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Iran And Turkey: Unlikely Duo Amid Regional Turmoil

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  • Iran And Turkey: Unlikely Duo Amid Regional Turmoil


    Al-Jazeera, Qatar
    June 16 2014

    Cooperation between Turkey and Iran is critical for the resolution
    of persisting conflicts in the Middle East.

    Last updated: 16 Jun 2014 14:06 Vartan Oskanian

    On every continent, there is a pair of neighbouring countries that are
    very similar, yet different. And throughout history, their rivalry or
    cooperation has made all the difference between turmoil and stability,
    between war and peace. Take France and Germany in Europe, China and
    India, Japan and South Korea in Asia, or Argentina and Brazil in
    South America.

    On the Eurasian landmass, one such pair is Iran and Turkey. Ever since
    the fall of the shah in 1979, Iran has held an unfavourable view of
    Turkey. Leaders of the Islamic revolution have always perceived the
    founder of the Turkish Republic, Kemal Ataturk, as an ally of Reza
    Shah, who founded the Pahlavi dynasty in the same period, and both
    were considered enemies of Islam. Also, Turkey, a member of NATO, was
    viewed as a close ally of the West, serving the interests of the United
    States and Israel. Furthermore, Turkey's effort to rise to the European
    model and join the EU was seen as a rejection of its Islamic heritage.

    Today's Turkey is very different from the Turkey of the early 1980s
    and even from the Turkey of the early period of the ruling Justice
    and Development Party (AKP) in the mid-2000s.

    For one thing, there is creeping Islamism eating at the fabric
    of secular Islam. Turkey today is deeply divided over its Muslim,
    secular and national identities and this schism is reflected in its
    foreign policy.

    Rouhani's visit

    Relations with Israel have soured, with the US shaken, and the
    EU ambivalent at best. Neither Turkey nor the West value Turkey's
    NATO membership as they had before. Hence today, Iran views Turkey
    differently than it did in the early days of the Islamic revolution.

    Last week, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani visited Turkey - the first
    president to have done so since 2008. Previous to this visit, Turkish
    Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu had attended Rouhani's inauguration
    and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had been to Tehran. Clearly,
    there is a warming of relations between the two.

    A possible nuclear deal between Iran and the West opens up entirely
    new cooperation opportunities for Iran and Turkey in the areas of
    security, economy and energy.

    There are three factors that need to be considered in assessing and
    understanding the motives behind the Turkish-Iranian rapprochement
    and possible cooperation: the deepening divide between Shia and Sunni
    in the greater Middle East, the optimistic chatter about a possible
    nuclear deal between Iran and the West, and the alarming developments
    in Syria and Iraq.

    And since Rouhani's visit to Ankara, a fourth factor has emerged which
    is more urgent than the other three: the recent and very consequential
    successes of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Iraq.

    Throughout history, Ottoman Turkey and Persia were locked in a
    religious struggle for the soul of Islam, as well as ideological
    influence and power in the region. In the 1920s, the emergence of
    nationalism in both countries wiped away the intense ideological
    confrontation between the centres of Shia and Sunni global power.

    After the Islamic revolution, Iran found no space for ideological
    confrontation with a secular Turkey. Since then, both sides have
    abandoned their extreme positions at the two poles, and have come
    to understand that the exploitation of Islam by fringe groups and
    terrorist organisations for quasi-political and sectarian aims could
    jeopardise the national and security interest of both countries. And
    it is up to the two states to begin to close the divide. Iran's recent
    overtures towards Saudi Arabia also had the same aim.

    Turkey does not want to be faced with a nuclear Iran, fearing the
    emergence of an asymmetric power relationship with the Islamic Republic
    after centuries of balanced ties. Thus, a possible nuclear deal between
    Iran and the West opens up entirely new cooperation opportunities
    for Iran and Turkey in the areas of security, economy and energy.

    Divided roles in Syria

    Turkey and Iran haven't seen eye to eye on Syria either. But now,
    they have to. The issue is no longer one of Syrian President Bashar
    al-Assad's departure. Nor is it even about Syria. It is about the
    spread of al-Qaeda and its affiliates, and their reach, influence
    and possible penetration of other borders. The conflict now is about
    preventing changes in the map of the region.

    Ironically, one may argue that today's situation in Iraq is also
    partly the extension of Turkey and Iran's opposing positions on Syria.

    While Iran helped sustain the Assad regime, Turkey helped the rebels
    and enabled their penetration into Syria. Now the conflict has extended
    to Iraq and evolved in such a way that ISIL successes have come to
    haunt both countries.

    The new emboldening in Iraq directly affects the interests of
    both Turkey and Iran. The swift incursion made by ISIL fighters in
    northwestern Iraq last week, and the threat that they now present to
    the capital Baghdad, made everyone shiver.

    If ISIL can hold Mosul and consolidate its presence there, it will
    have taken a giant step towards the break-up of Iraq along sectarian
    lines and the creation of an Islamist emirate that straddles Iraq
    and Syria. It could also lead to other changes to the borders that
    Britain and France imposed on the Middle East a century ago.

    Turkey is increasingly concerned about the growing reach of ISIL and
    has already clashed with militants on its border with Syria. Turkey
    is especially wary of the potential for attacks by ISIL - attacks that
    would exploit the long border that runs from the Mediterranean to Iran.

    Iran has long supported the regime in Syria, as well as, indirectly,
    Iraq's Nouri al-Maliki-led government in its fight against Sunni
    fighters. The growing reach of ISIL, and its ever-closer presence to
    Iran, has raised considerable anxiety in Tehran who has also hinted
    at assisting the United States in case of ground engagement in Iraq.

    Today more than ever, the understanding and cooperation between Turkey
    and Iran is critical for the resolution of the persisting conflicts
    and the long-term peace and stability in the larger Middle East.

    And finally there are the unpredictable developments in the Kurdish
    issue that could pit Turkey and Iran against each other. Both Iran
    and Turkey are influenced by each other's policies towards the Kurds.

    Kurdish tensions build

    In more recent history, Turkey and Iran have successfully kept the
    Kurdish problem out of their disagreements and tensions. Neither side
    used the Kurds on the other side of the border to incite instability
    and conflict. More than ever, they would like to keep it that way
    but that requires deeper cooperation on other issues of broader

    If the ISIL successes continue and the Baghdad government falls, there
    is no doubt that the Kurdish leadership will use this opportunity to
    achieve their long-sought independence. This clearly will change the
    entire nature and landscape, which will be at this stage, neither in
    Iran's nor Turkey's interest.

    If there ever was a time in the last three decades, where there was
    a confluence of interests between them, it's now. Indeed, today more
    than ever, the understanding and cooperation between Turkey and Iran
    is critical for the resolution of the persisting conflicts and the
    long-term peace and stability in the larger Middle East. And it seems
    they both know it.

    Vartan Oskanian is a member of Armenia's National Assembly, a former
    foreign minister and the founder of Yerevan's Civilitas Foundation.


    The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not
    necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial policy.
