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Murder Of The Truth

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  • Murder Of The Truth

    Politics - Friday, 13 June 2014, 10:37

    On June 11, 2014, the Geopolitical Club in coordination with Satar
    Non-Profit Organization, Los Angeles County citizens of Republic of
    Western Armenia, the Artsakh War Veterans Union of California, and
    representatives from other organizations of the Armenian Diaspora
    in Los Angeles held a seminar to commemorate the loss of Shahumyan
    District and Armenian martyrs who were killed by the Russian 104th
    Airborne Division under the command of General Shamanov, which
    was stationed in Kirovabad, Azerbaijan Republic, and the Army of
    Azerbaijan. That operation is known as the Operation Goranboy.

    Operation Goranboy, organized and executed in June 1992, was the
    continuation of Operation Koltso.

    During the seminar topics related to the recent history and the current
    situation in Armenia, the war in Karabagh (Artsakh) and its causes and
    effects and its aftermath, and the conflicts in the Caucasus Region
    were discussed, and it was noted that Russia was the main cause for
    those conflicts.

    Based on facts and history, since 1763, Russia has been destabilizing
    the Caucasus by creating conflicts among the ethnic minorities of the
    Caucasus one against another with intentions to divide and conquer
    them all, and history proves that so far Russia had exceeded their
    goal by enslaving its neighbors and expanding Russia's influence in the
    region. The Circassian Genocide, the Armenian Genocide, the massacres
    of the Armenians in Azerbaijan SSR, which led to the Karabagh War, the
    massacres in Chechnya. The recent sales of state of the art military
    weapons, including T-90 tanks, Mi-8 helicopters, MIG Warplanes, and
    weapons of mass destruction called Smerch (10 Smerch missiles have
    the power of one atomic nuclear bomb) and S-300 missiles, all prove
    that Russia is destabilizing the ceasefire agreement between Armenia
    and Azerbaijan with intentions to subjugate both.

    Even if you read Russia's history, Russians talk about the First
    Caucasus War, the Second Caucasus War, the Chechen War, etc. So,
    to Russians it was WAR. This means Russia is fighting a war in the
    Caucasus, and the ethnic minorities of the Caucasus need to realize
    that fact and fight back the same way.

    The participants of the seminar suggested to build political
    partnerships with all the ethnic minorities of the Caucasus Region
    in order to prevent Russia from creating future aggressions and
    conflicts. It was resolved to improve the existing relationships
    with the Circassian Parliament, and the Chechen leaders, as well as
    to establish new relationships with other ethnic minorities in the
    Caucasus, in order to build a unified front against Putin and his
    Russian imperialists.

    The events in Ukraine should be a wake up call for all republics of
    the former Soviet Union. The pro-Russian governments of the former
    Soviet Union republics need to be replaced with new governments that
    will support the spread of democracy in those republics, and the USA,
    as the world leader should support our goal for achieving peace in
    the region.

    Russia should be removed from the Minsk Group, and the pro-Russian
    government of Armenia should be replaced with a New Democratic
    government in order to free Armenia from the vassal status. The
    Armenian Diaspora should be unified to support the Armenian National
    Movement. Armenia should break away from Ruso-Turkic Customs Union
    also known as the Eurasian Union.

    Russia and its silent partners, Turkey and Azerbaijan, should be
    destroyed from within by empowering the ethnic minorities to become
    independent countries and to form their own independent governments
    based on democratic values. There is a need to form a new economic
    area in the Caucasus and to develop a geopolitical union of those
    republics in order to keep the peace and to ensure their independence
    from Russia and Turkey. A partnership with the USA was suggested in
    order to achieve these goals.

    - See more at:
