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Crossroads E-Newsletter - June 12, 2014

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  • Crossroads E-Newsletter - June 12, 2014

    Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
    H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
    Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
    138 East 39th Street
    New York, NY 10016
    Tel: 212-689-7810
    Fax: 212-689-7168

    June 12, 2014

    The Armenian Prelacy =99¦ 138 East 39th Street =99¦ New York, NY 10016

    tel: 212-689-7810 =99¦ Fax: 212-689-7168 =99¦ Email:
    [email protected]


    `Your solidarity with the Armenians during the 100th Anniversary
    Commemorations of the Genocide will be a valuable contribution to our
    just cause' (Catholicos Aram)

    `The history of emigration, persecutions and the martyrdom experienced
    by so many of the faithful has inflicted deep wounds on the hearts of
    all Armenians. We must see and venerate these as wounds inflicted on
    the very body of Christ.' (Pope Francis)

    Following a private meeting between Pope Francis and Catholicos Aram
    I, Pope Francis and Catholicos Aram met with the delegation that
    accompanied the
    Catholicos. In his speech the Catholicos noted that since 1997 he has
    had the opportunity to meet Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and
    currently, His Holiness Francis I.

    Catholicos Aram I then spoke of the special relations between the
    Roman Catholic Church and the Catholicosate of Cilicia during the time
    of the Kingdom of Cilicia and after the Genocide when the Holy See
    settled in Antelias,

    The Catholicos expressed his appreciation of the Pope's effort to take
    the church to the people, which he said is also at the heart of the
    Armenian Orthodox Church and to which it is fully committed. He
    invited all churches to leave confessional differences aside and face
    together the urgent challenges confronting humanity.

    Speaking of the Middle East, the Catholicos said that despite the
    current violence in the region, Christians would continue to witness
    for their faith, fulfill their duties, and demand their rights as
    citizens of their countries.

    Speaking about the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide that will be
    commemorated in 2015, the Catholicos thanked the Pope for his past
    positions towards the Armenian cause and spoke of the
    one-and-a-half-million Armenians that had lost their lives and of the
    churches, homes, sources of livelihood, spiritual and cultural
    heritage that had been lost in the Genocide that had been perpetrated
    upon the Armenians by the Ottoman Turks. The Catholicos paid tribute
    to Pope Benedict XV who denounced the Armenian Genocide in a letter to
    Sultan Mehmet V in 1915. The Catholicos asked the Pope to continue
    advocating for the rights of the Armenian People.

    In his response, Pope Francis, noted that Catholicos Aram's
    =80=9Ccommitment to the cause of Christian unity is known to all. You
    have been especially active in the World Council of Churches and you
    continue to be most supportive of the Middle East Council Churches,
    which plays such an important role in assisting the Christian
    communities of that region as they face numerous difficulties. Nor can
    I fail to mention the significant contribution which Your Holiness and
    the representatives of the Catholicosate of Cilicia have made to the
    Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church
    and the Oriental Orthodox Churches. I am convinced that on our journey
    towards full communion we share the same hopes and a similar sense of
    responsibility as we strive to be faithful to the will of the
    Lord Jesus Christ.'

    Referring to the Armenian Genocide, the Pope said `the Armenian people
    represent a part of the Christian world that is irrevocably marked by
    a history of trials and sufferings courageously accepted for the love
    of God. The Armenian Apostolic Church has had to become a pilgrim
    people; it has
    experienced in a singular way what it means to journey towards the
    of God. The history of emigration, persecutions and martyrdom
    experienced by so many of the faithful has inflicted deeps wounds on
    the hearts of all Armenians. We must see and venerate these as wounds
    inflicted on the very body of Christ, and for this very reason a cause
    for unfailing hope and trust in the provident mercy of the father.'

    At the end of formal speeches, the two Pontiffs and the delegation
    accompanying Catholicos Aram I, coming from Europe, the Middle East,
    and North and
    South America, attended a special prayer service. Following the
    service, the delegates were formally introduced to the Pope.


