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The Corleones Of The Caspian

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  • The Corleones Of The Caspian


    Foreign Policy
    June 11, 2014 Wednesday

    On Oct. 9, 2012, the American subsidiary of the State Oil
    Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) purchased a five-story,
    23,232-square-foot mansion in the heart of Washington, D.C., for the
    purposes of "expand[ing] its operations in the United States," as the
    Washington Business Journal put it. Oil is the one thing Azerbaijan
    has plenty of, and it's the one thing the United States is most
    interested in, so SOCAR's "operations" are bound to be extensive.

    Given the money at stake, the mansion's sale price was a pittance:
    $12 million. The exact address is 1319 18th St. NW, which ought to be
    familiar to many an old Cold War hand as the former office of Jeane
    Kirkpatrick, a onetime U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and one
    of the most influential officials in Ronald Reagan's administration.

    This mansion is where Demokratizatsiya, the journal of post-Soviet
    democratization, founded in 1992, used to be published. And, for a
    time, its most famous lessee was Freedom House, the respected human
    rights monitor, which today counts Azerbaijan among the "not free"

    "I'm speechless," said Jennifer Windsor, the executive director of
    Freedom House when it was based at the Kirkpatrick address and now the
    associate dean for programs and outreach at Georgetown University's
    School of Foreign Service. "I find it the highest form of irony that
    one of the world's least free countries is now occupying what was
    the house of freedom."

    It's as much a sign of the times as it is an irony. Barack Obama's
    administration has cut the U.S. budget for democracy promotion and has
    struck all manner of cynical bargains with kleptocratic authoritarian
    regimes. Realpolitik and isolationism are trading at high premiums
    again, as whole swaths of Congress, beholden to a libertarian or Tea
    Party ideology, view human rights as, at best, an afterthought of the
    national interest or, at worst, as an inconvenience that America can
    ill afford in the 21st century.

    But SOCAR USA's tony new address also underscores the quiet success
    of one of the most energetic and free-spending foreign lobbies
    in American and European politics -- that of the regime headed by
    Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. Over the past decade, a South
    Caucasian country the size of Ireland but with possibly twice the oil
    reserves of Texas has managed to win friends and influence people
    who include past and present members of the U.S. Congress, British
    Parliament, and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,
    which was once known for pressuring dictatorships, not embracing them.

    Where it hasn't resorted to all-expenses-paid vacations to Azerbaijan's
    capital, Baku -- a form of what one European think tank witheringly
    describes as "caviar diplomacy" -- it has poured millions of dollars
    into top-drawer U.S. lobbying, consultancy, and PR firms to whitewash
    its image in the American media.

    But it's a bit more subtle than that: The Aliyev regime has quietly
    made inroads into transatlantic establishments by recapitulating a
    hat trick of persuasive arguments.

    The first is that Azerbaijan is the only secular Muslim-majority
    state that is an ally of the United States and NATO in the war on
    terror as well as a happy commercial and diplomatic ally of Israel,
    which imports around a third of its energy from the Caucasian state.

    Azerbaijani infrastructure is set to help facilitate NATO and U.S.

    troop withdrawal from Afghanistan later this year.

    The second is that its oil boom, which caused Azerbaijan's GDP to
    grow tenfold from 2001 to 2011, is a necessary counterweight for
    diversifying Europe's energy consumption and putting an end to Russia's
    monopolistic and bullying tactics, the nadir of which were its "gas
    wars" with Ukraine and Belarus. Almost all of Azerbaijan's exports
    in 2011 were in oil and petroleum products. The so-called Southern
    Gas Corridor, a pipeline rival to Russia's Nord Stream, advanced
    dramatically last December when a BP-led consortium began laying the
    groundwork for Shah Deniz 2, a $28 billion natural gas exploration
    project in the Azerbaijani-controlled part of the Caspian Sea. British
    Foreign Secretary William Hague and EU Energy Commissioner Gunther
    Oettinger were both in Baku for the signing of this landmark deal,
    which will ship gas through two pipelines: the Trans Anatolian Natural
    Gas Pipeline, running through Turkey, and the Trans Adriatic Pipeline,
    running through Greece and Italy. Even though Azerbaijani gas going to
    the European Union represents just 2 percent of the 500 billion cubic
    meters per year that the continent imports, Europe wants to lower its
    energy dependence on Russia. Moscow's state-owned gas giant, Gazprom,
    is now under antitrust investigation by the European Commission. And
    the continuing Western standoff with the Kremlin over Russia's invasion
    and destabilization of Ukraine will mean that Azerbaijani gas becomes
    more important to Brussels in the coming months and years.

    Finally, situated at the gateway between Asia and Europe, Azerbaijan
    is a strategic partner for the West in resisting Iran's nuclear
    threat as well as Russian President Vladimir Putin's attempts to
    "re-Sovietize the region," as then U.S. Secretary of State Hillary
    Clinton memorably characterized the Russian-conceived customs union,
    entry into which has sparked a political crisis in Ukraine. So as
    the United States goes looking for as many friends as it can find in
    the post-Soviet world -- especially those with energy resources --
    Baku's influence in Washington is only poised to grow.

    And if the West is ever ungrateful or unreceptive to these overtures,
    the Azerbaijani lobby passive-aggressively intimates, then the Aliyev
    regime always has the option of turning toward Moscow or Tehran,
    both of which are eagerly knocking at its door.

    The immediate aim of this three-tiered charm offensive is to "Johnny
    Mercerize" an otherwise ugly domestic political reality, as one veteran
    Azerbaijan specialist, who spoke to Foreign Policy on the condition
    of anonymity, termed it. That is, accentuate the positive and ignore,
    downplay, or just plain lie about the negative. But there's another
    encoded agenda. "The Aliyev lobby's true purpose is to send a message
    back home that there is nothing that can be done to remove this family
    from power," said Elmar Chakhtakhtinski, chair of Azerbaijani-Americans
    for Democracy (AZAD), an opposition-linked diaspora group. "When
    a U.S. congressman or former congressman congratulates Aliyev on
    victory, it doesn't necessarily give the regime any better position
    in the West, but to the regime's own domestic population, it sends
    a powerful signal that even the West is behind it, that the world
    outside of Azerbaijan isn't that much different." The demoralizing
    effect such signaling can have on embattled dissidents or civil
    society groups in Azerbaijan is profound.

    A grim human rights record

    Indeed, belying the lobby's in-plain-sight efforts to portray
    Azerbaijan as a democracy that shares America's values is an incredibly
    grim human rights situation, about which the U.S.

    government -- a prominent target of Aliyev's overtures -- is under no
    illusions, or at least isn't anymore. In 2010, Clinton, then the U.S.

    secretary of state, claimed that Azerbaijan had made "tremendous
    progress in democracy development." But contrast that to what the U.S.

    ambassador in Baku, Richard Morningstar, told Radio Azadliq, the
    Azerbaijani service of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL),
    on May 16 of this year: "I think we are in a situation where we talk
    past each other on democracy issues." That's putting it mildly.

