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eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 06/12/2014

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  • eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 06/12/2014

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Chris Zakian
    Tel: (212) 686-0710 or (973) 943-8697
    E-mail: [email protected]

    ** TOP STORY June 12, 2014
    Feast of St. Hripsime
    Detail of a painting found in Holy Etchmiadzin depicting
    St. Hripsime's moral victory over King Drtad.

    ** Feasts of St. Hripsime, St. Gayane, and St. Gregory
    Next week the Armenian Church honors three saints: St. Hripsime,
    St. Gayane, and St. Gregory the Illuminator. The stories of these
    saints are intertwined, each telling a part of the larger tale about
    Armenia's conversion to Christianity.

    Their stories remind us of the darkness that lives in the un-repentant
    human heart, but they also show us the way God can take human tragedy
    and death, and transform these into victory and life.

    Hripsime and Gayane were nuns, who with their holy sisters had
    dedicated their lives to Christ. For this they were persecuted in the
    Roman Empire, and sought refuge in the kingdom of Armenia's pagan King
    Drtad, where they also faced torture, and later death.

    In this storm of destruction, Drtad became something less than
    human. The historian Agathangelos tells us he became a wild beast, and
    no physician or pagan priest could heal the wretched king. It was only
    the Christian missionary St. Gregory-long imprisoned in a dungeon
    cell-who could restore Drtad through the power of God, thus bringing
    illumination to a king, his court, and an entire nation.

    Accomplished in our Lord's name, suffering is transformed into
    sacrifice, death becomes martyrdom. Whatever our fates may be in this
    life-loss, persecution, death-the final chapter is always written by
    God. It is God who takes the sacrifice and martyrdom, and turns them
    into something glorious, whether this means the conversion of an
    entire nation, or the inspiration of a single soul.

    Click here
    ( b6c1479cc6&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=a7b850bc19-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email&utm_term= 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)
    to read more about St. Hripsime, St. Gayane, and St. Gregory the

    `Fatherhood' by the Russian painter Viktor Vasnetsov (1848-1926).

    ** Fatherhood: Privilege, Duty, Blessing
    Across the United States this Sunday, families will observe Father's
    Day: a chance to reflect, with gratitude, on the deeper meaning of
    fatherhood. While the surrounding popular culture may sometimes fail
    to treat fatherhood with due seriousness, the Armenian Church accords
    great reverence and respect to fathers.

    The greatest tribute we pay to fatherhood lies in the way we apply the
    word `Father' to God. Our ability to call upon Him as our Father is a
    privilege and blessing-beautifully conveyed in a prayer from our
    Divine Liturgy:

    `God of truth and Father of mercy, we are grateful that you have
    exalted us above even the [Old Testament] patriarchs. For you were
    called 'God' to them; but you are pleased to be named 'Father' to us.'

    The priest recites this prayer right before the congregation sings the
    Hayr Mer-reminding us that it was Jesus, God's only-begotten Son, who
    taught us to call God `Our Father.' And when we understand God in
    terms of His Fatherhood, we also understand godliness to be the duty
    to which all fathers are called.

    This Sunday, thank the fathers who strive to provide such an example
    in your own life, and remember those who have departed this world in
    your prayers.

    Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church, Providence, RI

    ** Centennial Celebration in Providence
    The centennial celebration at Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church of
    Providence, RI, will culminate this weekend with cultural events and
    the celebration of the Divine Liturgy on Sunday.

    On Friday, June 13, Maestro Konstantine Petrossian will lead the
    Armenian chorales and orchestra of Rhode Island and Greater Worcester
    in a concert celebrating a century of faith, hope, and light. The
    concert will be held in Hope, RI, and will feature soloists from
    Armenia, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New York.
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)

    On Saturday, June 14, the parish will host a gala banquet at the
    Marriott Hotel in Providence. The mistress of ceremonies will be Rhode
    Island State Representative Katherine Kazarian. The Rev. Fr. Mardiros
    Chevian, dean of St. Nersess Seminary, will give the keynote address.
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)

    On Sunday, June 15, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate,
    will celebrate the Divine Liturgy. A centennial khatchkar will be
    dedicated after the badarak.