    The newly appointed Executive Director of the Karageuzian Foundation,
    accompanied by the directors of the Foundation in Armenia and Lebanon,
    visited the Prelacy offices yesterday where they were received by the
    Vicar General, Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian.


    St. Gregory of Datev Institute will hold its 28th annual summer
    program for youth ages 13-18 at St. Mary of Providence Center in
    Elverson, Pennsylvania, from June 29 to July 6, 2014. The program is
    sponsored by the Prelacy's Armenian Religious Education Council
    (AREC). For information and registration, please visit the Prelacy
    website (


    Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian with Mrs. Eranouhi Shahbazian.


    Mrs. Eranouhi Shahbazian, who was one of the most dedicated members of
    Cathedral since she came to the United States from Romania many
    decades ago with her family, passed away on June 6 at the age of 103.

    Mrs. Shahbazian, a survivor of the Armenian Genocide, was born on
    August 25, 1910, in Ordou, Turkey. At the age of five she lost her
    mother, and later her father. She was reunited with her sister in an
    orphanage from where they were first sent to Russia and then to


    St. Stephen's Saturday School in Watertown, Massachusetts, held its
    year-end program, highlighted by the graduation of 12 students from
    the 12th grade. St. Stephen's is the only ANEC-affiliated one-day
    whose classes extend through the high school level.

    The program was dedicated to the elders of the community in accordance
    with the declaration of His Holiness Aram I, proclaiming 2014 as the
    Year of the Elders. This year's graduates were: Talar Kaya, Barkev
    Chaghlasian, Aren Torigian, Arlene Cimen, Sarkis Toukhmanian, Aida
    Ani Khachadrian, Karni Berejiklian, Alek Kotikian, Raffi Bilanian,
    Anette Calisir, and Taleen Saghrian.

    The 12th grade graduates with 11th and 12th grade teacher, Mr. Khajag
    Megerdichian; Pastor, Archpriest Fr. Antranig Baljian; Principal,
    Mrs. Mayda Melkonian, and School Committee Chairman, Mr. Missak


    Last Sunday St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New York, honored graduates
    of the Armenian community in a special Church Service and luncheon
    that followed. Honored were, College Graduates: Hagop Nercessian and
    Leon Zohrabian; High School Graduates: Armen Bijimenian, Arthur
    Mouradian and Christapor Megherian; Eighth Grade graduates: Nicole
    Mark, Shushan Aghavian, Cassandra Trivino, Isabel Hagobian, Raffi
    Hagobian, Mimi Bijimenian, and Arev Ebrimian; Sixth Grade Graduates:
    Peter Agopian and Alicia Mordjikian; and Fifth Grade graduate Michael

    Sixteen graduates and their families attended the Divine
    Liturgy. Bishop Anoushavan, Vicar of the Prelacy, and Rev. Fr. Nareg
    invited the graduates to the altar where His Grace prayed for each one
    as he presented them with a
    specially designed satin stole representing St. Sarkis Church, hand
    crafted by Mrs. Jeanette Nenejian. Following church services the
    graduates and their families were invited to join in a special
    luncheon and program. (Reported by Seta Megherian)

    Bishop Anoushavan and Rev. Fr. Nareg Terterian, pastor of St. Sarkis
    Church, Douglaston, New York with the 2014 graduates.


    The graduates of the Taniel Varoujan Armenian Saturday School in
    Illinois, with Archpriest Fr. Zareh Sahakian, Pastor of All Saints
    Mrs. Talin Artinian, Principal, Mrs. Arpie Dekirmenjian, Vice
    Principal, Mrs. Rita Arakelian, 7th grade teacher, and Mrs. Silva
    Bedian, 7th grade teacher.