    The State Department's human rights report for Azerbaijan found in 2013
    that there were "[i]ncreased restrictions on freedoms of expression,
    assembly, and association, including intimidation, arrest, and use
    of force against journalists and human rights and democracy activists
    online and offline" and "[u]nfair administration of justice, including
    increased reports of arbitrary arrest and detention, politically
    motivated imprisonment, lack of due process, executive influence
    over the judiciary, and lengthy pretrial detention for individuals
    perceived as a threat by government officials, while crimes against
    such individuals or their family members went unpunished."

    Take just a few examples. In January 2013, police beat and tear-gassed
    peaceful protesters in the city of Ismayilli. Two people who weren't
    there on that day, but only arrived afterward, were also arrested:
    Tofiq Yaqublu, the deputy chairman of the Musavat Party and a reporter
    for Yeni Musavat newspaper, and Ilgar Mammadov, the head of Republican
    Alternative, an anti-Aliyev civic movement. Mammadov was also denied
    admittance into the 2013 presidential race on the grounds that
    many of the required signatures were invalid; he has called Aliyev
    an illegitimate leader who ought to resign. In March 2014, he was
    sentenced to seven years in prison; Yaqublu was sentenced to five
    years. On May 22, the European Court of Human Rights stated in a news
    release that it found that Mammadov "had been arrested and detained
    without any evidence to reasonably suspect him of having committed
    the offence with which he was charged" and that the "actual purpose
    of his detention had been to silence or punish" him for criticizing
    the government.

    In March and April 2013, authorities used water cannons and rubber
    bullets against a demonstration in Baku. They then arrested seven
    members of NIDA ("Shout"), a youth activist group, initially charging
    them with drugs and explosives possession and then accusing them,
    along with another activist from the Free Youth movement, of plotting
    mass disorder -- a common rap used against demonstrators in Putin's
    Russia too. In May 2014, eight Azerbaijani activists, seven of them
    the NIDA members, were given lengthy prison sentences, ranging from
    six to eight years.

    According to Rebecca Vincent, a former U.S. diplomat and a human
    rights activist,

    Aliyev has instituted a "climate of fear" in a country that has seen
    its number of political prisoners jump from 65 in January 2013 to
    "nearly 100 cases."

    Aliyev has instituted a "climate of fear" in a country that has
    seen its number of political prisoners jump from 65 in January 2013
    to "nearly 100 cases." The Institute for Peace and Democracy, an
    Azerbaijani project funded by the National Endowment for Democracy and
    run by Leyla Yunus (who is herself now being criminally investigated by
    the Aliyev government), puts the figure at 130. Much of the crackdown
    coincided with the October 2013 presidential election, the results
    of which were declared an Aliyev landslide -- an entire day before
    any voting took place. Following the election, the Azerbaijani regime
    presided over what Amnesty International's program director for Europe
    and Central Asia termed a "ruthless and relentless attack on any
    dissenting voices in the media." If anything, Aliyev has regressed
    in his repressive methods. "Normally President Aliyev signs pardon
    decrees to mark the new year, as well as the Novruz holiday, which
    sometimes include cases of political prisoners. However, this year,
    he did not sign decrees on either occasion," Vincent said.

    Instead, he locked up more people. One of them, Anar Mammadli,
    is the chair of the Baku-based Election Monitoring and Democracy
    Studies Center (EMDS), a respected independent monitor partly funded
    by the National Endowment for Democracy and the National Democratic
    Institute. EMDS had documented "serious violations" at 91 percent of
    the 769 polling stations monitored during the October election.

    Mammadli was arrested in mid-December and charged not only with tax
    evasion and illegal business activity, but also with trying to rig
    the election himself, an allegation Vincent calls "absurd."

    In March 2014, the Baku headquarters of the oppositional Azerbaijan
    Popular Front Party was blown up. Firefighters on the scene
    attributed the explosion to a faulty gas tank in the building's
    basement, home to a barber shop. The barber, however, insists that
    no such tanks were in his establishment. The building's Turkey-based
    owner, meanwhile, claimed that he had received threats against his
    family from a government official, and he even posted one recorded
    conversation online. The Popular Front blames the Aliyev regime for
    the headquarters blast and points out that several of its activists
    had been arrested around the same time on charges of "resisting
    police orders." Among them was 18-year-old Tofig Dadashov, who was
    held in the Binagadi Police Department for 48 hours without food or
    water. On March 5, Amnesty posted a notice on its website stating,
    "authorities in Azerbaijan have been using every trick in the book
    to stop members of the opposition."

    What remains of an adversarial or free media is also on the ropes. The
    oldest opposition newspaper, Azadliq, is nearing bankruptcy after a
    spate of civil damages claims and the State Publishing House's demand
    that it pay all its outstanding debts at once. Another such outlet,
    Yeni Musavat, suspended publication in early November 2013 because
    of state restrictions on the release of its sales proceeds. In May,
    Parviz Hashimli, a reporter for the independent newspaper Bizim Yol
    and the editor of the online site Moderator, was sentenced to eight
    years in prison on charges that he prompted another man to smuggle
    weapons from Iran into Azerbaijan. Hashimli says that not only did
    he not know the alleged weapons trafficker (and now his accuser)
    but that he was denied a lawyer for 20 days following his arrest
    and kept from talking to anyone else. Both publications with which
    Hashimli is affiliated are known for their muckraking journalism on
    corruption and human rights abuses.

    It is something of a national pastime in Azerbaijan that critics of
    the Aliyev regime or documenters of the country's enormous state graft
    end up being accused of crimes themselves, and locked away in prisons.

    Keeping up with the Aliyevs

    Ilham Aliyev first attained power in 2003 when he succeeded his father,
    Heydar, the Soviet-era satrap of Moscow who had ruled Azerbaijan
    since 1969, making the elder Aliyev both a Soviet and post-Soviet
    dictator. His son now presides over one of the world's longest-running
    dynastic dictatorships and is paterfamilias of a family that WikiLeaked
    U.S. Embassy cables variously refer to as a medieval feudal fiefdom
    or Sonny Corleone of The Godfather.

    It's also hopelessly corrupt, according to a number of published
    reports. Despite the president's official salary of $228,000 per
    year, his children all own millions of dollars in property. As the
    Washington Post uncovered in 2010, when Heydar Aliyev (Ilham's son,
    who was named for the boy's grandfather) was just 11 years old, he
    bought $44 million in luxury mansions on the man-made Palm Jumeirah
    archipelago in Dubai. Heydar's two sisters, Leyla and Arzu, both now in
    their 20s, also own extravagant digs in the United Arab Emirates, with
    the three children possessing a collective real estate portfolio worth
    $75 million. Moreover, as I discovered several months ago, the younger
    Heydar, now well into his teenage years, is technically the legal
    owner of 48.99 percent of the Azerbaijani subsidiary of Vneshtorgbank
    (VTB), one of Russia's largest state-owned banks, with branches in
    two dozen countries and more than $712 million in French and German
    pensioner deposits. (VTB was the subject of an in-depth corruption
    study by Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny and his Foundation
    for Fighting Corruption, the final report of which I edited.)