    For information on these events, visit the parish website
    or call the church at (401) 272-7712.
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)

    ** Scripture of the Week

    1 Kgs 18:29-46
    2 Kgs 2:1-15
    Jas 5:16-20
    Lk 4:25-30

    ** Prayer of the Week

    All-caring Lord, place your holy fear before my eyes as a shield, that
    they may no longer gaze with lust; before my ears, that they may not
    enjoy hearing words of evil; before my mouth, that it may utter no
    falsehood; before my heart, that it may think of no evil; before my
    hands, that they may do no injustice; before my feet, that they may
    not walk on the paths of iniquity. But so direct their movements, that
    they may, at all times, be according to your commandments in all
    things. Amen.

    ** Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    15 June: Remembrance of the Prophet Elijah

    16 June: St. Hripsime and her Companions

    17 June: St. Gayane and her Companions

    21 June: St. Gregory the Enlightener (Deliverance from the Pit)

    Prayer Service at St. Gayane Church, Armenia
    Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit and Cardinal Theodore Mccarrick in prayer at
    St. Gayane Church in Armenia.

    ** Holy Etchmiadzin Hosts Conference on Syria
    Holy Etchmiadzin and the World Council of Churches have organized a
    two-day conference titled `Crisis in Syria: Challenges for Faith
    Communities.' The conference opened yesterday at the Vatche and Tamar
    Manougian Library on the grounds of the Holy See.

    His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All
    Armenians, is presiding. Participants include Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse
    Tveit, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches; Armenia's
    Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan; representatives of the Syrian
    community in Armenia; as well as clergy representing churches in Syria
    and other parts of the Middle East, Russia, Europe, and the United

    Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, Ecumenical Director of the Eastern Diocese
    and a member of the WCC Executive Board, is also taking part in the

    `The countries of the Near East have played an important role in our
    history,' His Holiness Karekin II said. `Syria in particular, during
    the difficult years of the Armenian Genocide at the beginning of the
    last century, opened its doors and welcomed the aspirations and
    desires of our people to build a peaceful life.'

    He went on to speak about the recent attacks on Christians in Middle
    East, including the Armenian community of Kessab and the Armenian
    communities of Aleppo and Damascus, and expressed hope that `the
    continuous efforts of religious, public and political organizations'
    would bring about justice and peace in the region.

    Conference sessions focused on `Political Developments in Syria and
    the Humanitarian Perspective,' `Presence and Testimony of Christians
    in the Nearest East as a Consequence of the Developments in the Arab
    World,' and `The Armenian Communities in the Nearest East and Syria:
    Their Perspectives.'

    Earlier today, the participants visited the Dzidzernagapert memorial
    in Yerevan, where a requiem service was held for the martyrs of the
    Armenian Genocide of 1915. Later His Holiness Karekin II led a prayer
    for peace in Syria at St. Gayane Church in Vagharshapat.

    Click on the following links to read more
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)
    and to view photos
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)
    from the conference.

    Fr. Abgar Hovakimian
    Fr. Abgar Hovakimyan will lead the Armenian Diocese of Canada.

    ** Canadian Diocese Elects New Primate
    Last month the Diocese of the Armenian Church of Canada elected the
    Very Rev. Fr. Abgar Hovakimyan as its new Primate. His Holiness
    Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians,
    confirmed the election and congratulated Fr. Hovakimyan.

    Fr. Hovakimyan will celebrate his first Divine Liturgy in Canada at
    St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Cathedral of Montreal on Sunday,
    June 29. A reception will follow to welcome the new Primate and to
    express appreciation to the Diocese's outgoing Locum Tenens,
    Archbishop Nathan Hovhannisian.

    Most recently Fr. Hovakimyan served as the Locum Tenens of the
    Armenian Diocese of Bulgaria.

    ------------------------------------------------------------ 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434
    Professor Marsoobian speaks at the Diocesan Center.