    The Mourad Armenian Saturday School of Sts. Vartanantz Church,
    Rhode Island, concluded the school year with its annual Hantes at Hope
    Highlands School in Cranston. The program included singing,
    recitations, dance
    performances, and drama. Students, parents, and the principal Deegen
    Anahid Kibarian and the teachers all worked diligently during the
    school year to
    prepare this year's presentation that was dedicated to the =80=9CYear
    of the Elderly.' Honorees were three long-time servants of
    the school: Mrs. Carol Mesrobian (School Committee treasurer), former
    co-principal Mrs. Rozanne Arzoomanian, and the current principal,
    Mrs. Kibarian.

    Five students won the essay contest sponsored by the Armenian Relief
    Society. Seven students, David Ayriyan, Anahid Donoyan, Taleen
    Donoyan, Armen Eghian, Datev Katchatryan, Rosdom Mkrtschjan, and Lorie
    Simonian, graduated, and participated in the Divine Liturgy by reading
    from the Gospel in Armenian and English, reciting the Havadamk (Nicene
    Creed), giving the Voghchooyn
    (Kiss of Peace), and performing ushering duties. Next school year,
    these graduates will serve as assistant teachers, as members of the
    church choir, or serve on the altar.

    A dance presentation by the younger grades.

    Honorees and graduates with Archpriest Fr. Gomidas Baghsarian,
    Mrs. Maggie
    Nalbandian, and School Committee chair, Hagop Khatchadourian.


    Induction services for the new Board of Trustees of Sts. Vartanantz
    Church, Ridgefield, New Jersey, took place last Sunday after the
    Divine Liturgy. Rev. Fr. Hovnan Bozoian, pastor, conducted the service
    in the presence of a
    large number of parishioners. At the end of the induction service, Der
    Hovnan congratulated the new Board of Trustees on behalf of the
    Prelate and Vicar General, and the Sts. Vartanantz family and wished
    them health and good
    luck in their service.

    Rev. Fr. Hovnan Bozoian with the members of the new board of
    trustees. Front row, left to right, Karoun Dayermenjian (secretary),
    Apraham Dermenjian (chair), Fr. Hovnan (pastor), Lynn Mahlebjian (Vice
    Chair), Vicken Mazbanian (treasurer). Back row, left to right:
    Advisors, Nora Sarajian, Vahe Asayan, Silva Kouyoumdjian, Mher
    Azazian, and Garo Khatchadourian.


    Last Sunday, a presentation on World Vision International Charitable
    Organization's operations in Armenia, was presented at
    St. Illuminator's Cathedral. The presentation was facilitated by
    Rev. David L. Snyder, the Church Partnerships (Officer of World
    Vision's U.S. office, and Dr. Artur Martirosyan, a member of the Board
    of Trustees of St. Illuminator's Cathedral, and former staff member of
    World Vision in Armenia.

    In his opening remarks, Dn. Shant Kazanjian, director of the Prelacy's
    Armenian Religious Education Council (AREC) welcomed the guest
    speaker, thanked World Vision for its worldwide charitable work,
    especially in Armenia, and stressed the importance for cooperation.

    Rev. Snyder described the mission of World Vision and its important
    role in Armenia. Dr. Martirosyan stressed the new initiative by World
    Vision US to engage with the US-based Armenian Diaspora primarily
    through the Armenian
    Church. The presentation was accompanied with impressive video
    materials on how the change is brought to an ordinary Armenian village
    through the facilitation of World Vision Armenia as well as a video
    describing the global nature of World Vision and the objective of
    child sponsorship. At the conclusion of the presentation,
    Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian, pastor of the Cathedral presented a copy of
    the book, Living Faith, to Rev. Snyder, and thanked all of the

    World Vision presentation took place at the Cathedral. Left to right,
    Dn. Shant Kazanjian, Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian, Rev. David L. Snyder,
    Dr. Artur


    Bible readings for Sunday, June 15, First Sunday after Pentecost,
    (Beginning of Sundays of Resurrection) are: 1 Kings 18:29-46; 2 Kings
    2:1-15; James
    5:16-20; Luke 4:25-30.

    Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another,
    so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and
    effective. Elijah was a human being like us, and he prayed fervently
    that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not
    rain on the earth. Then he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain and
    the earth yielded its harvest.

    My brothers and sisters, if anyone among you wanders from the truth
    and is
    brought back by another, you should know that whoever brings back a
    from wandering will save the sinner's soul from death and will cover a
    multitude of sins. (James 5:16-20)

    For a listing of the coming week's Bible readings click here


    This Sunday, June 15, the Armenian Church commemorates the Feast of
    Elijah, the Messianic prophet of the Old Testament recorded in 1 and 2
    Kings. Elijah was the greatest prophet in the Old Testament and
    therefore his feast day falls on a Sunday. He appeared along with
    Moses at the Transfiguration as the prophet of life and the new
    covenant; Moses was representative of the
    old covenant. The Armenian Church (like all the Eastern churches)
    holds Elijah in the highest esteem. Most importantly, Elijah did not
    experience death, but was taken to heaven, like the Holy Mother of
    God. He is mentioned in the Armenian hymn Ee Verin, sung during the
    Requiem Service.

    `Receive us in Jerusalem above, in the dwellings of the angels, in
    Eden, the paradise where Enoch and Elijah live worthily resplendent in
    dove-like purity and in old age. O merciful Lord, have mercy upon the
    souls of
    ours who have fallen asleep.'

    (From the Armenian hymn Ee Verin Yerousaghem (Receive us in Jerusalem
    above), sung during the Requiem Service.)


    This Monday and Tuesday, June 16 and 17, the Armenian Church
    commemorates the virgin saints Hripsime and Gayane and their
    companions. Thirty-three nuns, led by Gayane, left Rome and sought
    refuge in Armenia hoping to escape the Roman Emperor who desired one
    of the nuns, the beautiful Hripsime. In Armenia, King Dertad became
    captivated by Hripsime's beauty and sought to wed her. She
    refused. Enraged, the king had Hripsime (and the other nuns)
    imprisoned and tortured to death.

    When Gregory was released from his imprisonment in the deep pit (Khor
    Virab) he built chapels over the relics of the nuns, which Catholicos
    Sahag Bartev later renovated. During the 7th century, churches were
    built over both sites. The church dedicated to Saint Hripsime, built
    by Catholicos Gomidas,
    is considered to be an architectural masterpiece and influenced the
    course of Armenian architecture. Catholicos Gomidas also wrote a
    sharagan (hymn) in their memory-the well-known Antsink Nviryalk
    (Dedicated Beings).

    The two churches, as well as a third (Shoghakat) are in the city of
    Etchmiadzin (Vagharshapat), not far from the complex of buildings that
    comprise the Holy Mother See of Etchmiadzin, designated by UNESCO as a
    World Heritage

    (Prepared by the Armenian National Education Committee[ANEC])

    Birth of Tigran Petrosian
    (June 17, 1929)

    Armenia was not an independent state in the 1960s, when Tigran the
    Great was the king of the world. Tigran Petrosian put Armenia and
    Armenians on the
    world map of chess. His almost impenetrable defensive playing style
    him the nickname `Iron Tigran' by Soviet grandmaster Lev Polugaievsky.

    Petrosian was born in Tiflis on June 17, 1929. He learned to play
    chess at
    the age of 8, though his father, who was illiterate, encouraged him to
    continue studying. He was orphaned during World War II and was forced
    to sweep
    streets to earn a living.

    He began training at the Tiflis Pioneers' Palace in 1941, and became a
    candidate Master at the age of 17 (1946). He then moved to Yerevan and
    won the Armenian chess championship. He earned the title of Master
    during the USSR junior chess championship of 1947.

    After moving to Moscow in 1949, Petrosian's career as a chess player
    advanced rapidly. In 1951 and 1952 he earned the titles of
    International Master and Grandmaster. In the tournament of candidates
    for world championship of 1953, he arrived in fifth position. After
    the 1956 candidates' tournament, he made a turnaround in his
    production. He went on to win the 1959 and 1961 USSR championships,
    and after winning the candidates' tournament of 1962 in Curacao, he
    earned the right to challenge Mikhail Botvinnik, another Soviet
    player, for the title of world chess champion. Petrosian
    won the match in 1963 with a final score of 12.5 to 9.5.