    All three of the Aliyev brood were also found to be owners of a
    lucrative Azerbaijani telecom company called Azerfon, whose more
    colloquial moniker, Nar Mobile, is thought by the State Department to
    be named not just for the Azeri word for "pomegranate" but also for
    first lady Mehriban Aliyeva's sister, Nargiz. When RFE/RL reporter
    Khadija Ismayilova broke the story that Azerfon was likely controlled
    by the Aliyevs, the state targeted her for harassment by bugging her
    apartment, threatening her with nasty messages ("whore, behave, or
    you will be defamed") and publishing compromising photographs of her
    in newspapers associated with the ruling New Azerbaijan Party. The
    government has claimed to be investigating what was obviously the
    professional intimidation of a journalist.

    "Nothing happened," Ismayilova said in an interview several months
    ago. "I sued the prosecutor's office for not investigating and for
    violating my rights and now the case is with the European Court of
    Human Rights." But if Baku is investigating claims of intimidation,
    they have a funny way of doing it. On February 18, the Serious
    Crimes Investigation Department of the Prosecutor General's Office in
    Baku accused Ismayilova of divulging state secrets and summoned her
    for questioning. She had posted a document to her Facebook account
    allegedly showing how Aliyev's security service, the MNB, tried to
    recruit an Azerbaijani opposition activist as an informant. Pro-Aliyev
    media have branded her an American spy, an accusation both she and the
    U.S. Embassy in Baku ridiculed. Although she has not been formally
    charged with any crime, Ismayilova has been prohibited from leaving
    Baku without the consent of the authorities. In February 2014,
    she posted an appeal to her followers and defenders on Facebook,
    telling them not to keep quiet if she wound up in jail: "If/when I get
    arrested, I want you to make sure that your audience understand the
    reasons. Anti-corruption investigations are the reason of my arrest.

    The government is not comfortable with what I am doing. I am about to
    finish three investigations. I will make sure to finish them before
    anything happens. If not, my editors and colleagues will finish and
    publish [them]."

    Then on March 12, Ismayilova was "summoned" again by Azerbaijan's
    general prosecutor -- this time for two days in a row -- for
    questioning regarding meetings she had with two U.S. congressional
    staffers in Baku in January. "Who are these dogs that you would discuss
    with them Azerbaijan's education system?" Ismayilova reported she
    was asked. She remains unbowed: It was Ismayilova who conducted the
    May interview with Ambassador Morningstar in which he said that the
    United States and Azerbaijan are "talking past each other" on human
    rights. That interview has already caused the diplomat a great deal
    of trouble with his host government: Ramiz Mehdiyev, the head of the
    Azerbaijani Presidential Administration, said Morningstar violated
    the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and that his comments
    constituted "a gross interference in the internal affairs of the

    Azerbaijan ought to be extremely fertile soil for the conduct of
    investigative journalism -- which may account for why the Aliyev regime
    wants to ensure that it never is. In 2013, Transparency International's
    Corruption Perceptions Index rated Azerbaijan 127 out of 177 countries
    -- on equal footing with Russia. And, as the World Bank concluded in
    2011, "Corruption in Azerbaijan is an integral part of the governance
    regime, a multi-player prisoner's dilemma where no single player
    can make a unilateral move because they owe their position to the
    President's inner circle, and breaking the trust of this group would
    be severely punished." Rebecca Vincent, the human rights campaigner,
    said that this undermines the lobby's outreach to foreign businesses:
    "Something that foreign investors should definitely be aware of is
    the lack of rule of law in the country. If you had to take something
    to a national court, you couldn't have a reasonable expectation to
    receive due process and a fair trial."

    And while the national debate is controlled at home through means of
    intimidation, censorship, and legal jury-rigging, Azerbaijan's greater
    mission is to whitewash its reputation abroad. And as with any country
    evocative of The Godfather, this is mainly a family business.

    Three families control or oversee most of the overseas lobbying
    apparatus: the Aliyevs, including the first lady's own family, the
    Pashayevs; the Mammadovs, headed by Transport Minister Ziya Mammadov,
    whose son, Anar, runs the U.S. arm; and the Heydarovs, headed by
    Emergency Situations Minister Kamaladdin Heydarov, whose ministry
    functions sort of like FEMA on amphetamines, retaining control over
    the fire departments, state grain reserves, construction licensing,
    and possibly even an anti-aircraft battery near Baku. Heydarov's
    son Tale runs the European lobby arm. "Whatever business we are
    investigating, it turns out that it's linked to one of these three
    families," Khadija Ismayilova said.

    The American lobby

    The 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) forces any companies
    based in the United States to report on money they have received from
    foreign governments.

    A perusal of the Justice Department's FARA filings on Azerbaijan
    reveals a welter of law firms, consultancies, and prestigious lobby
    firms all on the Aliyev payroll.

    A perusal of the Justice Department's FARA filings on Azerbaijan
    reveals a welter of law firms, consultancies, and prestigious lobby
    firms all on the Aliyev payroll. "The success of the Azeri lobby
    really lies [in] the amount of money it pours into the effort," said
    Chakhtakhtinski of Azerbaijani-Americans for Democracy. "And it pays
    top dollar."

    So it does. The Podesta Group, a D.C.-based lobbying and public
    relations outfit founded by Tony Podesta, brother of John Podesta,
    the current special advisor to the Obama administration, has been
    the registered agent of the Azerbaijani Embassy for several years. On
    January 1, 2014, the group inked a new agreement to receive $50,000 a
    month from the embassy, plus expenses to provide "strategic counsel to
    Azerbaijan on strengthening its ties to the United States government
    and institutions." This agreement, which was signed by Elin Suleymanov,
    the Azerbaijani ambassador to the United States, and Anthony Podesta,
    the head of the Podesta Group, was amended on April 15, 2014,
    to encompass "additional services" defined as performing "public
    relations services for Azerbaijan." It is good through July 14, 2014.

    Foreign Policy contacted the Podesta Group for comment about the
    nature of its contract with the embassy. We were referred to the
    FARA filings. We also asked if the firm had any reservations about
    lobbying on behalf of a foreign government seen by Human Rights Watch,
    Amnesty International, and other international monitors as becoming
    worse, not better, in its respect for human rights norms. We were
    informed that someone from the "Azerbaijan desk" would respond to
    our inquiry. No one ever did.

    DCI Group, LLC, another public-affairs firm with offices in Washington,
    Brussels, and Houston, also worked for the Azerbaijani Embassy in
    D.C., at least until Feb. 22, 2013, when its contract was terminated
    for unspecified reasons. According to DCI Group's website, it "helps
    corporations navigate their most challenging political, legislative and
    regulatory problems anywhere in the world" by "re-framing the issue,
    and defining it on more favorable terms." Its work for the embassy
    focused on media outreach promoting the country's satellite launch,
    gas boom, bilateral relations, and SOCAR's expansion. DCI Group also
    organized a dinner on Oct. 22, 2012, at the ambassador's residence,
    related to "Azerbaijan economic development and investment in [the]
    U.S. economy and Azerbaijan support of [the] U.S. war on terror." Among
    the guests were the former deputy U.S.

    ambassador to the United Nations, Ken Adelman (who served under Jeane
    Kirkpatrick, in fact); James K. Glassman, the founding executive
    director of the George W. Bush Institute; Sheri Annis, a media
    consultant married to Fox News's Howard Kurtz; and George Friedman,
    the CEO of private intelligence corporation Stratfor.

