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Education And Religion: Church History Subject Draws More Criticism

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  • Education And Religion: Church History Subject Draws More Criticism


    EDUCATION | 13.06.14 | 11:06

    ArmeniaNow reporter


    Minister denies plans to withdraw church history from school curricula

    Although by the Constitution education in Armenia is supposed to be
    secular, the Church History subject and methods of its teaching are
    being viewed as a major problem by some experts who say they have
    arrived at the conclusion after closely examining the textbooks and
    the teaching process.

    Enlarge Photo Satenik Lazarian Enlarge Photo Armine Davtyan

    Nevertheless, authors of the textbooks insist that the best specialists
    have been involved in preparing the materials and that they have
    received no complaints about the course during the 12 years of its

    The awakening of religious feelings that began in Armenia still in
    the last years of Soviet rule and continued after Armenia gained
    independence in 1991 are being used for propaganda of religion at
    schools by means of the Armenian Church History subject, Satenik
    Lazarian, a junior researcher at the Institute of Archeology and
    Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, argued
    during a related discussion on Wednesday.

    "We should not turn schools into an instrument of presenting subjective
    religious approaches as knowledge. One should realize that it is
    a more serious problem and solutions need to be sought for that,"
    the scholar explained her position, emphasizing that religion should
    rather be presented to children at schools as part of sciences.

    Most of the participants in the discussion focusing on cooperation
    between the State and the Church in educational institutions expressed
    their concern over the issue raised by Lazarian, since they insisted
    that the examination of textbooks and other research had shown that
    the subject is not as much about religion studies as the propaganda
    of the Armenian Apostolic Church and its rites.

    Experts noted that the history of the Armenian Apostolic Church begins
    in the third year of teaching, i.e. in the 7th grade, before that it
    is mainly the Bible, the Armenian Church's rites and traditions that
    are presented.

    Teacher Armine Davtyan together with two other specialists studied
    all textbooks, arriving at the conclusion that during the course the
    study of the history and rites of one religion [Armenian Apostolic]
    is imposed on all children without taking into account the opinion
    of their parents.

    "Meanwhile, under Armenia's legislation, it is the parents that decide
    their children's creed," she said.

    And Lazarian added that as a result of the introduction of the Church
    History subject a contradiction had emerged between the theory of
    creation and natural sciences.

    "In Grades 5-6 pupils study the theory of creation. But there is also
    an answer to the question of where the human race had come from in
    the textbooks on biology and world history, but these questions are
    studied by those textbooks at a later age."

    The specialist told of a case when a biology teacher tried to
    compare the biological approach with the theory of creation. "When
    the children confronted her, she tried to make a compromise by saying
    that the body is physical, that is, it can be examined by biologists,
    while the spirit is for God's judgment," said Lazarian.

    Meanwhile, co-author of the textbook, deputy director of the National
    Institute of Education Vardan Ghandilyan stated at the discussion
    that during the past 12 years they have not received a single written
    complaint from any citizen or teacher regarding the contents of the
    textbooks or methods of teaching.

    "The course was developed by representatives of all educational
    institutions on Armenian studies - the Yerevan State University,
    Matenadaran, the Gevorgian Seminary, the National Institute of
    Education," said Ghandilyan, adding that over the course of years
    numerous teachers teaching the subject have been retrained.

    Church History textbooks have been in circulation since 2002, first
    at selected schools, then gradually, beginning in 2006, they became
    compulsory in all schools.