    Upon becoming world champion, Petrosian became editor-in-chief of the
    chess monthly Shakhmatnaya Moskva (1963-1966) and campaigned for the
    publication of a chess newspaper for the entire Soviet Union. This
    newspaper became known as 64. He would become its founding editor from
    1968-1977. He earned a
    Ph.D. in Philosophical Science at Yerevan State University in 1968,
    with his dissertation entitled `Chess Logics: Some Problems of Logic
    of Chess Thought.'

    After successfully defending his crown in 1966 against Boris Spassky,
    Petrosian, who had won the Soviet championship in 1969, was challenged
    again by
    the same player in the same year. This time, Spassky won the match by

    The Armenian player continued his career and participated four more
    times in the candidates' tournament (1971, 1974, 1977, and 1980). He
    won again the Soviet championship in 1975. He participated as a
    representative of the USSR in ten Chess Olympiads from 1958-1978,
    where he obtained the third all-best performance of all times (79.5
    per cent, with only one defeat on 129 games) and won six individual
    gold medals.

    Petrosian photographed during a match with rival Bobby Fischer in
    Yugoslavia, 1970.

    In his 1973 book on grandmasters of chess, New York Times journalist
    Harold C. Schonberg said that `playing him was like trying to put
    handcuffs on an eel. There was nothing to grip.' Boris Spassky,
    Petrosian's successor, described his style of play: `Petrosian reminds
    me of a hedgehog. Just when you think you have caught him, he puts out
    his quills."

    Petrosian passed away of stomach cancer in Moscow on August 13,
    1984. He was buried in the cemetery of Vagankovo, where world chess
    champion Garry Kasparov unveiled a memorial on his grave in 1987,
    depicting the laurel wreath of a world champion and an image contained
    within a crown of the sun shining above the twin peaks of Mount
    Ararat. In the district of Davtashen, in Yerevan, a monument honoring
    the world-famous player was opened in 2006 on the street that carries
    his name.

    Tigran Petrosian contributed enormously to popularize chess in
    Armenia. The country became a great power in the chess world after
    independence. Grandmaster Tigran L. Petrosian, born a month after his
    death, was named after him.

    Previous entries in `This Week in Armenian History' are on
    the Prelacy's web site (


    The crises in Syria, including the recent upheaval in Kessab, require
    our financial assistance. Please keep this community in your prayers,
    your hearts, and your pocketbooks.



    Armenian Prelacy
    138 E. 39th Street
    New York, NY 10016
    Checks payable to: Fund for Syrian Armenian Relief

    Thank you for your help


    June 15-St. Gregory Church, annual Father's Day Picnic, 12
    noon to 5 pm on the church grounds at 135 Goodwin Street, Indian
    Orchard, Massachusetts. Enjoy many favorite Armenian dinners including
    shish kebab and rice pilaf. Baked goods available for
    purchase. Raffle, Armenian music and dancing, and activities for
    children. Admission and parking are free. For information,

    June 16-17-St. Sarkis Church, Dearborn, Michigan, Sunday School Teens
    Seminar at Colombiere Conference and Retreat Center, Clarkston,

    June 22-Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield, New Jersey, Nareg Saturday
    School year-end Hantes, following the Divine Liturgy.

    June 22-Wisconsin chapter of SOAR (Society for Orphaned Armenian
    Relief) Golf Outing, Meadowbrook Country Club, 2149 N. Green Bay Road,
    Racine; 11 am lunch and registration; 1 pm shotgun start; 5:30 pm
    finish; 6 pm dinner and entertainment. Golf event with dinner $150 per
    golfer; $50 dinner
    and program for non-golfers. Registration and/or information:

    June 23-Holy Trinity Church, Worcester, Massachusetts, 11th Annual
    Golf Outing, Sterling National Country Club, Sterling,
    Massachusetts. Tee off: 9 am, shotgun start, scramble format. $145 per
    person includes: Golf, cart, breakfast, dinner, prizes, raffles, and
    chance to win a two-year lease on a 2014 Land Rover with a hole in
    one. For information: Kap Kaprielian,
    [email protected] or 508-872-9629.