    ** The Story of an Islamized Armenian Family in Marzovan
    On Thursday, May 29, Armen T. Marsoobian, chair of the philosophy
    department at Southern Connecticut State University, gave a lecture on
    a little-known chapter of Armenian life in the aftermath of the
    Armenian Genocide. The lecture was hosted by the Diocese's Krikor and
    Clara Zohrab Information Center.

    Professor Marsoobian described the experience of his own family
    members who agreed to convert to Islam in 1915 to escape deportation,
    but who continued to practice Armenian Christian traditions in the
    secrecy of their home. The presentation was based on extensive family
    memoirs, letters, oral testimony, and historic photographs.

    Click on the following links to read more
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)
    and to view a video
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)
    recording of the lecture.

    Mesrob Mashots Institute
    Students and staff of the Mesrob Mashdots Institute.

    ** Mesrob Mashdots Institute Concludes Spring Semester
    The Diocese's Mesrob Mashdots Institute held its last session of the
    spring semester on Wednesday, June 4. Students expressed appreciation
    to their teachers for helping them learn the Armenian language through
    an accessible and interactive program.

    The Mesrob Mashdots Institute is an Armenian language course for
    adults organized by the Armenian Studies program of the Diocese's
    Department of Youth and Education. Three classes are offered,
    including two at beginner and intermediate levels, and a third class
    titled `Eastern Armenian Appreciation.' The curriculum includes study
    of the alphabet, reading, grammar and syntax, and conversation. The
    staff, under the direction of Armenian Studies director Gilda
    Kupelian, is comprised of Shakeh Kadehjian, Ani Essayan, and Vartan

    Classes will resume in the fall. For enrollment information, contact
    Gilda Kupelian at [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) .

    Karen Durgarian
    Karen Durgarian volunteers during a work weekend at the Ararat Center.

    ** Paint and Tile, Heart and Soul Keep Ararat Center Bright
    The monthly Ararat Center board meeting on May 30 was the lead-in to
    one of the center's extended `work weekends,' through which the
    facility was spruced up for the upcoming summer season of St. Vartan

    During the recent work weekend, 11 volunteers from six parishes worked
    on projects ranging from painting and tiling to electrical work,
    masonry and gardening-as well as general cleaning and disposal. Paul
    Ventura-Ararat Center's new chef-concocted meals throughout the

    The Diocese's 65-acre conference, camp, and retreat center, located in
    upstate New York, has a full-time facility manager. But management of
    the Ararat Center is the responsibility of its board of directors: 13
    individuals from throughout the Diocese, who make operational
    decisions to ensure that the center is in working order for its
    May-through-October rental season.

    The all-volunteer work weekends that have improved and expanded the
    facility are organized by Karen Durgarian, who has served as project
    manager since Ararat Center's inception in 2004. Throughout the past
    decade she has kept her energy boundless and ambitions high, lending
    heart and soul to countless projects. Thanks to Karen and the many
    volunteers from 2004 to 2014, the Ararat Center has been a pleasant,
    clean, and modern home for the Diocese's St. Vartan Camp.

    Huyser Music Ensemble
    Huyser members Diran Jebejian and Maria Barsoumian perform on the
    cathedral plaza.

    ** An Evening of Music at St. Vartan Cathedral
    The outdoor plaza of the Diocesan Center in New York was alive with
    music on Friday evening, June 6, as the Huyser Music Ensemble took to
    the stage before an enthusiastic audience of more than 230.

    The performance was hosted by the St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral and
    the cathedral dean, the Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon Kiledjian, and was
    called Project CLASH, denoting the differing musical talents and
    genres of different cultures and instruments.

    Huyser (Armenian for `Hopes') was founded in 2010 by Harout
    Barsoumian. Click on the following links to read more
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)
    and to view photos
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)

    An elderly man at a FAR soup kitchen in Yerevan.

    ** California Parish Supports "Ayo!" Campaign
    Each winter the St. Mary Armenian Church of Costa Mesa, CA
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)
    , hosts a Super Bowl fundraiser for the Fund for Armenian Relief's
    soup kitchens in Armenia. Now in its eight year, the `Soup-er Bowl
    Sunday' tradition brings together parishioners in Costa Mesa for
    fellowship while giving them the opportunity to help the citizens of

    This year's contribution helped purchase kitchenware for FAR's soup
    kitchens in Yerevan, Gyumri, and Berd, and a new oven for the soup
    kitchen in Berd. The project was carried out by FAR's new crowdfunding
    platform `Ayo!' Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)
    to learn more about `Ayo!' and its projects.

    Holy Cross Church in Van
    Holy Cross Church, a precious jewel of Armenian architecture, on
    Aghtamar island in Lake Van.

    ** 2014 Pilgrimage to Historic Armenia
    Registration is open for the Eastern Diocese's pilgrimage to historic
    Armenia, scheduled for September 3 to 15, 2014.

    Participants will celebrate the Divine Liturgy at Holy Cross Church on
    the island of Aghtamar, and take part in prayer services at the
    St. Giragos Armenian Church of Dikranagert and the St. Gregory Church
    in Kayseri.

    The pilgrimage also includes visits to other cities of historic
    Armenia=80'Kharpert, Malatya, and Sepastia, and other locales. The
    journey will include a stop in Istanbul, where pilgrims will visit the
    Armenian Patriarchate.

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)
    to view a flyer for registration information. To view a short film
    about the Diocese's 2012 pilgrimage to historic Armenia, click here
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=a7b850bc19-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email&utm_term= 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)

    Let's Speak Armenian

    ** Learning Western Armenian at Hye Pointe

    The Rev. Fr. Vart Gyozalian, pastor of the Armenian Church at Hye
    Pointe in Haverhill, MA, launched a Western Armenian language class at
    the church this spring.

    Meeting on Thursday evenings, parishioners studied the alphabet,
    learned vocabulary words commonly used in the hymns and prayers of the
    Divine Liturgy, reviewed the Lord's Prayer, and practiced
    conversational phrases.

    `The past few months have been so enriching as we absorbed this
    beautiful language,' said parishioner Noelle Giragosian. `I want to
    encourage anyone who has a passion for learning Armenian to take this
    class. You will meet new friends, share many laughs, and hear
    interesting stories.'

    Fr. Gyozalian plans to resume instruction in the fall. For
    information, call the church at (978) 372-9227.

    St. John Church Women's Guild, Detroit, MI
    Women's Guild members Araxie Choukourian and Arlene Baylerian were
    honored for 40 years of service at the recent `Membership Dinner.'

    ** Detroit Women's Guild Welcomes New Members

    The Women's Guild of St. John Church of Southfield, MI, hosted its
    76th annual `Membership Dinner' on Wednesday, June 4, in the church

    Membership chair Terry Palaian presented 14 new Women's Guild members,
    who were initiated by the Rev. Fr. Garabed Kochakian, parish
    pastor. Women's Guild chair Linda Stamboulian welcomed the new members
    and extended her appreciation to the entire organization for its
    service to the church.

    Also during the celebratory evening, the Women's Guild honored
    longtime members Araxie Choukourian and Arlene Baylerian, and
    congratulated Anne Derderian, Anne Soultanian, and Jean Sarkisian, all
    three of whom recently turned 90 years old.

    The dinner was chaired by Anna Baylerian. Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)
    to view photos.

    Medical specialists from AAHPO with Fr. Arakel Vardazaryan at St. Mary

    ** Livingston Hosts Medical Forum with AAHPO

    On Sunday, June 8, St. Mary Church of Livingston, NJ, hosted a Medical
    Forum led by members of the Armenian-American Health Professional
    Organization (AAHPO).

    Medical specialists gave presentations and answered questions about
    various health topics, such as lung cancer and dental health.

    `We truly enjoyed and appreciated this educational afternoon,' said
    the Rev. Fr. Arakel Vardazaryan, parish pastor, `and I would encourage
    other parishes to consider inviting members of AAHPO to their
    communities for similar presentations.'

    Armenian Church of Jacksonville
    Children in Jacksonville say a prayer during their religious education
    class last weekend.

