At the time, Erdogan said he knew al-Qadi
    personally. He would later repeat this assertion -- that al-Qadi is a
    "family friend" -- after the surfacing of several audio recordings in
    the December graft probe, which publicized a talk between al-Qadi and
    Erdogan's son Bilal.

    This is just one example of Turkey not complying with UN decisions,
    but since then, Turkey has come under international inquiry for its
    support of these radical groups fighting in Syria. "Moreover, Turkey
    chose to stay silent about many developments in the Kurdish-held parts
    of Syria. The Turkish side perceived the PYD's [Democratic Union
    Party] political and military establishment adjacent to its border as
    a threat to its domestic security," Yasin Atlioglu of Nigde
    University, an expert on Syria, told Al-Monitor. "The armed wing of
    the PYD, the YPG's [People's Protection Units] joint declaration with
    the Islamic Front -- and therefore al-Nusra -- that they bring their
    forces together to fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and
    al-Sham, led to serious shifts on the alliances in the field."

    Although Turkey does not admit that its Syria policy and its vision of
    having zero problems with neighbors failed, there is no end in sight
    to the radicalization of the Syrian theater. It's like a free-for-all
    jihadist camp.

    The shift is clear with regard to the Erdogan government's perception
    that it knows the Middle East well. It is not that Assad should stay
    or go -- it is a fact of life that Turkey's calculation of Assad's
    staying power did not match the reality. Although the United States
    and Europe were equally dismal in their strategic and tactical
    approach to the Syrian war, Turkey stuck its neck out due to its
    geography and Erdogan's public statements that made the toppling of
    Assad a state policy.

    With the Council of Ministers' recent decision, Turkey could be
    signaling a shift in its Syria policy. After all, Ersan Sen, a law
    professor in Istanbul, told Al-Monitor that the council does not have
    the right to designate a group a terrorist organization. "[O]nly the
    court of cassation has the authority to designate a group a terror
    organization. Unless the Council of Ministers is applying a specific
    international agreement to its decision, this decision is not
    binding," he said.

    It is not clear how Turkey is going to act upon this decision. "There
    are so many Islamic civil movements in Turkey recruiting people for
    jihad. If Turkish authorities carry an operation against them, or if
    they freeze the assets and bank accounts of those who are affiliated
    with al-Nusra in Turkey, carry out arrests and take some serious
    measures on border security, then this decision will mean something,"
    Atlioglu said. "Without it, it only looks like an effort to better
    Turkey's image in the international arena."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress