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BAKU: U.S. Describes Azerbaijan As Strategic Important Partner

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  • BAKU: U.S. Describes Azerbaijan As Strategic Important Partner


    AzerNews, Azerbaijan
    June 12 2014

    12 June 2014, 18:14 (GMT+05:00)
    By Sara Rajabova

    The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki
    Commission) has held a hearing on security, economic and human rights
    dimensions of the U.S.-Azerbaijan relations.

    Hearing titled "The Security, Economic and Human Rights Dimensions
    of U.S.-Azerbaijan Relations" was took place at the Russell Senate
    Building on Capitol Hill on June 11, AzerTag news agency reported.

    The purpose of the hearing as presented by Senator Ben Cardin, the
    Chairman of the U.S. Helsinki Commission, was to discuss key issues in
    the U.S.-Azerbaijani relations before the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
    Annual Session which will kick off in Baku at the end of June.

    The witnesses invited to testify were Tom Melia, Deputy Assistant
    Secretary at Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor of the U.S.

    Department of State; Eric Rubin, Deputy Assistant Secretary from the
    Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs of the U.S. Department of
    State; Miriam Lanskoy, Director for Russia and Eurasia at National
    Endowment for Democracy (NDI); and Brenda Shaffer, Visiting Researcher
    at Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies of Georgetown

    Senator Cardin noted at the event that Azerbaijan has been helpful
    to the United States and its allies, and its efforts in Afghanistan,
    especially since the Northern Distribution Network (NDN) relied
    heavily on Azerbaijan. "Azerbaijan is a strategic important partner
    to the United States."

    Cardin expressed appreciation for the position of Azerbaijan and
    its vote at the United Nations General Assembly on the territorial
    integrity of Ukraine.

    He also said that the two countries had important strategic partnership
    on the issue of counterterrorism.

    Speaking of the U.S.-Azerbaijan economic relations, Cardin said
    Azerbaijan's oil and gas resources were of much interest to the U.S.

    and that it was remarkable that Azerbaijan was EITI-compliant
    (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative) which was commendable
    from the standpoint of the U.S. Helsinki Commission that has always
    been a proponent of transparency in the extractive industries.

    Rubin, in turn, said the partnership of the U.S. with Azerbaijan
    remained "an important aspect" of Washington's engagement in the

    Rubin said for over twenty years, the U.S. has been working with
    Azerbaijan to promote a secure, prosperous and democratic society,
    noting that since 1992, the U.S. provided approximately $1.1 billion
    in assistance to pursue those goals.

    Rubin noted that Azerbaijan had been a "key partner for the United
    States and NATO from Kabul to Kosovo."

    With 94 troops currently on the ground in Afghanistan, Azerbaijan
    has already committed to remain to post-2014 Afghanistan. It had also
    completed its missions to Iraq and Kosovo.

    Rubin also underlined the importance of Azerbaijan in the NDN and
    air-route for non-combat goods in and out of Afghanistan, stating that
    "thousands of containers go through customs and thousands of state
    and commercial flights transit Azerbaijan each year."

    Touching upon the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict, Rubin said the United States, as co-chair to the OSCE
    Minsk Group worked diligently with its Russian and French co-chairs
    to facilitate a peaceful settlement to the conflict.

    He further spoke of long years of cooperation between the two countries
    in the energy sphere, where both sides saw through the realization of
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) project which began transporting Azerbaijani
    oil from the Caspian fields to the Mediterranean in June 2006.

    Apart from the energy products, Rubin underlined the importance of
    business engagements in non-oil industry, such as purchasing by
    Azerbaijan of U.S.-made airplanes, a communication satellite and
    agricultural equipment and technology, as well as significance of
    Washington's support for Azerbaijan being admitted to World Trade
    Organization (WTO).

    Next witness, Melia spoke of the human rights dimension in the
    U.S.-Azerbaijan relationship.

    Melia said the U.S. government recognized that Azerbaijan was located
    in a very difficult neighborhood and supported Azerbaijan's long-term
    stability, security and prosperity.

    Furthermore, responding to Cardin's question on the concern of
    Azerbaijani citizens on the territorial integrity of their country,
    Rubin said "the principle of territorial integrity and sovereignty
    that we're defending in Ukraine applies to all of the countries of
    the region."

    He noted that the United States was committed to helping Azerbaijan
    strengthen its ability to defend its sovereignty and territorial
    integrity. As far as OSCE's role in conflict resolutions is concerned,
    Rubin said OSCE has been the premier organization mediating between
    Armenia and Azerbaijan through its Minsk Group and although the
    breakthrough was not expected this year, there has been some progress
    in the peace talks. He noted that the main present framework of
    negotiations was based on the Madrid Principles.

    In response to the question on reforms to tackle the corruption
    problems, Melia stated that like in many other countries there is
    an anti-corruption legislation in Azerbaijan, including the National
    Action Plan on fighting the corruption, and there have been steps taken
    on local levels to eliminate corruption. As an example, he cited the
    activity of ASAN service centers which had positive impact among the
    ordinary public and local administrations.

    While Cardin asked the witnesses to present their views on the
    constructive relationship between Azerbaijan and Israel, Rubin said
    the Azerbaijan-Israel relations not only benefitted both countries
    economically but also ensured stability in the greater region.

    Rubin further reiterated the position of the U.S. government on deep
    appreciation to Azerbaijan for not only facilitating shipments through
    southern route of NDN, but also putting Azerbaijani peacekeeping
    troops on the ground, as well as committing to remain in Afghanistan
    after 2014, when the U.S. troops are expected to pull out.

    Shaffer spoke of the religious tolerance in Azerbaijan as one of the
    key important attributes of the country. Touching upon the importance
    of Azerbaijan as an energy supplier, Shaffer said it was the country
    providing a new alternative source of gas, and not re-routing existing
    sources of natural gas to Eastern Europe, and while the initial volumes
    of gas are small and address the needs of the countries mostly in
    need of alternative sources, the volumes and sources may grow.

    The event was attended by staffers of officers of legislators,
    government officials and constituents.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress