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Call for participants: Goriz 2014 session to meet in Tbilissi, Georg

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  • Call for participants: Goriz 2014 session to meet in Tbilissi, Georg

    AGBU Europe
    Contact: Nicolas Tavitian
    Email: [email protected]
    Tel + 32 2 761 12 17
    GSM + 32 495 77 08 67

    Call for participants: Goriz 2014 session to meet in Tbilissi, Georgia


    The Sixth Goriz seminar will take place in Georgia, from October 22 to
    26, 2014.

    This year the Goriz Leadership Training Seminar will tackle the
    question of minorities and diasporas and of their relationship with
    public authorities. It will take place in Georgia, a country where
    minority cultures are numerous and vibrant.

    The 2014 Goriz seminar is organized in partnership with Hayartun
    (Tbilisi, Georgia), the European Centre for Minority Issues Caucasus
    (Tbilisi), the European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS) as well as the
    ERGO Network of Roma organizations, each of which will contribute
    their specific experience in leadership training to the programme.

    Most civil society projects involve some form of access to public
    resources: a public space, project funding, media attention, help and
    advice or the supportive presence of a public official. Who people
    think you are matters in that decision; how identities are framed and
    perceived plays an important part in deciding whether or not whether
    public authorities will support a project.

    This seminar aims to explore this topic and to develop participants'
    ability to deal constructively with identity issues in order to ensure
    the success of their projects and to help them play a fuller part in
    public life.

    The presence of young people from many different European countries,
    with experience in the Jewish, Roma and Armenian communities, will
    allow for a uniquely rich exchange of experience on this
    topic. Exchanges with leaders from different minorities in Georgia
    will also contribute considerably to the exchange.

    Seminar participants will be expected to contribute to the production
    of a `good practice guide' to serve as a reference and inspiration in
    future projects and initiatives and to share their experience through
    various media after the event.

    AGBU Europe's Goriz programme was first established in 2008 to seek
    out young Armenian leaders or would-be leaders in different European
    countries and to train, advise, network and support them to achieve
    high value-added projects for the benefit of Armenian communities and
    for Armenia. The 2014 seminar follows earlier events in Venice (2009,
    on lobbying), Yerevan (2010, on democracy and participation),
    Brussels (2011, on European citizenship), Yerevan (2012, media
    training) and Istanbul (2013, on the situation of Armenians in

    Seminar participation is subject to applications. Goriz members are
    typically young people who are university graduates, have professional
    experience and have demonstrated some leadership skills and
    experience. Goriz seminars are held in English. Full information and
    registration documents are available at: 8ae1ab9eaa
    ( 8ae1ab9eaa)

    To apply: applicants must return their application form and CV before
    July 31 2014 to [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

    Nicolas Tavitian
    AGBU Europe
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
    Tel + 32 2 761 12 17 (
    GSM + 32 495 77 08 67 ( 8ae1ab9eaa)
    w ( 8ae1ab9eaa) ( 8ae1ab9eaa)

    Please note: Funding allowing, travel and accommodation expenses to
    the seminar will be refunded for selected participants. Seminar
    funding will be confirmed at the end of August.

    The application form as well as detailed information on conditions are
    available at:
    ( 8ae1ab9eaa)

    AGBU Europe is the European branch of the Armenian General Benevolent
    Union (AGBU). Established in 1906, AGBU (
    ( 8ae1ab9eaa)
    ) is the world's largest non-profit Armenian organization. AGBU Europe
    coordinates and develops the pan-European activities of the
    organization; it preserves and promotes the Armenian identity and
    heritage through programs in the fields of education, leadership
    training, culture, heritage, humanitarian and EU public affairs
    ( 8ae1ab9eaa)
