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How Is Armenia Going To Strike Pipelines?

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  • How Is Armenia Going To Strike Pipelines?


    Hakob Badalyan, Political Commentator
    Comments - Thursday, 19 June 2014, 12:11

    NATO Parliamentary Assembly's Rose-Roth seminar discussed security
    of energy projects. The issue was brought up by Azerbaijan which
    inquired whether NATO will defend energy projects, pipelines if
    Armenia strikes them. Novruzov of the Azerbaijani delegation asked
    NATO officials whether NATO will protect the pipelines if Russia
    threatens them through its partner Armenia.

    Baku is actually playing a double game. On the one hand, it is
    discussing the division of Artsakh with Russia through a prospective
    war. On the other hand, it is trying to get guarantees of security
    of pipelines from NATO. No doubt Moscow has passed the issue of these
    guarantees to Azerbaijan. For the Kremlin, the security of pipelines
    is a chance of legitimization of the Caucasian war.

    During the seminar, deputy representative of NATO PA Mediterranean
    and Middle East Special Group Paolo Alli called Armenians to be
    careful with their statements, Radio Liberty informed, referring to
    the Azerbaijani press.

    Earlier, the head of the Armenian delegation, Republican Koryun
    Nahapetyan had stated in response to Azerbaijan's motions that the
    energy projects will be threatened if Armenia is left out of them.

    It is hard to tell how weighted the opinion of the deputy
    representative of NATO PA GSM Paolo Alli is and whether it is an
    official position, but he has stated that as long as Azerbaijan is
    not a NATO member, it cannot have a direct participation in provision
    of the security of pipelines. Although, Alli said, transportation
    of carbohydrates is important to them, and they will focus on their

    In fact, Azerbaijan has not been refused provision of security of
    pipelines, which may indicate directly some probability of military
    actions. Interestingly, Serzh Sargsyan gave an interview to the Public
    Television and announced that Armenia is getting armed but does not
    say it out loud. Why has Serzh Sargsyan announced about it now during
    the visit of the Russian foreign minister Lavrov to Baku before his
    visit to Georgia along with the NATO seminar.

    The response of the NATO functionary indicates that the issue of
    activation of military actions is at least possible to discuss.

    Armenia's threats to hit the pipelines are at least losing their
    urgency. Yerevan mistakenly believes that Russia will be its ally
    in this.

    In reality, Russia is not interested in allowing a strike to
    pipelines. Russia is not resolving any issue. Moreover, it is
    complicating relations with Turkey and Azerbaijan. Meanwhile, they
    are the key regional partners of Moscow in the discussion of division
    of the Caucasus.

    NATO could be Armenia's ally if the pipelines are targeted which
    would thus contain the enthusiasm of Turkey and Azerbaijan to agree
    on dividing the Caucasian pie with Armenian stuffing. Nevertheless,
    statements made during the seminar in Baku hint that NATO is not
    encouraged by the prospect of cooperation with Armenia on this matter.

    At the same time, this is not something unexpected, considering that
    one of the chief guarantees of maintaining peace - the sovereignty of
    Armenia - has been destroyed by Armenia itself under Russian guidance,
    disturbing the balance in the region.

    - See more at:

    From: Baghdasarian