    FP reached Craig Stevens, spokesman for DCI Group, by phone. The
    termination of the contract with the embassy, he said, was simply
    because "the terms had been completed. We had a good relationship
    [with the embassy] and we certainly support the ambassador." Asked if
    DCI Group was ever concerned by Azerbaijan's poor human rights record
    or its recent erosion of journalistic and political freedoms, Stevens
    replied: "Yeah, I wouldn't get into that." DCI Group is not, according
    to Stevens, "actively seeking" to work with the embassy again.

    Roberti+White LLC, a "bipartisan federal government affairs and
    public relations" firm based in Washington and New York, received
    $20,834 per month for six months -- $125,000 in total -- from SOCAR
    USA in exchange for offering "strategic counsel" to the state oil
    company to "strengthen its ties to the United States government
    and institutions." According to the consulting agreement signed
    in mid-July 2013, or just in time for SOCAR USA's purchase of the
    Kirkpatrick building, Roberti+White was responsible for building
    the company's website, manning its Twitter and Facebook accounts,
    and even creating an internship program in Washington. The contract
    expired on Dec. 31, 2013. FP reached Roberti+White for comment but
    was told that the company does not talk to the press.

    Elsewhere, lobbying firms have taken U.S. politicians to Azerbaijan.

    In late May 2013, Oklahoma Rep. Jim Bridenstine traveled from Tulsa
    to Baku under the auspices of the Houston-based Turquoise Council of
    Americans and Eurasians (TCAE), a 501(c)(3) organization, which is
    apparently close to the Turkish Islamist cleric in exile Fethullah
    Gulen. According to Bridenstine's Post-Travel Disclosure Form filed
    with the House Committee on Ethics, he described TCAE as being
    "committed to establishing and advancing long-term relationships
    and close cooperation between the U.S. and Azerbaijan," "[t]o
    introduc[ing] and provid[ing] exposure to Azerbaijan's military,
    regional, energy security and economic issues," and "[t]o promot[ing]
    mutual understanding through conversation." (FP contacted Rep.

    Bridenstine's office seeking comment but was told the congressman
    was too busy with legislative matters to be interviewed in time for

    On its website, TCAE claims to "make a bridge to the Turkic world"
    focusing on Turkey, Azerbaijan, and all of the post-Soviet Central
    Asian republics, but it's also been linked to a number of charter
    schools founded in the United States by the Pennsylvania-based Gulen,
    now said to be the main antagonist of scandal-plagued Turkish Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Bridenstine was in Baku to attend a
    conference called "USA-Azerbaijan: Vision for the Future," a lavish
    affair sponsored by SOCAR, BP, ConocoPhillips and other energy
    majors, and opened by Ilham Aliyev. This multinational junket,
    complete with tours of a glittering new Caspian capital seen by
    many as a cross between Dubai and Paris, barred reporters from Radio
    Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the one news outlet that has done the most
    digging on the Aliyev families' questionable business dealings. But it
    earned write-ups by Politico, the Washington Post, and the Washington
    Diplomat (the only publication to attend) because of its recognizable
    guests and speakers. Among these were delegates from 42 states, 75
    state representatives, 11 active congress members, and three newly
    retired Obama administration staffers: ex-Press Secretary Robert Gibbs,
    former Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina, and campaign strategist
    David Plouffe, all of whom received five-figure checks for addressing
    the conference, according to organizer and TCAE president Kemal Oksuz.

    Also in attendance was Michael McMahon, the former Democratic
    representative from New York, who served on the House Foreign Relations
    Committee and the Azerbaijan Caucus. After Aliyev's re-election
    in October, McMahon told the New York Times that the vote was
    "honest, fair and really efficient. There were much shorter lines
    than in America, and no hanging chads." He also wrote a few op-eds
    praising Azerbaijan as a "partner to the U.S. and a stalwart in the
    region." (McMahon now co-chairs the lobbying division for Herrick,
    Feinstein LLP, a New York-based law firm that opened its first
    international office in Istanbul in the fall of 2013.)

    No pro-Aliyev entity is more active in Washington -- at least
    judging from its FARA disclosures -- than the Azerbaijan American
    Alliance (AAA). Its current chairman is Dan Burton, former Republican
    congressman from Indiana and the former chair of the House Subcommittee
    on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats who announced upon his
    appointment on Feb. 13, 2013: "The friendship between our two countries
    is very important and I shall work hard to make it even stronger." A
    photograph of President Aliyev is featured on the AAA's website as
    a clickable graphic that directs users to its "leadership" section.

    The AAA aims to "develop an alliance of individuals and organizations
    in the United States and Azerbaijan," to "[a]dvance understanding,
    respect, friendship, cooperation and mutual support" between
    the two countries, and to "[e]ducate policy makers and leaders of
    industry about critical and complex issues related to the symbiotic
    relationship." And that relationship evidently needs a lot of
    insider help.

    The Justice Department's FARA website also discloses that AAA
    paid Fabiani & Company $2.4 million for "planning and executing
    strategies to encourage research and advocacy about the Azeri people,
    country, culture and international relations." Fabiani & Company
    is a D.C.-based "government affairs and strategy consulting firm"
    founded by James Fabiani, a former director of the House Committee on
    Appropriations. In October 2013, it hosted the AAA's second annual gala
    dinner in Washington, which the organization described as featuring
    "nearly 600 invited guests from Capitol Hill, the Diplomatic Corps,
    think tanks, academic and business communities." In the six months
    prior to May 31, 2013, Fabiani & Company received over $800,000 from
    the AAA and incurred expenses in excess of $664,000, including for
    advertising in the Washington Post and Express newspapers.

    In fact, AAA and Fabiani & Company share the same address at 1101
    Pennsylvania Ave. When FP called AAA, it reached the government affairs
    firm for a second time. A representative explained that AAA was indeed
    run out of Fabiani & Company's offices and that the same person would
    get back to us on behalf of both organizations. Follow-up attempts
    to reach both AAA and Fabiani & Company were unsuccessful.

    Cited in a lengthy section of the AAA's FARA filing titled "Influential
    Individuals Who Have Met With the Azerbaijan America Alliance" are
    85 House members; 21 senators; employees of the Heritage Foundation,
    Jamestown Foundation, and Atlantic Council; business leaders from
    the Thomas Reuters Foundation, Raytheon International, Boeing, and
    Northrop Grumman; and reporters from the New York Times, Washington
    Post, and Foreign Policy.

    Impressively, the AAA has even encouraged seven state legislatures to
    pass resolutions or proclamations announcing their friendship with
    Azerbaijan, often using language that would raise eyebrows among
    human rights monitors or opposition figures.

    The Oklahoma State Senate referred to Azerbaijan as a "democratic,
    secular and constitutional republic."

