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European Armenian Federation For Justice & Democracy Sents An Open L

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  • European Armenian Federation For Justice & Democracy Sents An Open L


    Today - 16:42

    As the official web-site of the Armenian National Committee informs,
    Kaspar Karampetian, President of the European Armenian Federation for
    Justice & Democracy, sent an open letter to the European Commission
    President on the eve of the latter's visit to Azerbaijan. The letter
    especially says:

    "President, European Commission

    Rue de la Loi 200 1049, Brussels

    Brussels, 12 June 2014

    Dear President Barroso,

    On June 14 you will be visiting Azerbaijan, where you will be meeting
    President Ilham Aliyev to hold bilateral talks, and you will be giving
    a speech at the ADA University on "EU - Azerbaijan: new opportunities
    and challenges".

    The European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy would like
    to once again draw your attention on Azerbaijan, a country which the
    Freedom House categorizes as a "Consolidated Authoritarian Regime",
    with Ilham Aliyev, the President of Azerbaijan, being the first ever
    Organized Crime and Corruption Person of the Year bestowed by the
    Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, who "succeeded
    his father in 2003, continuing and intensifying the most repressive
    aspects of his father's rule. Since then, the inflow of significant
    oil revenues has fueled presidential patronage, strengthened the
    state's security apparatus, and partially subdued both domestic and
    foreign criticism of the regime".

    It was only yesterday, that the Foreign Policy magazine run an
    investigative piece titled "The Corleones of the Caspian. How
    Azerbaijan's dictator woos the United States and Europe", stressing
    that while the national debate is controlled at home through means
    of intimidation, censorship, and legal jury-rigging, Azerbaijan's
    greater mission is to whitewash its reputation abroad - where it
    hasn't resorted to all-expenses-paid vacations to Baku - a form of
    what European Stability Initiative witheringly describes as "caviar
    diplomacy" ("Caviar Diplomacy. How Azerbaijan silenced the Council
    of Europe") - it has spent millions of dollars in U.S. and European
    lobbying, consultancy, and PR firms to whitewash its image in the
    American and European media. The Aliyev regime thus, have managed to
    buy friends and influence people, including past and present members
    of the U.S. Congress, British Parliament, and the Parliamentary
    Assembly of the Council of Europe, which was once known for pressuring
    dictatorships, not embracing them.

    It was less than a month ago, that the Bureau of PACE (Parliamentary
    Assembly of the Council of Europe) decided that no more Assembly
    committee meetings will be held in Azerbaijan for two years, as of
    1 June 2014.

    We urge you to address those issues at your meetings and stress the
    anti-Armenian propaganda going on in Azerbaijan as well, which reached
    its height in September 2012, when Ilham Aliyev pardoned Ramil Safarov
    upon his arrival to Baku from Hungary, where he was convicted for
    murdering an Armenian colleague during a course sponsored by NATO's
    Partnership for Peace Program in Budapest; whereas Safarov had pleaded
    guilty and had expressed no remorse, defending his action on the
    grounds that the victim was Armenian.

    Furthermore, the European Armenian Federation asks you to stress that
    Azerbaijan respect the OSCE Minsk Group mediation efforts in solving
    the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, withdraw the snipers along the line
    of contact, and accept the creation of a mechanism of investigation
    of incidents, which Armenia has already agreed to.

    At your speech at the ADA, we ask you to address all the above
    mentioned issues to the youth and the students, that it needs more
    than an oppressing regime to develop and democratize a country, and
    that for a lasting peace in the region, there should be confidence
    building measures between the peoples, mutual understanding, tolerance
    and acceptance.

    The 2% Azerbaijani gas flowing to Europe should not blind the EU
    Commission, should not make it accomplice to violations of the core EU
    values and rights, in the hope of signing a Strategic Modernization
    Partnership and an Association Agreement with Baku and the Aliyev
    regime, whose victims are the Azerbaijani people and the region.

    Yours faithfully,

    Kaspar Karampetian, President, European Armenian Federation for
    Justice & Democracy".
