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Armenian Genocide Museum To Be Built In Buenos Aires

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  • Armenian Genocide Museum To Be Built In Buenos Aires


    09:53, 11 June, 2014

    BUENOS AIRES, JUNE 11, ARMENPRESS. In the capital of Argentina, Buenos
    Aires, upon the initiative of the Armenian Diocese of Argentina, and
    the Armenian Center, in the "Siranuysh" Hall adjacent to the Prelacy,
    on June 11, an event took place dedicated to the construction of the
    Armenian Genocide Museum in Buenos Aires. As reports "Armenpress",
    Buenos Aires autonomous municipal government, ahead of the 100th
    anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, provided the Armenian community
    with a piece of land for the construction of the museum.

    On behalf of Buenos Aires City Mayor Mauricio Macri, the City Cabinet
    Chief Horacio Rodríguez Larreta delivered a speech.

    The latter spoke of the important role and usefulness of the Armenian
    community, pointing out a number of peculiarities of the strong and
    growing community.

    After the necessary documents were handed over, a thank you speech
    was delivered by the Diocesan Council Chairman of Argentina the
    Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Argentina, President of Argentina's
    Armenian Center, Mr. Alberto Jerejian. He thanked the Mayor Mauricio
    Macri, and all the staff of the Municipality for the donated land,
    stressing that during the World Congress on the 100th anniversary
    of the Armenian Genocide, held recently in Armenia, the President
    of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan and His Holiness Karekin
    II, Catholicos of All Armenians, highly appreciated this important
    achievement of the Armenian community of Argentina.

    The audience was addressed to by Deputy Secretary of Buenos Aires
    City Council for Human Rights and Cultural Diversity Claudio Avruj,
    the Armenian Genocide Memorial Foundation President Carlos Tufeksian
    and the Foundation member Nelida Bolgurjian.

    The event was attended by senior leaders of various community
    development organizations, members and hundreds of believers.