    The Oklahoma State Senate referred to Azerbaijan as a "democratic,
    secular and constitutional republic." The Illinois State Senate claimed
    that Azerbaijan had "equal rights for all citizens, regardless of race,
    ethnicity, gender, or religious affiliation" and "shares American
    values," the latter phrase also being taken up by Kentucky's House
    of Representatives. Mississippi's House resolution, dated Feb.

    28, 2012, made special mention of the "noteworthy importance in
    supporting the continued relationship between Azerbaijan and Israel"
    and that "roughly a third of the crude oil supplied to Israel" comes
    from Azerbaijan.

    The Mammadov mystery

    The Azerbaijan America Alliance was founded a little over two years
    ago by a man named Anar Mammadov, who, according to FARA documents,
    has personally met with House Speaker John Boehner, former Speaker
    Nancy Pelosi, 13 other congress members, and 7 senators. Mammadov is
    described on AAA's website as "an independent Azerbaijani businessman
    and entrepreneur," which is certainly one way of putting it.

    The scion of Ziya Mammadov, the state's transport minister, Anar
    Mammadov has amassed a reputation as an international playboy.

    Allegedly worth $1 billion, and based mainly in Baku, he sued two
    dissident newspapers in Azerbaijan for reporting that he once drunkenly
    ordered a restaurant -- one owned by Kamaladdin Heydarov, the minister
    of emergency situations minister, no less -- to serve him up a shish
    kebab made of bear meat. The alleged price for this off-menu cuisine
    was $1.2 million, and Heydarov was said to have personally intervened
    with a reluctant wait staff to let the well-connected oligarch munch on
    this rarefied game. (Mammadov was also rumored to have propositioned
    Rihanna when the Grammy award-winning pop star traveled to Baku in
    October 2012 -- against the objections of human rights groups --
    to perform for the FIFA Under-17 Women's World Cup, which was held
    in the capital.)

    But the Azeri's portfolio doesn't exactly bespeak an "independent"
    string of accomplishments, whatever the Azerbaijan American Alliance
    claims. Mammadov is president of Garant Holding, a company formerly
    known as ZQAN Holding. (Garant gets a special mention on the AAA
    website's bio of Mammadov.) That company's profit margins, as a number
    of media outlets have reported, appear inextricably linked to a number
    of sweetheart contracts signed with his father's Transport Ministry.

    According to a detailed expose by RFE/RL and the Organized Crime
    and Corruption Reporting Project, Mammadov and his uncle Elton are
    partners with another family (also named Mammadov but not related) that
    founded an Azeri entity that is heavily invested in "transportation,
    construction, sports complexes, and oil exploration."

    That firm, known as the Baghlan Group, "has received preferential
    treatment and the interlinked companies owned by the families have
    taken large shares or even monopolized certain transportation sectors
    like bus transport, taxis, road construction, and cargo-transportation
    services" in Azerbaijan, writes journalist Nushabe Fatullayeva. "In
    the Azeri language," she observed, "the word 'baghlan' can mean
    'closed' or it can mean 'connected.' In the case of Baghlan Group,
    both seem to apply."

    The Baghlan Group's subsidiaries have also been granted "lucrative,
    apparently noncompetitive contracts to import and operate taxis and
    buses, and to build roads." All of these contracts were certified
    by the ministry run by Ziya Mammadov. And no minor dispensation has
    that been: Baghlan has earned an estimated $1.3 billion in highway
    construction contracts alone. In fact, the Baghlan Group's registered
    address is the same address as Azerbaijan State Railway LLC, a
    department of the Transport Ministry.

    The clearest case of Anar Mammadov's profiting from this connection
    appears to have been with the Baghlan Group's taxi and bus companies,
    both the largest in their respective industries. The bus company has
    "hundreds of buses," Fatullayeva wrote, quoting the Baghlan website,
    that are responsible for transporting 20 percent of Baku's passengers.

    In the lead-up to the Eurovision Song Contest 2012 hosted in Baku,
    Baghlan Group's cab company, Baki Taxsi, imported 1,000 London-style
    black cabs into Azerbaijan for $28,000 apiece. There is no evidence
    that other cab companies were given a chance to bid for the service
    of shuttling thousands of international tourists around the capital
    city, Fatullayeva reported. And following the Eurovision contest,
    Baki Taxsi edged out any and all competition, preventing other cabs
    from parking in the city center or near subway terminals.

    The bank that processed all of Baki Taxsi's credit card transactions is
    the Bank of Azerbaijan, a financial institution that has "monopolized
    almost all taxi business," according to Fatullayeva. It was also
    listed as one of the many holdings of the Baghlan Group on the latter's
    website. (FP attempted to contact Anar Mammadov at the Baghlan Group
    by phone and email. There was no voicemail set up for the company's
    line and no one ever responded to our email request for an interview.)

    According to Fatullayeva's report, Anar Mammadov previously owned an 81
    percent stake in that bank until he divested in January 2013 -- well
    after Baki Taxsi's Eurovision windfall. Furthermore, a subsidiary of
    ZQAN Holding company was given the privilege of insuring all of Baki
    Taxis' London cab passengers. At present, Mammadov's cousin Ruslan is
    a member of the bank's supervisory board, of which a senior manager
    of ZQAN Holding is also the chairman. ZQAN Holding also took part
    in the construction of the Baku International Bus Station, which is
    owned by Mammadov's uncle Elton. The Baghlan Group, ZQAN Holding,
    and the Bank of Azerbaijan all sponsor the Baku Football Club, the
    honorary president of which is Mammadov.

    One of the Baghlan Group's "major clients" is SOCAR.

    How SOCAR does business

    Last December, the London-based anti-corruption watchdog Global
    Witness released a detailed report titled "Azerbaijan Anonymous." It
    investigated SOCAR's business dealings that were in some way linked to
    a 35-year-old man named Anar Aliyev, who, over a five-year period, made
    around $375 million from them in transactions. It is unknown whether
    or not this Aliyev is related to the president's family (Aliyev is a
    common surname in Azerbaijan) but it bears noting that he was born in
    Nakhchivan, an autonomous enclave of Azerbaijan that has produced most
    of the country's elite, including the current president of SOCAR, its
    executive director, President Aliyev, and his late father. Yet despite
    having almost no public profile as an Azeri oligarch or industrialist,
    Anar Aliyev managed to hold "ownership stakes in at least 48 deals with
    [SOCAR], including production sharing agreements and joint ventures."

    In one case Global Witness examined, SOCAR created an oil trading
    company in 2007 called Socar Trading SA, which had $33.66 billion
    in revenue in 2011. However, legally SOCAR only owned 50 percent of
    this entity; the ultimate beneficial owners of the other 50 percent
    were Anar Aliyev and Valery Golovushkin, Socar Trading SA's CEO as
    well as the former vice president of Lukoil, Russia's second-largest
    oil company. Both men used a series of offshore shell companies
    controlled by parent companies that they owned. Aliyev's initial
    investment was $5 million; Golovushkin's was $1.25 million. Then, in
    August 2012, SOCAR bought out both parent companies for $103 million
    and $30 million, respectively -- a 2,360 percent return on Aliyev's
    initial investment and a 2,700 percent return on Golovushkin's. The
    fact that 50 percent equity in such a lucrative trading company was
    awarded to "obscure offshore entities with opaque ownership can only
    raise concerns about the motivation," Global Witness found.

