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BAKU: Speeches Of Matthew Bryza And Armenian MPs Caused Scandal In N

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  • BAKU: Speeches Of Matthew Bryza And Armenian MPs Caused Scandal In N


    APA, Azerbaijan
    June 16 2014

    [ 16 Juny 2014 17:19 ]

    Baku. Mubariz Aslanov - APA. Speech of Matthew Bryza, former U.S.

    co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group and US ambassador to Azerbaijan,
    Director of the International Centre for Defence Studies caused
    scandal at the NATO PA seminar in Baku.

    APA reports that making speech at the second part of the 86th seminar
    of the NATO PA on "South Caucasus: Challenges and Opportunities", M.

    Bryza said that Azerbaijani and Armenian Presidents can not reach
    necessary level of mutual confidence for compromising and settlement
    of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict yet.

    Bryza noted that in spite of efforts by the OSCE Minsk Group for
    long years, the problem is still remaining unsolved: "It's needed to
    work hard to reduce usage of military version in the settlement of
    the conflict".

    Without mentioning reasons of the conflict, M. Bryza called on sides
    to compromise generally.

    Armenian delegation welcomed Bryza's speech and asked for speech out
    of the program. President of NATO PA Hugh Bayley called on them to
    stick to the time-limit. Thereafter, head of Armenian delegation
    Koryun Nahapetyan made speech. He demanded Azerbaijani side to
    withdraw snipers from frontline. Member of Azerbaijani delegation
    to NATO PA Gudrat Hasanguliyev commented on speeches of Bryza and
    Armenian delegation: "I always criticized M. Bryza's position and
    have to criticize again. Though, Bryza is an independent expert,
    he conducts himself as a worker of the US Department of State and
    expresses its position. Mr. Bryza, because of your spouse is Turk,
    Armenians did not allow you acting as an ambassador to Azerbaijan
    more than a year. Do you expect justice from them?"

    Thereafter, G. Hasanguliyev told Armenians delegation: "An agreement
    on settlement of the conflict was reached at the end of 1990s between
    Azerbaijan and Armenia. However, an execution in Armenian parliament
    ruined everything. Armenian's behavior shows that it is not needed
    to conduct negotiations with it. Because Armenia is afraid of Russia
    and they move under this fear. It would be better the talks to be
    held with Russia, but not Armenia. Since Karabakh war started, you
    have destroyed and banished all other nations. You changed Armenia to
    monoethnic country. Today, only strange nation in Armenia is servicemen
    of Russia's 102nd military base. What will you say about it?"

    Hasanguliyev also responded to Armenia's accusations on that Turkey
    supports Azerbaijan: "During the first years of Karabakh war, President
    Abulfaz Elchibey asked Turkey for a helicopter to evacuate people
    from Kalbajar in order to prevent second Khojaly massacre.

    Turkey did not respond to us. Instead of it, Turkey gave 5 tones of
    grain to Armenia. Why don't Armenian delegation focus on this?"

    Member of Armenian delegation Tevan Poghosyan spoke about Ramil
    Safarov. He tried to distort the UN resolutions.

    Head of Azerbaijani delegation to NATO PA Ziyafet Asgerov asked
    questions to Armenian delegation and Matthew Bryza: "Mr. Bryza,
    please, tell us what means Karabakh word? You don't know, let me tell
    you. Karabakh word is an original Azerbaijani word consisting of Kara
    Bakh (Black Garden). That's it is not Armenian word. This remained
    unchanged in medieval, period of Khanates, even USSR too. Mr. Bryza
    and Armenian counterparts where you address it will show that Karabakh
    is an Azerbaijani land. The article #1 of the UN SC resolution #822
    says: "The UN Security Country condemns occupation of Kalbajar and
    neighboring regions by Armenia and demands immediate liberation". Next
    article says: "Occupation of Aghdam and neighboring regions is
    condemned and it's demanded Armenian troops to withdraw from there".

    Resolution #874: "The UN condemns occupation of Zangilan and
    neighboring regions by Armenia and demands immediate liberation. Same
    documents on other regions include same texts. What do you need more?"

    Z.Asgerov criticized international community for being indifferent to
    occupation of Azerbaijani territories by Armenians: "The US destroyed
    Libya immediately after the UN SC resolutions, Iraq and other regions
    faced same policy due to chemical weapon. However, you could not find
    anything. Today, Iraqi people suffer torments, you know, I know too,
    but world community is not confused. Even, you destroyed Yugoslavia
    without any mandate of the UN. This is also your work, in your honest.

    Why is your honest so silent? However, the UN has resolutions
    regarding Nagorno Karabak for 20 years? Why are these resolutions
    still unfulfilled? You apply sanctions on Russia regarding Crimea,
    Ukraine. Why don't you impose sanctions on Armenia for 20 years? our
    territories also have been occupied. Mr. Fogh Rasmussen made a speech
    on Ukraine crisis at the NATO PA meeting in Lithuania. Why don't you
    make speech about Azerbaijan? Why don't you adopt resolution regarding
    Azerbaijan? Put an end to this double standards. Shame!"

    Z. Asgerov also told Armenians who caviled at "enemy" word used by
    Azerbaijan: "Armenian delegation says that Azerbaijani president
    called Armenia "enemy". Do we have to call it a friendly country? It
    occupied 20% of our territory, we have 1 mln of refugees. Now you
    demand us not to call you "enemy"? Mr. Armenian MPs you occupied
    Azerbaijan's lands your posts are in Zangilan, Gubadli, Fuzuli and
    other regions. Now you demand us to withdraw the snipers from them.

    We'll withdraw snipers when you ge back to your Armenia-Azerbaijan
    border. I defend my territory from my enemy. What does your sniper
    do there? What do you do where my snipers are?"

    The seminar is going on after break.
