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Syria govt retakes strategic town on Turkey border: army

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  • Syria govt retakes strategic town on Turkey border: army

    June 15 2014

    Syria govt retakes strategic town on Turkey border: army

    By: Agence France-Presse
    June 16, 2014 3:48 AM

    DAMASCUS - Syria's army said Sunday it had recaptured the strategic
    town of Kasab and the only border crossing with Turkey in Latakia
    province, after it fell to rebels almost three months ago.

    "After crushing many members of the mercenary terrorist gangs... units
    of our armed troops in collaboration with the (paramilitary) National
    Defence Force returned safety and security to Kasab this morning," an
    army statement said.

    Kasab, an Armenian town, is important because it is at the only border
    crossing with Turkey in sensitive Latakia province, heartland of the
    Alawite sect from which President Bashar al-Assad hails.

    On Sunday, a state television reporter broadcast a stand-up from the
    recaptured border crossing. The channel accused rebel backers Ankara
    and Doha of providing "terrorists" (rebels) with ambulances to
    transport their wounded.

    Activists and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights say Kasab was
    retaken a day after rebels including members of Syrian Al-Qaeda
    affiliate Al-Nusra Front withdrew without a fight, leaving only a
    small number of men behind.

    As they pulled back, Assad's troops backed by other pro-regime groups,
    among them Lebanon's powerful Hezbollah, advanced on the nearby
    village of Nabaein.

    By Sunday, the Britain-based Observatory said, pro-regime forces were
    back in control of Kasab -- the first time since it fell on March 21.

    Aside from Hezbollah fighters, the government forces, led by members
    of Syria's elite Republican Guard, had been boosted by Iranian troops,
    the Observatory said.

    Rebels were short on supplies and experienced Hezbollah fighters and
    Syrian special forces were able to advance, its director Rami Abdel
    Rahman said.

    Under frequent bombardment by government forces, Kasab was important
    for rebels who used it as a staging post to transport their wounded to
    Turkey, which backs the opposition.

    The Syrian government had accused Ankara of helping rebel groups to seize Kasab.

    From: A. Papazian