    Nor did SOCAR, in responding to the report's findings, ever account
    for why such an inscrutable oilman as Anar Aliyev was hand-selected
    to make such a fortune. SOCAR mainly evaded Global Witness's direct
    questions altogether and even claimed, against evidence, that "no
    dividends were paid from the project" to Aliyev or Golovushkin. The
    widespread -- but unproven -- suspicion among Azeri journalists I've
    spoken to is that Anar Aliyev was a front for a well-connected member
    of the regime, if not several.

    Moreover, while SOCAR Trading SA became fully state-owned when
    Aliyev and Golovushkin cashed out, a new, partially privately owned
    middleman, SOCAR International DMCC, still appears to be taking a cut
    of the profits. In June 2011, SOCAR established SOCAR International
    DMCC in Dubai but, again, saw fit to own only 50 percent of that
    company. Between June 2011 and December 2012, SOCAR International
    DMCC made $66 million in profit from buying oil from SOCAR and then
    selling it to SOCAR's now wholly owned subsidiary, SOCAR Trading
    SA. Why the need for another middleman, and who is the ultimate
    beneficiary owner of SOCAR International DMCC? The state oil company
    declined to answer that question when it was posed by Global Witness,
    although it did accuse the NGO of betraying "envy [of] the increasing
    influence of SOCAR."

    Following Global Witness's report, and after what the NGO told FP
    had been three months of unsuccessful attempts to contact him for
    comment, Anar Aliyev decided to go public. He gave an interview to
    the Azerbaijani publication Business Time, which he said he valued
    as a "purely objective business journal." He also stated that he had
    "recently" changed his surname to Alizade, owing in part to questions
    his former surname raised about his possible filial connections to
    Baku's ruling family. Aliyev/Alizade emphasized that he had "no family
    relations with any powerful representatives of the Nakhchivani clan"
    or anyone else in the Azerbaijani government. He got his start in
    business, he told Business Time, by importing Turkish textiles, then
    trading land and private property in Baku, then trading construction
    materials and equipment. "Socar Trading SA was set up as a result
    of the offer came from me [sic] and well-known oil trader Mr Valery
    Golovushkin," Aliyev/Alizade insisted. As for the reason he didn't
    respond to the NGO's interview requests prior to the report's
    publication, he claimed that he "was very busy this year and had an
    extensive business trips schedule, and no letters or requests from
    Global Witness were brought to my attention."

    Aliyev/Alizade's interlocutor at Business Time, chief editor Mammad
    Hajiyev, was clearly satisfied with these answers and impressed with
    his subject. In an editorial comment at the bottom of his article,
    Hajiyev wrote: "Despite his young age our interlocutor positively
    impressed us by his self-confidence, experience, accuracy and

    Global Witness seems less taken with this self-accounting. "There
    are still unanswered questions regarding how and why [Aliyev/Alizade]
    or his companies were selected to occupy this key role dealing with
    Azeri oil," Tom Mayne, a researcher at the NGO, told FP. "We are still
    waiting for a full response from SOCAR on these and other matters."

    The European lobby

    In addition to being a high-stakes property owner in the Gulf,
    first daughter Leyla Aliyeva is also fashion and art junkie -- and
    a journalist. She's editor-in-chief of the "style magazine" Baku,
    a publication financed by her father and published by Conde Nast
    Contract Publishing in London. Something of an Azeri Kim Kardashian,
    Aliyeva of course needs good PR people to help maintain her jet-set
    lifestyle. Enter Matthew Freud, the son-in-law of Rupert Murdoch
    and head of the London-based PR firm Freud Communications. Having
    reportedly rejected contracts from Libyan strongman Muammar al-Qaddafi
    10 times, and from ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak five times,
    Freud was clearly more amenable to a request for representation by
    the Azeri dauphine. In 2011, he organized what the British satirical
    weekly Private Eye called "a caviar-rich London party" to "launch"
    Aliyeva in British high society. Guests at this soiree included Lord
    Peter Mandelson, Tony Blair's onetime political svengali; Freud's wife
    and Murdoch's daughter Elisabeth; Lord Browne, the former head of BP;
    Ed Vaizey, the current British culture minister; Stuart Rose, formerly
    the top man at Marks & Spencer; and Evgeny Lebedev, the Russian
    oligarch proprietor of the Independent and Evening Standard newspapers.

    But glossy journals, PR firms, and caviar-laden parties in England
    are the least of the Aliyevs' outreach in Europe. "The Azerbaijan
    lobbying effort in Europe is headed by Tale Heydarov, son of the
    extremely wealthy emergency situations minister and a graduate of
    the London School of Economics," Oliver Bullough, a London-based
    expert on the Caucasus and the author of The Last Man in Russia:
    The Struggle to Save a Dying Nation, told FP. "Tale is urbane and
    educated, hangs out with Prince Harry, and puts a lot of money into
    trying to improve Azerbaijan's image. He wants to promote it as a
    reliable energy partner, a country to do business with."

    Tale Heydarov's main vehicle for this effort is the European Azerbaijan
    Society (TEAS), headquartered at Queen Anne's Gate in the Mayfair
    district of London, with additional offices in Istanbul, Paris,
    Berlin, and Brussels. A 2010 U.S. State Department cable published by
    WikiLeaks described the group as follows: "The 'society' purports to be
    an independent advocacy group, but its talking points very much reflect
    the goals and objectives of the [government of Azerbaijan]. In recent
    meetings, Tale and his cohorts have raised 'Armenian aggression'
    in Nagorno-Karabakh and 'double standards' of U.S. human rights
    and democracy reporting in the region, and complained about efforts
    of the U.S. Congress to provide humanitarian assistance within the
    Nagorno-Karabakh enclave."

    Here, too, PR professionals are not far behind. TEAS's current
    director is Lionel Zetter, a fellow of the Charted Institute of Public
    Relations (CIPR) and of the Royal Society of Arts, as well the author
    of Lobbying: The Art of Political Persuasion. In an email to FP,
    Zetter denied that TEAS had any kind of allegiance to the regime
    in Baku. "The mission of TEAS is to promote the country (not the
    government) of Azerbaijan and to foster links with Western Europe,"
    he wrote. "It is not our place to interfere in or comment on the
    internal politics of any country." Asked if he considers Azerbaijan a
    democracy, Zetter answered: "Azerbaijan holds regular elections for
    the Presidency, for the Milli Majlis and for municipal authorities,
    so of course it should be classified as a democracy. If you know of a
    perfect democracy anywhere in the world please do point it out to me."

