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ANKARA: US Congress to Consider Anti-Turkey Bill Under Shadow of Mos

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  • ANKARA: US Congress to Consider Anti-Turkey Bill Under Shadow of Mos

    Daily Sabah, Turkey
    June 14 2014


    Ragıp Soylu

    WASHINGTON, D.C. ` The U.S. House of Representative's Committee on
    foreign affairs will discuss a draft bill requiring the Secretary of
    State John Kerry to provide an annual report on confiscated Christian
    properties in Turkey, next week. The move comes in the midst of the
    abducted Turkish diplomats crisis in Mosul and the rapid escalation of
    violence in Iraq led by the militant jihadist group, Islamic State in
    Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). The current crisis necessitates a closer
    Turkish-American cooperation than ever before but, the ill-timed
    debate at the U.S. Congress presents a clear case of misplaced
    priorities by American lawmakers. The so-called "Turkey Christian
    Churches Accountability Act" is attempting to monitor the United
    States' efforts to survey and secure the unreturned Christian
    properties in Turkey and northern Cyprus which the act describes as
    "occupied by the Turkish military." The sponsor of the bill is senior
    member of the Republican Party Ed Royce, who is also the chairman of
    the committee.

    Royce has recently become more critical of the Turkish government and
    he even penned a letter to the Economist magazine on Friday slamming
    Prime Minister ErdoÄ?an for "causing American lawmakers to question the
    Turkish-American relationship." Democrat Congressman Eliot Engel is
    also pushing the bill forward by supporting the hearing and makeup
    process which will take place on June 18. Sources from the Turkish
    government told Daily Sabah that H.R. 347 is another initiative to
    distract the American government from the crucial issues that Turkey
    and the U.S. are working together on, such as the growing Syrian
    catastrophe and recent Iraqi crisis.

    Officials tend to blame Armenian and Greek lobbies for seeking
    meaningless revenge for Turkey's historical reminisces as the reason
    for pressing this act. The Armenian National Committee of America has
    already begun to conduct a campaign aimed at its followers, calling
    them to urge their representatives to support the bill. "The main
    inconsistency with this act is Turkey is already returning confiscated
    Christian properties to their owners," said the source. With a law
    being passed in 2011, Turkey's General Directorate for Foundations is
    returning the properties belonging to Christian and Jewish minorities
    that were registered with the Turkish government in 1936.

    Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ErdoÄ?an announced last summer that Turkey
    gave over $2.5 billion (TL 4.25 billion) worth of property back to
    foundations belonging to Christian and Jewish minorities in two years.
    Officials also stressed the importance of ongoing delicate
    negotiations between Greek and Turkish parties in Cyprus and warned
    Congress that any new act on this issue can change the balance and
    force parties to quit. "We have been talking to congressmen for a
    while and most of them are not aware what this bill means for Turkey.
    Armenian and Greek lobbies are just pressuring these people by using
    their base and don't think of the major foreign implications for both
    countries. They won't stop until they get what they want," the source
