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Meet The Man Who Dresses The Politicians

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  • Meet The Man Who Dresses The Politicians


    Sacramento Business Journal
    June 17 2014

    Ed Goldman

    John Boghossian is a tailor, a clothier and a walking United Nations.

    He speaks Arabic, Turkish, French, Armenian and English (though with
    the latter, he leaves out the occasional conjunction, preposition
    or modifier). On top of this, Boghossian -- the founder and owner of
    Vanini European Clothier, the downtown men's store that's specialized
    in Italian-made attire since opening in 1997 -- was born in Lebanon.

    "People think I'm Italian when they come in store," he says, despite
    his Armenian surname and thick accent. Boghossian knows he has only
    himself to blame. When he opened Vanini on L Street, directly across
    from the State Capitol, he knew he'd be selling Italian clothes and
    wanted the store to have an Italian name. "It was a little joke,"
    he says. "There is a big lake in eastern Turkey, Lake Van. I add the
    'ini' (eeny) and what do you know, we're Italian!"

    We're sitting in comfortable chairs next to the wall of windows that
    affords Boghossian and his clients a lively view of the big dome
    and the bustling by of lobbyists, attorneys, legislative staffers
    and tourists. Boghossian shows me a tiny, crinkly old photo of his
    late father, who also was a tailor and also had a store next to a
    capitol -- in this instance, the parliament building in Beirut. "We
    both dress the politicians," he says in his low, warm voice.

    One of the more notable politicians that Boghossian helped keep in
    style for many years was former Assemblyman Willie Brown, who famously
    went on to become the equally dapper mayor of San Francisco -- where,
    Boghossian shrugs, Brown now buys his clothes (Brown is an acknowledged
    Wilkes Bashford guy). Boghossian recalls meeting the take-no-prisoners
    Brown one morning years ago when he came into the store, accompanied
    by his bodyguard.

    "He was wearing nice suit but I tell him, 'Take that tie off your
    neck. It doesn't go with your suit.' He says to me, 'Do you know who
    I am? I'm the speaker of the Assembly.' And I say, 'Well, do you know
    who I am? I'm the king of this shop. And I say it's a bad tie.'

    "So Willie Brown says, 'Already I like you, you son-of-a-bitch!'"
    Boghossian says that Brown used to drop by "when there was tension
    in the Capitol -- so some years he came by a lot. He'd walk through
    the door and say, 'John! Where's my scotch?'"

    Tomorrow, Boghossian recalls his years working in Beverly Hills as a
    tailor -- and sometimes a manners consultant -- to the stars. Please
    join us. Business attire is suggested.
