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Chris Chahinian Talks American Armenian Rose Parade Float In Exclusi

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  • Chris Chahinian Talks American Armenian Rose Parade Float In Exclusi

    June 12 2014

    With irrepressible enthusiasm, Chris Chahinian, president of the
    American Armenian Rose Float Association (AARFA), sat down with
    Examiner on Tuesday for his first interview with the media about
    the first Armenian entry in the Rose Parade, which will be seen on
    Jan. 1, 2015.

    "For us, it's something very exciting," Chahinian, who is director
    for District 4 on the Rose Bowl Operating Company, said. He pointed
    to the 2014 Rose Parade poster hanging on his wall, with the theme
    "Dreams Come True." "Everyone has a dream."

    He said there is positive excitement in the American Armenian
    community. "Everything we're doing is the first time. This is the
    first interview. Everything is history--first meeting, first contact.

    We're very excited. The committee is very excited."

    As a member of RBOC, he said that RBOC and the Tournament of Roses have
    always had a close relationship. "I had the pleasure of working with
    the tournament of Roses over the past three years. Being able to work
    so closely with them made me more excited about the project at hand."

    The float is being designed and built by Phoenix Decorating Company,
    and the rendering will be unveiled in the first major fundraising event
    on June 21. The price tag for the float is $250,000 and the website
    is open for donations. The AARFA Facebook page is building interest,
    as well. "I feel everyone is waiting for an opportunity to chip in,"
    he said. "We will do it!"

    Though the Armenian community is celebrating several anniversaries in
    2015--25 years since separation from the Soviet Union, the centennial
    of the start of the Armenian genocide, and 100 years since M.S.

    Pashgian served as the Rose Parade's Grand Marshal--the emphasis will
    be on the contributions American Armenians have made.

    "It's good timing, but it was not set," Chahinian said. After two
    years of discussions, the organization put together a team in February
    to put wheels on the idea. "We were able to apply this year. For us,
    this is about positive and inspiring stories."

    He added, "For the Armenian community, it's a new era, really. It's
    going to be a positive message."

    Chahinian quoted Tournament of Roses Pres. Richard Chinen's explanation
    of the theme for the 126th Rose Parade, "Inspiring Stories": "It
    pays tribute to those who have loved unconditionally, preserved
    courageously, endured patiently and accomplished much on behalf of
    others." He stressed "endured patiently and accomplished much on
    behalf of others."

    "The focus is 'Inspiring Stories.' The focus is a positive message to
    the world. showing the world Armenian contributions to this land--the
    United States."

    Armenians have been making contributions to America for 400 years,
    Chahinian said. The first Armenian to land on the shores of what
    would become the US was Martin E. Armenian in 1618. He was brought
    to the Virginia Bay Company by plantation owner and future colonial
    governor George Yeardley to raise tobacco, Chahinian related.

    The first Armenian student, Khatchik Oskainian, came to New York in
    1834, and the history of Armenians in Pasadena goes back to 1889,
    the year the first Rose Parade was planned, when Moses (M.S.) and
    John Pashgian moved here with their families.

    "Armenia has thousands of years of history. It goes back to Noah's
    ark," he said, noting that the biblical resting place, Mt. Ararat,
    is in the historic boundaries of Armenia. "It has a rich culture,
    rich history. A lot of things we can share with the world."

    Various cultures can learn from each other, Chahinian said, citing
    the pageantry of the "Wonderful Indonesia" float, with its music,
    costumes, history and heritage. The American Armenian float will
    share also history and culture, including the music of the indigenous
    Armenian duduk. The double-reed instrument dates back 5,000 years
    and is heard in many film and television scores.

    Prominent American Armenians are being invited to ride the float.

    Judge Samuel Der-Yeghiayan, a federal judge in Illinois and the highest
    ranking American Armenian judge, has accepted. AARFA is in talks with
    former California governor George Deukmejian and basketball coach
    Jerry Tarkanian, who coached at Pasadena City College before going
    on to coach Cal State Long Beach, UNLV, and Cal State Fresno.

    "It's going to represent all American Armenians and going to be for
    all Armenians around the world," Chahinian said. The AARFA board is
    determined to have an Armenian American float in the parade every
    year. "I'm so proud of our board. (Their) giving, believing. So proud
    of them."

    In a burst of enthusiasm, he cheered, "I'm looking forward to January
    1. Yes, we can!"

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress