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AAA: Turkey Christian Churches Accountability Act Scheduled For Comm

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  • AAA: Turkey Christian Churches Accountability Act Scheduled For Comm

    June 12, 2014

    Contact: Taniel Koushakjian
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: (202) 393-3434


    House Foreign Affairs Committee Scheduled to Consider H.R. 4347 on
    Wednesday, June 18th

    WASHINGTON, DC - Today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed
    Royce (R-CA) announced that a hearing and vote on H.R. 4347, the Turkey
    Christian Churches Accountability Act, has been scheduled for Wednesday,
    June 18th, reported the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly). Earlier
    this week, Reps. Jim Costa (D-CA), David Cicilline (D-RI) and Adam Schiff
    (D-CA) cosponsored H.R. 4347, adding momentum for the House to act on this
    important international religious freedom legislation.

    A similar `sense of the House resolution,' H. Res. 306, was adopted by the
    full House of Representatives on December 13, 2011. This new measure,
    however, goes further than the one adopted in 2011, as it `require[s] the
    Secretary of State to provide an annual report to Congress regarding United
    States Government efforts to survey and secure the return, protection, and
    restoration of stolen, confiscated, or otherwise unreturned Christian
    properties in the Republic of Turkey and in those areas currently occupied
    by the Turkish military in northern Cyprus.'

    Earlier this year, the Armenian National Institute (ANI), Armenian Genocide
    Museum of America (AGMA) and the Assembly jointly, and in cooperation with
    the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute
    in Yerevan, and the Republic of Armenia National Archives, announced the
    release of a major exhibit consisting of 20 panels with over 150 historic
    photographs documenting the role of the Armenian Church during the Armenian

    Titled 'The First Refuge and the Last Defense: The Armenian Church,
    Etchmiadzin, and The Armenian Genocide,' the exhibit explains the
    importance of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin during the Armenian
    Genocide. It also examines the vital leadership role played by the clergy
    during the Armenian Genocide, especially the intervention of His Holiness
    Catholicos Gevorg V Sureniants in alerting world leaders about the
    massacres, effectively issuing the first `early warning' of an impending

    As part of its many findings, H.R. 4347 states that `Christian churches and
    communities in the Republic of Turkey and in the occupied areas of Cyprus
    continue to be prevented from fully practicing their faith and face serious
    obstacles to reestablishing full legal, administrative, and operational
    control over stolen, expropriated, confiscated, or otherwise unreturned
    churches and other religious properties and sites. In many cases the
    rightful Christian church authorities, including relevant Holy Sees located
    outside Turkey and Turkish-occupied territories, are obstructed from
    safeguarding, repairing, or otherwise caring for their holy sites upon
    their ancient homelands, because the properties have been destroyed,
    expropriated, converted into mosques, storage facilities, or museums, or
    subjected to deliberate neglect.'

    `The Armenian Assembly strongly supports swift passage of the Turkey
    Christian Churches Accountability Act and calls on all Members of Congress
    to stand with those who seek to protect religious freedom,' stated
    Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. `The continued destruction of Christian
    heritage in Turkey is a glaring reminder of one of the many consequences of
    Turkey's state-sponsored denial of the Armenian Genocide,'
    Ardouny said.

    Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest
    Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and
    awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt
    membership organization.


    NR: # 2014-035
    Available online:

    From: Baghdasarian