    ** Parishioner Milestones Celebrated in Jacksonville

    The Rev. Fr. Tateos Abdalian, director of the Diocese's Mission Parish
    program, visited the community of Jacksonville, FL, last weekend.

    On Saturday afternoon, Fr. Abdalian participated in a children's
    religious education class taught by two young adults, Erik Mirzoyan
    and Alex Shafiyev. Later that day, he conducted a Bible study session
    for adults focusing on the feasts of Ascension and Pentecost.

    On Sunday, Fr. Abdalian celebrated the Divine Liturgy. A dinner
    followed, during which the parish congratulated recent high school
    graduate Nicholas Yeddgarov, honored Mr. and Mrs. Nourhan and Doris
    Manukian on their 50th wedding anniversary, and wished a happy
    birthday to all parishioners celebrating such milestones in
    June. Before departing, Fr. Abdalian performed a Home Blessing service
    at the new home of parish council member Tatyana Yeremyants.

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)
    to view photos.

    Upcoming events

    ** Upcoming Parish Events

    Holy Trinity Church | Cambridge, MA
    Holy Trinity Church of Cambridge, MA, will sponsor its annual Gregory
    Hintlian Memorial Golf Tournament on Monday, June 16. The tournament
    will be held at Marlborough Country Club in Marlborough
    MA. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. Enjoy a day of golf followed by
    dinner and a social evening.

    Click here
    ( ese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=a7b850bc19-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email&utm_term= 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)
    to download a brochure and registration form. For information, contact
    the Holy Trinity Church office at (617) 354-0632, or via e-mail at
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .

    Hye Pointe Church | Haverhill, MA
    The Armenian Church at Hye Pointe of Haverhill, MA, will host =80=9CAn
    Afternoon of Armenian Music' on Sunday, June 22, beginning at 1
    p.m. Vocalists Janette Khalarian and Margar Yeghiazaryan will
    perform. Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    St. Gregory the Enlightener Church | White Plains, NY
    St. Gregory the Enlightener Church of White Plains, NY, will welcome
    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, on Sunday, June
    22. Archbishop Barsamian will ordain parishioners Peter Derderian,
    Michael Givelekian, and Gregory Guroian to the diaconate. A brunch
    will follow services. Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Holy Land Pilgrimage
    Pilgrims at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

    ** Young Leaders Return from Inspiring Journey
    After a 10-day journey to the Holy Land, a group of 29 young adult
    leaders returned to the U.S. this week. Representing 27 parishes from
    throughout the Eastern Diocese, the group traced the footsteps of
    Christ, deepened their understanding of biblical history, and learned
    about the Armenian presence in the Holy Land.

    Led by Diocesan Primate Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, with the
    assistance of the Rev. Fr. Hovsep Karapetyan and Maria Derderian, the
    pilgrims visited the Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem, with its
    centuries-old Armenian Patriarchate, and such sites as the Church of
    the Nativity in Bethlehem, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in
    Jerusalem, the Jordan River, Mount of Temptation, and Mount of Olives.

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-a7b850bc19-159688434)
    to read daily blog posts from the pilgrims, and check the Diocesan
    website next week for an article and photo gallery from the trip.

    St. Mary Church, Livingston, NJ
    Honorees Jacqueline Jae (left) and Daniella Badishkanian with
    Fr. Arakel Vardazaryan.

    ** ACYOA Central Council Recognizes Livingston Parishioners

    At the annual ACYOA General Assembly last month, the ACYOA Central
    Council announced that it selected two ACYOA Juniors members from
    St. Mary Church of Livingston, NJ, as this year's recipients of the
    =80=9CArchbishop Tiran Nersoyan Service Award' and the `Archbishop
    Tiran Nersoyan Leadership Award.'

    On Sunday, June 8, the awards were presented to the young honorees in
    the St. Mary Church sanctuary. Daniella Badishkanian received the
    =80=9CService Award,' and Jacqueline Jae received the `Leadership
    Award.' The Rev. Fr. Arakel Vardazaryan, parish pastor, led the
    congregation in congratulating Daniella and Jacqueline, and
    encouraging them to continue their service to the Armenian Church.