    June 24-26-Vacation Bible Camp for preschool (age 4) to 6th grade
    students at St. Sarkis Church, Dearborn, Michigan, from 10 am to 2
    pm. Religious activities, lessons, crafts, and games. For information:

    June 28-St. Stephen's Church, New Britain, Connecticut, Ladies Guild
    Cooking Class, `Short Cuts to Armenian Cooking,'
    11 am, Mock Manti. $15 for each class; $40 for three classes.

    June 29 - July 6: St. Gregory of Datev Institute Summer Program for
    youth ages 13-18 at the St. Mary of Providence Center in Elverson,
    Pennsylvania, sponsored by the Prelacy's Armenian Religious Education
    Council (AREC). For information, contact the AREC office at
    212.689.7810 or at
    [email protected].

    June 29-St. Hagop Church, Racine, Wisconsin, Annual Armenian Picnic
    and `Madagh' blessing at 11 am, by Rev. Fr. Daron Stepanian, pastor of
    St. Hagop Church, at Johnson Park, 6200 Northwestern Avenue. Shish
    kebab and chicken dinners, sarma, penelee, khurabia, and more. Live
    Armenian music; children's activities, raffle drawing. For
    information: Zohrab at [email protected].

    July 14-39th Annual St. Sarkis Golf & Tennis Classic, Meadowbrook
    Country Club, Northville, Michigan. $250 donation for golf breakfast,
    lunch, and banquet. $125 donation banquet only. Reservations:

    July 19-`A Hye Summer A Night IX,' sponsored by the Ladies Guild of
    Sts. Vartanantz Church, Providence, and Armenian Relief Society Ani
    Chapter, 7 pm to 12 midnight. Dinner Dance at Alpine Country Club,
    Pippen Orchard Drive, Cranston, Rhode Island, featuring Hachig
    John Berberian, Ken Kalajian, and Jason Naroian. Dinner-Dance, $50;
    dance only after 8:30 pm, $35 (with student ID $25). RSVP before June
    30. Call Joyce Yeremian, 401-354-8770, [email protected] or Joyce
    Bagdasarian, 401-434-4467,

    July 26-St. Stephen's Church, New Britain, Connecticut, Ladies Guild
    Cooking Class, `Short Cuts to Armenian Cooking,'
    11 am, Boereg. $15 for each class; $40 for three classes.

    August 17-St. Sarkis Church (Dearborn) Grape Blessing Family Fun
    Picnic at Kensington Park, Kensington, Michigan. Good food, music,
    biking, soccer, dancing, magician, swimming, playscape, kids games,
    door prizes, face painting, tavloo tournament and more.

    August 17-Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield, New Jersey, Annual
    Picnic and Blessing of the Grapes, 1-5 pm at Saddle River County Park,
    Wild Duck Pond area. Music, delicious Armenian food and desserts, arts
    crafts, and playground for children, cards, and tavloo, and more.

    September 18-Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield, New Jersey, 12th
    Annual Golf Classic, River Vale Country Club, River Vale, New
    Jersey. Rain or Shine. 11 am registration and Grilled Lunch Buffet; 1
    pm Tee Off. Format: Shotgun Scramble (All player levels welcome). Golf
    Outing Reservation: $195; limited to first 128 paid golf
    reservations. Reservation includes: Grilled lunch buffet, dinner
    banquet, golf, cart, and range balls. Contests and
    Prizes. Sponsorships available. For information: 201-943-2950.

    October 3-St. Sarkis Armenian Church, Douglaston, New York, Saturday
    School Dinner Dance Gala.

    Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacy's web

    To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox,
    [email protected] to your address book.

    Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please
    credit Crossroads as the source.

    Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about
    their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
    [email protected]