    For TEAS, fostering links with Western Europe seems to involve
    regularly flying out members of national legislatures or the European
    Parliament for luxurious romps around Azerbaijan. Perhaps not
    surprisingly, these officials often return home with fond things
    to say about their hosts. The Guardian found, for instance, that
    TEAS had spent "at least £71,740" ($118,177) in sending Tory MPs
    to Azerbaijan and "at least £9,700" ($15,978) in sending Labour
    MPs. Sometimes politicians don't even have to travel to be graced
    with TEAS's largesse. In September 2013, for instance, the society
    held jazz festivals on the margins of all of Britain's three major
    political party conferences: Conservative, Labour, and Liberal
    Democrat. TEAS has also founded Conservative Friends of Azerbaijan,
    a London-based advocacy organization that classifies Azerbaijan as a
    "democratic country" and currently has 25 British MPs as members. It
    also sponsored an event put on by Progress, a New Labour "pressure
    group" seen as supportive of Tony Blair's political legacy.

    On TEAS's advisory board sits Lord Kilclooney, a baron from Northern
    Ireland, who, according to his parliamentary disclosure of interests,
    is remunerated for his services. FP managed to reach Lord Kilclooney
    by phone. He said that this paid arrangement with the organization
    ended "some years ago" and that he has not sat in on any TEAS board
    meeting in "several years." Contrary to what the State Department
    minuted in its cable, Kilclooney saw no pro-Aliyev bias in TEAS's
    activities. "I find it totally open and very promotive of Azerbaijan
    generally, not the government. The Americans make a lot of mistakes;
    I wouldn't pay attention to what they say," he explained.

    Lord Kilclooney told FP that he had personally met Tale Heydarov, who
    chairs the TEAS board meetings, and was "very impressed." He thought
    the same of President Aliyev, whom he also met: "I was very impressed
    there as well." And while he noted that freedom of expression in the
    media is "not the best," and that Azerbaijan "has a long way to go to
    become a fully free democratic country," Lord Kilclooney believes that
    it is "moving in the right direction." Asked about the recent spate
    of arrests of journalists and dissidents, he told FP that Turkey has
    done far worse and that the United States executes more people per year
    than Azerbaijan. "I'm horrified at the way the United States supports
    Armenia, as does Russia, against the interests of Azerbaijan," he said.

    TEAS also paid £6,000 a year ($10,000) to Mark Field, a Conservative
    MP who happens to sit on the House of Commons committee that oversees
    Britain's intelligence and security services. Field was also formerly
    the chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Azerbaijan,
    a body designed to "maintain good relations between the legislatures
    and governments of the UK and Azerbaijan," as its website states.

    According to the TEAS website, the organization first took Field
    to Baku in July 2010, on a joint invitation by TEAS and the NATO
    International School of Azerbaijan, an NGO founded in 2007 as a
    "research, education and training center on Euro-Atlantic security and
    integration and [to] further promote Euro-Atlantic values and ideas
    in academia and in a wider audience in the region at large." And it
    was clearly money well spent. In a subsequent interview with TEAS
    conducted from his Portcullis office, Field praised Azerbaijan as a
    "great trading partner" with healthy oil and gas reserves that are of
    great importance to British companies such as BP. His impressions of
    the place? Field said he was struck by the sense of "vibrancy" and
    "optimism" in the country -- all related to its burgeoning business
    sector, of course. He further described Azerbaijan as a "model state"
    that tolerates religious freedom and has a handle on extremism. Not
    a word was said about Azeri human rights.

    FP tried unsuccessfully to contact Field by phone and at his
    parliamentary email. Zetter, however, confirmed that Field did earn
    £6,000 a year for approximately one and a half years -- "which he
    duly declared to the Parliamentary authorities. He no longer has any
    paid or formal position with TEAS."

    The ability of TEAS to recruit pro-Aliyev politicians in Europe is
    made more disconcerting by the fact that Tale Heydarov's father is
    quite well known to the U.S. government. Previously the chairman of
    the State Customs Committee, which the State Department called "one
    of the most corrupt operations in Azerbaijan," Kamaladdin Heydarov
    "gain[ed] massive wealth, as significant illicit payments were paid
    'up the food chain' in an elaborate and well-orchestrated system of
    payoff and patronage." The Heydarov clan, considered by Foggy Bottom
    to be the second-most-powerful family in Azerbaijan, owns everything
    from fruit juice companies to real estate.

    Nowhere have TEAS's attentions been better rewarded than at the Council
    of Europe, the Strasbourg-based supranational institution sometimes
    known as Europe's oldest human rights monitor. Founded in 1949, it
    predates the European Union and today consists of 47 member states,
    encompassing more than 800 million citizens. There are three statutory
    bodies to the council: the Committee of Ministers, made up of all the
    foreign ministers of the member states; the Parliamentary Assembly
    of the Council of Europe (PACE), which consists of parliamentarians
    from the member states; and the Secretariat, which is headed by a
    secretary-general. All member states are meant to be democracies, and
    while the resolutions passed by the Council of Europe are nonbinding,
    they are still seen as highly symbolic -- capable of conferring a
    clean bill of health on a member state's civil liberties and human
    rights record, or capable of demonstrating where that member state
    has fallen short.

    Azerbaijan's admittance in 2001 to this purportedly exclusive club
    of democracies was itself the spadework of a contentious lobbying
    campaign. But since the Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan pipeline was laid down in
    2005, making Azerbaijan a fattened oil titan, the Council of Europe
    has increasingly become a vehicle for whitewashing Azerbaijan's
    international reputation, argues Gerald Knaus, the chairman of the
    European Stability Initiative (ESI), an independent Berlin-based think
    tank that has made a series of comprehensives studies of Azerbaijan's
    influence in the Council of Europe. "We have a failure of two types,"
    Knaus told FP. "The failure of the parliamentarians is actually worse
    because they've done harm -- by lending an alibi and giving an excuse
    to Azerbaijan. But the committee of ministers has also failed. When I
    go around and ask ministers from friendly countries, 'Why is no one
    raising their voice about Azerbaijani human rights?' they all say
    it's energy interests, oil pipelines, and such. 'Human rights just
    don't matter for us.'"

    No greater proof of this proposition is needed than the fact that on
    May 14, Azerbaijan ascended to the chairmanship of the Committee of
    Ministers -- the very same week in which the government sentenced
    eight Azeri activists to lengthy jail terms. In fact, two other
    political prisoners of the Aliyev regime are affiliated with the
    Council of Europe itself. Ilgar Mammadov, who received a seven-year
    sentence in March, ran the Council of Europe's Political Studies
    Programme in Baku. Anar Mammadli, for whom the government has just
    requested a nine-year prison term, had advised the PACE rapporteur on
    political prisoners. Human Rights Watch's South Caucasus researcher,
    Giorgi Gogia, was appalled. "The Council of Europe is the region's
    foremost human rights body, but Azerbaijan's chairmanship comes at a
    time when the government is blatantly flouting the organization's core
    standards," Gogia said in a statement published on the NGO's website.

    Baku has a very clear motive in orchestrating such perverse political
    theater, Knaus argues. "It's to show any opponents of the regime that
    'we cannot be shamed. On the contrary, we are embarrassing you, and
    you have to accept it. Even the democratic guardians of Europe have
    given up on you.'"

    The Azerbaijani president is clearly using the Council of Europe to
    congratulate himself and shield his regime from outside criticism.

    "[T]here are no political prisoners in Azerbaijan," he pronounced
    in January at a joint press conference in Brussels with NATO
    Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. Bear in mind that Azerbaijan's
    accession to the Council of Europe was partly predicated on its
    agreement to release all political prisoners in the country.

    However, the most critical resolution on the status of such prisoners
    in Azerbaijan ever drafted was defeated in January 2013 in what
    happened to be the best-attended vote in the history of PACE. And
    here Aliyev really does deserve congratulating, since this robust
    attendance appears to be the work of his lobbying efforts to mobilize
    the "no" votes.

    According to Knaus, the co-optation of PACE has been relatively
    straightforward and easy. All Azerbaijan has had to do is get
    sympathetic MPs from other member states to turn up whenever a vote
    on the country is held. "Usually people in PACE don't turn up for
    votes," Knaus said. "And the people who come whenever Azerbaijan is
    being voted on are already in favor of the government's line. Then
    they become the majority."

    As a result, Baku has an excellent track record in watering down
    resolutions about its human rights abuses, assigning the sensitive role
    of rapporteur for Azerbaijan's human rights monitoring committee to
    Aliyev loyalists, blocking attempts to suspend Azeri delegates' voting
    rights, and dispatching delegations to give fraudulent Azeri elections
    the stamp of approval. It's this last trick in particular that has
    been so embarrassing to PACE that it has led to a major confrontation
    with Europe's most respected and deferred-to election monitor.

    You call that a clean vote?

    The Office of the Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR)
    of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe -- which
    famously shined a spotlight on the cooked polls in Georgia in 2003
    and Ukraine 2004, leading to those countries' "color revolutions"
    -- was the only organization to send both long- and short-term teams
    of monitors to cover Azerbaijan's parliamentary election in November
    2010. It documented countless cases of fraud.

    Some ballots cast, ODIHR found, exceeded the number of voter signatures
    at polling stations. Votes were also registered in some districts
    a full day before the election. In one prison, 1,000 inmates were
    handed filled-out ballots in closed envelopes and told to file them;
    one inmate demurred and was beaten by guards. A third of the 150
    stations observed by ODIHR were listed as "bad" or "very bad." One
    official from the office claimed that he'd never seen so many instances
    of ballot stuffing.

    "By the end of the day," ESI found in its widely discussed report
    Caviar Diplomacy: How Azerbaijan Silenced the Council of Europe, "it
    was clear that these had probably been the most fraudulent elections
    ever monitored in a Council of Europe member state." A similar act
    of sanitization of Aliyev's vote-rigging occurred during the October
    2013 presidential election, which ESI also helpfully exposed in a
    follow-up publication. Disgraced: Azerbaijan and the End of Election
    Monitoring as We Know It states that that election "may have been
    the worst vote count ever observed by an ODIHR election observation
    mission anywhere." As discussed, before the election was even held,
    an Azerbaijani smartphone app run by the Central Election Commission
    released the results, with Aliyev taking 72.76 percent of the vote. In
    the event, the "official" results gave him 84.55 percent.

    But that didn't stop Aliyev's most vociferous apologists in Europe
    from giving his "victory" the all-clear. The head of PACE's election
    monitoring delegation, Robert Walter, a Conservative MP from Britain,
    gave a joint press conference with Pino Arlacchi, the Italian head
    of the European Parliament's delegation, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel
    in Baku. "[F]ree, fair and transparent" was their verdict.

    Following this certification, it was found that six of the nine
    MEPs who observed the election had committed a "manifest violation
    of the code of conduct" for European Parliament, according to a
    five-member advisory committee that monitors compliance with that
    code. The news service European Voice reported that "[m]ost of the
    trips had been organised and sponsored by Azerbaijan's parliament
    and by two organisations that refused to reveal the source of their
    funding, the Society for the Promotion of German-Azerbaijani Relations
    (GEFDAB) in Berlin and the European Academy for Elections Observation
    (EAEO), registered in Belgium." However, the president of the European
    Parliament, Martin Schulz, decided to take no disciplinary action
    against the six MEPs.

    Walter, meanwhile, is the chair of the European Democrat Group (EDG)
    in PACE, a voting bloc that includes the British Conservatives,
    Putin's United Russia, Aliyev's New Azerbaijan Party, Turkey's ruling
    Justice and Development Party, and Ukraine's Party of Regions, the
    party of ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. In 2011, Walter
    co-led a British trade mission to Baku sponsored by the Middle East
    Association, self-described as the "UK's leading business forum for
    promoting trade and investment with the Middle East and North Africa."

    That mission, according to the association, had the "full support"
    of the British Embassy in Baku, the Azerbaijani Embassy in London,
    and TEAS.

    Other allies of Azerbaijan have now gotten into trouble. Take Leonid
    Slutsky, a deputy from the chauvinistic Liberal Democratic Party of
    Russia and a member of PACE since 2004. Aliyev awarded Slutsky the
    "Order of Friendship" in 2009, and the camaraderie has been repaid.

    "Slutsky speaks at every debate in PACE on Azerbaijan," Knaus says.

    He's also the current chairman of the State Duma Committee on the
    Commonwealth of Independent States, Eurasian Integration and Links
    with Compatriots. It was in this capacity that Slutsky found himself
    sanctioned by the U.S. government after Crimea's Duma-certified
    "referendum" last March.

    Another noted apologist is Mike Hancock, a Liberal Democrat MP from
    Portsmouth, England, who declared in a PACE debate in 2011 that he was
    "proud" to have been in Azerbaijan during the 2010 contest and that
    the "best you can say about any election in any country ... is that
    one the day following the election, the majority of people have the
    result that the majority want" -- a proposition sometimes difficult
    to test in Western democracies, let alone in dictatorial petro-states.

    Hancock resembles Karl Marx as dressed by Savile Row, and his
    famous tastes have cost him political credibility back home. He was
    forced to stand down from the Liberal Democrats in June 2013 owing
    to allegations that he had sexually assaulted a mentally handicapped
    constituent. Before that, in 2011, the married Hancock became embroiled
    in scandal because of his love affair with Ekaterina Zatuliveter, a
    20-something parliamentary aide whom British intelligence identified
    as a Russian spy, although a security court later exonerated her of
    the charge. It had raised MI5's concerns that Zatuliveter met with
    a Russian spook based at the Russian Embassy in London, and that
    Hancock was at the time a member of the House of Commons Defence
    Committee. (She also had affairs with a senior German NATO official
    and a Dutch diplomat, according to Britain's Telegraph.) However,
    Zatuliveter had other foreign interests, as well. She was formerly
    paid £3,000 (nearly $5,000) for services rendered to none other than
    TEAS. TEAS director Zetter told FP that Zatuliveter was compensated
    in 2009 "for her work in helping to organize events highlighting the
    plight of Azerbaijan's 875,000 refugees and IDPs."

    An unnamed Azeri source explained to ESI how the quid pro quo
    arrangement for cultivating PACE MPs works. This, too, is remarkably
    straightforward. "One kilogram of caviar," the source said, "is worth
    between 1,300 and 1,400 euro. Each of our friends in PACE receives
    at every session, four times a year, at least 0.4 to 0.6 kg."

    From: Baghdasarian