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'I Want To Leave US Forever'

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  • 'I Want To Leave US Forever'


    Pravda, Russia
    June 10 2014

    By Yury Decyatnik

    Mikhail Sebastian is the most famous stateless person in the US. Born
    in the former Soviet Union, Sebastian sought asylum in the US in
    the early 1990s, but was denied. The US could not deport him because
    Armenia-the successor state in whose territory Sebastian was born-did
    not recognize his citizenship, leaving him stateless. After a four-day
    New Year's vacation to American Samoa in 2012, Sebastian was barred
    from reentering the mainland United States by immigration officials,
    who claimed he had self-deported. It took nearly 14 months for
    Sebastian to gain permission to return to his home in Los Angeles,
    and this occurred only after extensive interventions by lawyers,
    government officials, human rights advocates, and university groups,
    as well as a social media campaign via Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, and
    CNN iReport. My goal is opposite. I want to leave the US forever. What
    happened? I became victim of neo-Marxist radical feminist domestic
    violence industry.

    Eric Holder states that the US has the best justice systems. Based
    on what? Incarceration rates are the highest in the world. I have
    been everywhere in the US except Alaska. I cannot say Americans are
    the most evil people, but a huge part of the US population deserve a
    PhD in stupidity (a few facts to prove it: the reelection of Obama ,
    google congressman Hank Jonson (D-Georgia) who says that Guam could
    tip and capsize, Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) on a visit to JPL,
    asked if Mars Pathfinder had taken an image of the flag planted there
    in 1969 by Neil Armstrong, she believes North and South Vietnam still
    exist , Charles Schumer (D-New York) he thinks the three branches of
    government are the US president, the US Congress, and the Senate. How
    many more pinheads running US and what is the IQ of the people who
    vote for them)? People get away with lying in court daily. A widely
    known example is the Duke La Cross case where accuser the women has not
    received one bit of punishment. Dire injustice is occurring across the
    US. Laws enacted to protect the victims of the vile crime of domestic
    violence are being abused by citizens as well as law enforcement,
    in this process innocent men's lives are destroyed.

    Burden of proof is being thrown out and the simple word of the accuser
    is being taken without question, many times without the accused
    even being allowed to speak. I've been victimized in the State of
    Washington. Not enough I spent 11 months in solitary confinement and
    22 months in immigration detention, now I cannot even leave the US.

    I'm formerly a citizen of the USSR; I understand that life is some
    time not fair and I've given up pursuing justice. Millions of people
    try to get into America, and millions more try to avoid deportation,
    I am just trying to get out. I have a 4-year old son in Russia who
    needs his father not just a human wallet overseas. In December of 2013,
    I talked face to face with the Russian Consul in Seattle. I had been
    told that if I could obtain official paperwork from ICE containing
    my name, immigration status and picture, the Russian Consulate would
    grant me a visa to go to Russia and in time would be able to get
    Russian citizenship.

    Here is quote from an email between a USA representative (District 7)
    and US immigration authorities, "USCIS electronic records indicate
    that Mr. Decyatnik was ordered removed from the United States on
    February 26, 2002. It appears that Mr. Decyatnik has no immigration
    status in the United States. USCIS cannot issue official proof of
    non-status." How stupid is this, if INS can't remove me, just give
    me travel documents and I will leave on my own. In my opinion, common
    sense was dead in the United States a long time ago in domestic affairs
    or international relations it reminds me of Alice in Wonderland.

    Yury Decyatnik USA

    From: Baghdasarian