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Drama At NATO PA Seminar In Azerbaijan: Offences Sounded In Address

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  • Drama At NATO PA Seminar In Azerbaijan: Offences Sounded In Address


    20:12 17/06/2014 >> REGION

    The second day of the 86th NATO Parliamentary Assembly Rose-Roth
    seminar titled "The South Caucasus: Challenges and Opportunities"
    was marked by scandal. In particular, representatives of Azerbaijan
    threatened "to punish" Armenian MP, Tevan Poghosyan's father, sounded
    offences in address of the Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan as well as
    the former President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan, and called Armenia a
    "terrorist state."

    In their turn, the Armenian delegation reminded about the Sumgait
    massacres, openly accused Azerbaijan of beginning the Karabakh conflict
    and militarization.

    According to the Azerbaijani news agency "APA", Armenian delegation
    member Tevan Poghosyan accused Azerbaijan of conducting massacres
    against Armenian population of Sumgait in 1988. In response, the head
    of the Azerbaijani delegation to the NATO PA, first deputy chairman
    of the Azerbaijani Parliament Ziyafet Asgarov suddenly announced that
    the Azerbaijani Military Prosecutor's Office conducts an investigation
    against Tevan Poghosyan's father, who has allegedly committed "bloody
    crimes" against Azerbaijanis in Karabakh.

    "Your father, the murderer, will soon be found through Interpol and
    punished. You will see it very soon," Asgarov said.

    Turning to the topic of Sumgait events Asgarov stated that "these
    events were triggered by the Soviet KGB" and "by your Grigoryan."

    As "APA" states, the head of the Armenian delegation to NATO PA
    Koryun Nahapetyan openly accused Azerbaijan. He stated that over the
    last 7 years Azerbaijan's military budget has increased by 20 times,
    noting that this is a real threat in the region. He demanded a harsh
    reaction of the NATO PA in this regard.

    Later on, Armenian MP Tevan Poghosyan accused Azerbaijan of instigating
    the Karabakh conflict. Tevan Poghosyan said that on the eve of the
    collapse of the Soviet Union a large amount of weapons and ammunition
    remained in Azerbaijan and Baku used these weapons.

    Then the head of the Azerbaijani delegation to the NATO PA, First
    Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Azerbaijan Ziyafat Asgarov took
    the floor. He stated that the "Armenian delegation has been making a
    provocation in Baku" and tries "to blacken Azerbaijan in front of the
    NATO PA." Further on, Asgarov turned to the Assembly representatives
    with a question, whether "a state the 20% of territory of which is
    occupied should increase its military budget or not."

    Azerbaijani MP stated that allegedly the Armenians "had organized
    more than 30 terrorist attacks" in Azerbaijan and had committed "the
    Khojalu genocide." He also referred to a list of Armenian officers
    allegedly "wanted by Interpol."

    Asgarov demanded NATO PA to highlight the given "facts." Head of
    the Azerbaijani delegation demanded the expulsion of the Armenian
    delegation from the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. This requirement
    Asgarov substantiated by the fact that NATO had suspended the relations
    with Russia and had deprived of the right to vote in NATO PA for two
    years. And Asgarov is concerned with the fact that Armenia is not
    yet excluded from this structure.

    According to the Azerbaijani news agency "" Asgarov stated
    allegedly Armenia "conducts terror on state level," and called the
    Armenian presidents "terrorists."

    According to the news agency, the head of the Armenian delegation to
    NATO PA Koryun Nahapetyan noted that in the military sphere Azerbaijan
    violates international limits, including the OSCE requirements.

    Azerbaijani MP Zahid Oruc stated that "Azerbaijan is not intended to
    turn into a militarist state," but he is "forced to."

    According to the Azerbaijani news portal, during the
    workshop, the head of the Azerbaijani Institute of Peace and Democracy
    Leyla Yunus turned to Colonel Elmar Samedov, head of military strategy
    and defense department of the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry. She noted
    that each year dozens of soldiers die in Azerbaijani Armed Forces
    and those deaths are not caused by the Armenian snipers.

    "The army is mired in corruption, although it is supposed to be
    professional. Colonel Samedov is supposed to talk about creating a
    professional army," said Leyla Yunus.

    News portal also notes that members of the Armenian delegation Richard
    Giragosian, Tevan Poghosyan and Koryun Nahapetyan were present at the
    official dinner in the Azerbaijani parliament and raised a toast to the
    independence of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. Director of the Regional
    Studies Center, analyst Richard Giragosian was also participating in
    Rose-Roth seminar. He wrote about the toast on his Twitter microblog.
